Immortal Young Man on Campus

Chapter 1016: Heavenly Sword

Qingcheng's determination has been made, and he will not waver at all.

Yu Mo looked at her in surprise. Compared with her, Qingyou Sanren was slightly inferior.

Although Qingyou Sanren was her master and her cultivation was higher than hers, she was much less courageous. After seeing Yu Mo defeating Changshan Zhenren, she didn't dare to stand up.

The older you are, the less courageous you are.

Yu Mo couldn't help but admire Qingcheng and asked, "Have you made up your mind?"

Qingcheng raised his chest and nodded with a guilty conscience: "Yes!"


Suddenly, Xia Baichuan woke up like a dream, and shouted: "Yu Mo, what are you, it's your turn to call the shots here, I'm not dead yet."


Everyone turned to look at him.

Xia Baichuan's face was red, his ears were red, and his eyes were also red, and said, "Zhenshan Changshan was negligent, so he was punished by you. Do you think that a momentary fluke can determine the final outcome?" Yu Mo said with a smile: "Yes, you If you don't make a sound, I almost forgot you, you, the distinguished guest of Lingshan, is the point."

This Xia Baichuan came from another world and must know many secrets. He couldn't kill him easily, but he had to pry his mouth open, which was the most valuable.

Xia Baichuan regained his demeanor and said, "You dare to oppose me, your courage is not ordinary, you have no idea what you are provoking."

"You tell me, I won't know." Yu Mo deliberately rigged.

"Haha, you lowly cultivator, you don't deserve to know." Xia Baichuan laughed wildly.

Yu Mo's eyelids twitched a few times. Xia Baichuan's contempt for practitioners that penetrated into his bones made Yu Mo furious. He walked towards him step by step and said, "I don't deserve to know, hehe, then pry your mouth open."

"Pry my mouth open?" Xia Baichuan seemed to hear a big joke, pointed to the tip of his nose, and said, "It's really not afraid of those who don't know, then I'll let you know the true nature of cultivators and warriors. difference."

As soon as the words fell, Xia Baichuan had a knife in his hand.

This knife is deliberately full, but it exudes bloodthirsty murderous aura.

"It seems that you are good at using knives. I know a master with knives. I don't know whether your knives are stronger or weaker than his." Yu Mo said lightly, and he was referring to the mad knife.

I am deeply impressed by Yu Mo's knife skills.

When he saw Xia Baichuan using a knife, he naturally thought of Crazy Blade.

"Hehe, how can your swordsmanship be compared to mine, I am the Heavenly Sword." Xia Baichuan's aura changed subtly, and a wild and domineering aura emerged spontaneously.

Heavenly Sword!

Yu Mo frowned slightly, never heard the name before, it should be a sword technique from another world.

"Then I'll see your Heavenly Sword." Yu Mo charged up with the sword.

"Baichuan meets the sea!"

Xia Baichuan let out a loud roar, as if a small universe had erupted. The violent aura spread out in all directions from the center of him, and the knife in his hand slashed outwards.

Boom boom boom!

It was as if hundreds of rivers flowed endlessly, mighty and galloping, rushing towards Yu Mo like a broken bamboo.

One sword, the Milky Way falls for nine days!

The first move of the robbery sword.

The barrier has been broken, the dark clouds in the sky are pressing on top, and they are suspended above the heads of everyone. When this move is performed, the sword light converges, and a galaxy tears the dark clouds and floats in the air.

The galaxy falls, facing the enemy.

Bang bang bang!

The sword light shattered.

The sword light contained in Baichuan Huihai's move directly lifted Yu Mo high and flew out far away.

Yu Mo's eyes widened, and he looked in horror at the mighty sword light around him. This was really more powerful than my madness for the sword. This day's sword lives up to its name, but he underestimated Xia Baichuan.

No wonder Xia Baichuan had no fear.

He is not a soft persimmon, not only has an amazing background, but also has a backer, and his own kung fu is also very good.

Yu Mo fell behind the crowd, and then stopped.

But the power of Baichuanhuihai's move has also been exhausted.

The swords clashed, and Yu Mo was defeated.

Yu Mo raised his head and stared at Xia Baichuan from a distance, thinking to himself, my defeat in this move does not mean that the robbery sword is inferior to the Heavenly Sword. My robbery sword is not yet perfect, it is just a prototype.

This Heavenly Sword must be a famous swordsmanship in another world, and my self-created Jiejian can compete with it, even if defeated.

"Hahaha!" Yu Mo laughed, not at all discouraged.

Others didn't know why, and shouted anxiously: "Sect Master, what's the matter with you?"

Yu Mo waved his hand and said, "The Heavenly Sabre really lives up to its reputation. It was just the Baichuanhuihai in the Heavenly Sword. What about other moves?"

Yu Mo walked step by step, and everyone parted ways. Seeing that Yu Mo was no different, and he was not knocked down by this knife, he was relieved.

Phoenix's eyes lit up, Yu Mo's heart became more and more tenacious, and he was not defeated by this knife.

To be honest, Phoenix's eyes lit up when he saw this sword and hundreds of rivers converge, this is really a peerless sword technique.

Xia Baichuan looked at Yu Mo in astonishment. After he was defeated, he still had such an aura. Instead of being defeated, he was eager to try and challenge him with more moves.

"What's the use of not being afraid of death? If you are not afraid of death, you will only die faster!" Xia Baichuan said with a livid face.

"Hehe, whether you will die quickly or not, you will know if you try it." Yu Mo moved his muscles and bones, eager to try, beckoned, and said, "Come on, don't be long-winded."

Xia Baichuan hesitated for a moment, then said, "If you want death with all your heart, then I will fulfill you." The knife in his hand was raised, and a shocking roar burst out from his throat: "Yueyong River!"

There seemed to be a river in front of Yu Mo's eyes. It was formed by the gathering of sword light. Above the river, a bright moon rose.

Huh? Yu Mo's eyes lit up, isn't this similar to his Sunrise Donghai Sword Ruyang?

"Hahaha!" Yu Mo laughed wildly: "The Sunrise East Sea sword is like the sun!"

A round of scorching sun rose into the sky, completely dispelling the remaining dark clouds in the sky. Above the sky, the sun fell, which just complemented this round of scorching sun.

In an instant, there was only bright light left between heaven and earth, and the brilliance of the rising moon was overwhelmed.

The sun was dazzling, and everyone closed their eyes subconsciously, only to hear the rumbling noise of the confrontation in their ears, as if the river and the sea were rushing against each other, the waves crashed on the shore, and the roars continued.

In the next second, the world became quiet again.

Everyone slowly opened their eyes, and the dazzling light had dissipated.

Yu Mo and Xia Baichuan stood opposite each other, one holding a sword and the other holding a knife.

"Impossible! How does your swordsmanship have the same artistic conception as mine?"

Xia Baichuan was stunned and said to himself: "I am the Heavenly Sword, the supreme swordsmanship. How could you be a mere mortal with a swordsmanship comparable to that of the Heavenly Sword."

Xia Baichuan had seen Sunrise Donghai Jian Ruyang's move before, but it was Yu Mo and Chang Shan Zhenren fighting.

Xia Baichuan only saw the uniform shape, but did not really appreciate the essence of this move.

At this moment, he experienced it personally, and only then did he have a deep understanding. It was because of this that his mood was so ups and downs.

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