Immortal Young Man on Campus

Chapter 1018: Come two, kill a pair!

The real person Chang Shan looked at Yu Mo in horror and asked, "Since you already know his identity, why do you still dare to kill him?"

"Haha, it is because I know his identity that I will kill him. Because, either he is dead or I am dead." Yu Mo sneered.

"When you kill him, you stabbed a hornet's nest, and the people behind him will not let you go." Chang Shan Zhenzhen said angrily.

Yu Mo shook his head: "Don't scare me."

As he said that, he deliberately approached Changshan Master. Changshan Master and Qingcheng had no way to retreat. Qingcheng stood in front of Yu Mo and looked at him nervously.

Yu Mo lowered his voice and whispered: "Real Changshan, in fact, I have always had a guess, I don't know if it is right."

"What guess?"? "Not everyone in that world can come to our world. Otherwise, why would they use your hands to fight for this great way? Wouldn't it be easier for them to directly kill the practitioners in the world?"

Yu Mo said while observing the reaction of the real person Chang Shan.

Sure enough, after listening to Yu Mo's words, Chang Shan's real person had a great reaction.

Yu Mo knew it, and continued: "They must be restricted by something, so there are only a few people, or people who are not outrageously powerful, right?"

The real person Changshan closed his mouth tightly, as if he was afraid that he would say half a word and reveal the information.

But the twitching of the corners of his mouth was enough to explain a lot.

Yu Mo smiled contentedly: "I see, I guessed it right."

Chang Shan's face suddenly turned like white paper.

Qingcheng kept his ears up and listened to the words without saying a word. In fact, he didn't know much about Lingshan's secrets, and this time he gradually understood.

When he saw Chang Shan's reaction, Qingcheng was amazed. Yu Mo, an outsider, even guessed the truth about something she didn't know.

How did he do it? ? Qingcheng looked at Yu Mo with a hint of awe.

"Actually, I wasn't quite sure before. When I met Xia Baichuan this time, I confirmed my guess." Yu Mo added: "If I kill him, the people in that world will definitely hate me, but they can't either. What about me. The big deal, they send more people, come one, I will kill one, come two, I will kill a pair."

Yu Mo's face was full of smiles, which made Qingcheng's heart tremble, and gradually realized that the gap between himself and Yu Mo was getting bigger and bigger.

At least, she couldn't say these words with a smile.

Come one, kill one, come two, kill a pair!

Really domineering!

Qingcheng could not deny this.

"You don't want to kill yourself, but also to kill Lingshan." Chang Shan Zhenzhen trembled with anger, and finally spoke.

"Yo, I finally spoke. I killed Lingshan, I don't care. After all, it was you Lingshan who wanted to hurt me first, and didn't come and go." Yu Mo shrugged and said indifferently.

Qingcheng gritted his teeth: "You are so cruel!"

Yu Mo burst into laughter: "Hahaha, Qingcheng, your double standards are too powerful. I'm not cruel, so I'll die in your hands sooner? You're not kind to me at all."

Qingcheng was speechless, and could not help but doubt whether Lingshan's decision was correct.

They had nothing to do with Yu Mo, but provoke him just because of his cultivator status, is it really worth it? Is it really wise?

Chang Shan Zhenren was like a deflated ball, staring at Yu Mo blankly, and said weakly: "Is it really necessary to go this far? We can sit down and talk, after all, you still have the identity of a warrior, and there was a precedent for the pavilion owner in the past. We are not necessarily unable to follow the old system and live in peace with each other.”

Yu Mo pouted and said disdainfully: "Hmph, you are embarrassed to say that before, you didn't dare to provoke the pavilion master, you were a tortoise. Now it's me, and you scream and kill, it's not to bully the soft and fear the hard, think I'm good Bully."

"Unfortunately, I, Yu Mo, are a hard bone. It's not that easy to chew, so be careful with your teeth." Yu Mo laughed at himself.

Changshan Zhenren regretted his death. If he had known this earlier, he would never have been so reckless.

But there is no regret medicine in the world.

"Does Lingshan really want to bear the anger of that world?" The real person of Changshan thought to himself: "No, there must be other ways. We must not let Lingshan bear the anger, and Lingshan will be finished."

Seeing his eyes flickering, Yu Mo must have been thinking about ways to do it. Yu Mo didn't care, he directly hugged his shoulders and said to Qingcheng, "Qingcheng, Lingshan is going to end, what are your plans?"

Qingcheng glared at Yu Mo fiercely, without saying a word.

"You are more courageous and upright than the people in Lingshan. Although it's a bit stupid, it's not bad. Are you going to be buried with Lingshan? That's really a pity." Yu Mo sighed.

"I was born from Lingshan, and died as a ghost of Lingshan." Qingcheng said word by word.

Yu Mo stood in awe, gave a thumbs up, and praised: "What a guts, amazing!"

Qingcheng didn't know if he was sarcastic or sincere, so he snorted coldly and turned his head away.

Suddenly, she saw a familiar figure, her eyes lit up, and she shouted: "Buddha!"

Yu Mo's brows twitched, and he turned his head to look. He saw that Buddha appeared at some point, standing in the crowd, watching this scene with neither sadness nor joy.

The Buddha had not appeared before, and Yu Mo thought he was not here, but at this moment, he appeared again.

Tianlong Temple and Lingshan were the sects that survived the Great Dao battle, and Yu Mo couldn't guess the mind of the Buddha. However, he had a good impression of the Buddha and nodded to the Buddha.

The Buddha nodded in return and walked step by step.

The crowd automatically parted a path, and the Buddha walked over leisurely.

As if seeing the dawn of hope, Qingcheng said anxiously: "Buddha, please help us quickly."

The Buddha said calmly, "Master Yu, what's going on, everyone is from the rivers and lakes, why do you want to fight and kill?"

Yu Mo didn't know if he knew what to ask, or if he really didn't see what happened just now, and said, "Buddha, Lingshan is going to kill me, what do you think I should do?" "Oh, and this matter, this is the fault of Lingshan. That's it." The Buddha suddenly realized, said.

Qingcheng looked at him in astonishment and said, "Buddha, are you helping us or him?"

"I don't help anyone." The Buddha said lightly: "I am a monk, and I have no competition with the world." "You are a Buddha of Tianlong Temple, how can you say such a thing? If the abbot hears it, it will definitely be very sad." Qingcheng was furious.

The Buddha smiled and said, "This is what the abbot taught me."

Qingcheng opened his mouth and was speechless.

Yu Mo looked at the Buddha with interest, pointed to the flame, and said, "Buddha, the people behind Lingshan are fighting in the flames, do you know those people in Tianlong Temple?"

"I don't know." The Buddha said inscrutable: "So, it has nothing to do with me."

"Haha, Buddha, I really didn't see the wrong person." Yu Mo breathed a sigh of relief and laughed.

The Buddha stared at Yu Mo, pointed at Qingcheng, Qingyou Sanshen, and Changshan Zhenren, and said calmly, "I don't know that person, but I know a few of them."

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