Immortal World Supplier

Chapter 983 Amazing

This time, Gai Kun is not only satisfied with letting monks from Jieyu City join the Immortal Mansion, but the specific number.

All the few who are going to participate must enter! Their Boundary City will usher in a comprehensive development! What a joy and excitement this is!

Boundary City will usher in the vigorous development and rise for the first time in so many years.

Overlord city? Don't make it easy!

"Well! I know brother..."

Gai Yu turned his eyes strangely, and couldn't help but glance at Fang Qi, and there was a sense of cleverness in his eyes.

"I'm waiting for you! Let's go together! I like you!"

This little girl's courage is getting bigger and bigger, and she doesn't know how to be ashamed in public, so she just said these words directly, Fang Qi smashed her mouth, her face full of helplessness.

What can he do at this time? Apart from expressing helplessness, I could only turn my head away, as if I didn't hear you.

"Hey! Another one from Boundary City..."

"Could it be that they still want a three-peat!"

"Mad's... this appetite is too big... let people live?"

"Boundary City is about to take off and rise!"

"Hey! It's amazing! It's really awesome!"

"The next overlord's city is really not sure who will win it... I was really optimistic about Hongyan City before, but now it seems that Boundary City is not bad..."

"There is also Sifang City... I seem to have an idea this year..."

"Currently, there is an existence of Immortal Fate 1 Chi 7 in Sifang City. Although his cultivation base is a bit low, I think his future is even greater!"

"In this way, Hongyan City has become the least hopeful?"

"Hey...that's really the case!"

Listening to everyone's discussion, the face of the lord of Hongyan City, Ji Daokang, became darker and darker.

What do these guys mean? humiliate him? Still look down on him?

Is that what he said? Said he was the least hopeful?

He Ji Daokuang is the strongest in the entire Eastern Wasteland, who will compete with him?

His son is the strongest genius in Donghuang, a tiger father has no dogs!

They are the best!

"Huh! A bunch of ignorant people! They don't know anything and just talk nonsense there! It's disgusting!"

"I'd like to see if their Boundary City can last till the end!"

"The Seed Seed Conference is not just a test of Xianyuan..."

Ji Daokang clenched his hands tightly, murderous look in his eyes.

These ants... are really ignorant to the extreme! What are they trying to do? She obviously didn't take him seriously!

Is this trying to drift away completely? Just be damned!

Something like this... deserves to be slapped to death...

The corners of Ji Daokang's mouth twitched, and he subconsciously took a deep breath, the corners of his mouth involuntarily raised.

"Xianyuan, one foot...huh? Still rising? Two feet...two feet one...two feet two...two feet three...two feet seven!"

"My God! Xianyuan is... actually two feet seven!"


"You... what's your name?"

Shu Ke gasped, his surprise made him unable to speak a complete sentence.

The fairy fate of two feet seven is already the top level of the fairy mansion.

Someone like him is simply not qualified to cross over.

How could someone with such qualifications come from such a remote place?

"Two feet seven? Is this little girl destined to be two feet seven?"

"Shu Ke, Xu Rou, have you taken the test carefully?"

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