Immortal Young Man on Campus

Chapter 1039: dead duck mouth

Gu Ziqing looked at the demon in the mirror in horror, screaming hysterically, Yu Mo quickly hugged her and comforted: "Ziqing, calm down."

Gu Ziqing didn't mess up when facing the demons, but when she looked at herself in the mirror, she was completely messed up.

Gu Ziqing raised her head and saw Yu Mo hugging her tightly. Her heart warmed and she felt a sense of security. It was like a small boat had found the harbor. The screaming stopped abruptly, and she asked, "What's wrong with me?"

Yu Mo said: "This should be the effect of Qianhuan Divine Art."

"Thousand Illusory Magic?" Gu Ziqing's eyes widened in surprise, and his appearance became more and more hideous.

But Yu Mo still didn't let go.

Gu Ziqing glanced at the mirror sideways, and quickly retracted her gaze, but with a quick glance, she saw Yu Mo hugging her tightly, even she couldn't bear her appearance, Yu Mo even hugged her.

A trace of sweet happiness emerged spontaneously, gradually dispelling her fear, and asked softly, "Aren't you afraid of me like this?"

Yu Mo laughed dumbly: "What am I afraid of? I said that I would take care of you for the rest of my life, so how could I break my promise just because you changed your appearance."

What Yu Mo said was very natural, and it was from the bottom of his heart.

After Gu Ziqing heard it, she was so moved that she still had some resentment against him, but it vanished.

"You are so kind to me." Gu Ziqing said emotionally.

"Should be."

"What should I do now?" Gu Ziqing regained his calm and asked worriedly.

"You can definitely restore your original appearance. Look at Qianhuan Divine Art, there must be an answer." Yu Mo comforted.

Gu Ziqing nodded, and immediately searched for the answer in Qianhuan Divine Art. After a while, her eyes lit up and she shouted: "Yes!"

"Is there a way?" Yu Mo asked in surprise.

Gu Ziqing nodded overjoyedly and said impatiently, "I'll restore my original appearance first."

Although Yu Mo didn't dislike it, she herself disliked this appearance.

Gu Ziqing immediately performed the Thousand Illusory Magic, and after a while, her body underwent earth-shaking changes, and turned into a beautiful and beautiful appearance. Seeing all this, Yu Mo widened his eyes in surprise and was deeply curious.

"Have I returned to my original appearance?" Gu Ziqing asked timidly after casting the spell.

Yu Mo looked at the beautiful face close at hand, smiled, and said softly, "Yes, you have recovered."

Gu Ziqing was overjoyed, and hurriedly turned her head to look in the mirror, she was indeed a beautiful model, her heart was overjoyed, she was about to cheer, but found that Yu Mo was still holding her tightly.

From the beginning to the end, Yu Mo didn't let go of his hand, all kinds of tenderness immediately flooded into her heart, her eyes became soft, like the flowing autumn waves, full of affection.

Yu Mo let go of his hand and said, "It's good to recover."

Gu Ziqing stretched out his hand like lightning and firmly grasped Yu Mo's hand.

Yu Mo was stunned for a moment, looked at the clasped hands, and then looked at Gu Ziqing.

At this moment, Gu Ziqing quickly kissed him on the lips, then shrank back, her face flushed.

Yu Mo looked at Gu Ziqing blankly, as if struck by lightning.

She even took the initiative to kiss him. Is this the sun coming out of the west?

Yu Mo was overjoyed, his heart swayed, he couldn't help but leaned up and wanted to kiss Gu Ziqing.

Gu Ziqing's movements were faster than him. With a swish, he released his hand, retreated from a distance, looked at him narrowly, and said coquettishly, "Don't even think about doing bad things."

Yu Mo didn't know whether to laugh or cry.

Obviously you kissed me first, why can't I kiss you?

He looked at Gu Ziqing resentfully, and Gu Ziqing glanced at him smugly, unmoved.


Yu Mo sighed inwardly. A woman's heart is deep in the bottom of the sea, but she can't reason with her. He shook his head angrily and said, "It's fine if you're not in serious trouble. How are you digesting the magic power of the devil?"

Gu Ziqing's face changed, and he returned to seriousness, saying, "I have completely refined the magic power of the devil, which is less than I thought. Is the devil really so weak?"

Yu Mo's heart moved, and he pondered: "The devil is powerful, there is no doubt about this, which is evident from the reaction of the devil. Just by being blessed by the devil, you can become the leader of the devil. For so many years, it is conceivable that the devil is What a powerful force, its leader is naturally even more difficult. But the demon **** we saw was not very powerful, otherwise, we would not be able to kill him."

Yu Mo had a deeper and more intuitive feeling after having fought against the devil.

Gu Ziqing was thoughtful and did not question Yu Mo's words, but asked curiously, "Then what's going on?"

"The world of the devil **** and our world are two completely different worlds, and there must be barriers between different worlds. Therefore, the devil **** cannot really come to our world, and even if it does come, its strength will be greatly reduced. It's just a part of the power, or even just a clone."

This is Yu Mo's long-deliberate answer.

Gu Ziqing looked at him in surprise and said, "A part of the power? Could it be that I didn't really kill that demon god, and he will come back, maybe he will come to me for revenge?"

Yu Mo was startled and thought of this, and said angrily, "I can't rule out this possibility."

Gu Ziqing frowned and said sullenly, "It's really troublesome, I sent one away, and there are other demons."

"Hahaha, don't worry, since there are restrictions in different worlds, the devil will not be so strong when he comes to our world. If you can kill him the first time, you can naturally kill him the second time." Yu He didn't care, he laughed loudly and comforted.

Gu Ziqing's eyes lit up and smiled: "It makes sense, but I have to work harder to cultivate."

But when he thought of Qianhuan Divine Art, Gu Ziqing frowned again and said, "Why are the side effects of Qianhuan Divine Art like this? If I turn into a demon again, how can I go out to meet people?"

"Qianhuan Divine Art is to absorb other people's skills and change into the other party's appearance, but this is also controllable. As long as you control this change, it is not a bad thing. In fact, when you just became a demon god, I felt Your strength is very powerful, stronger than you are now." Yu Mo recalled.

Gu Ziqing thoughtfully, lowered his head to recall for a while, and said, "You are right, my strength was really much stronger at that time, and I am only now in the late stage of inedia cultivation."

"The late stage of bigu?" Yu Mo was stunned, and said incredulously, "Aren't you the late stage of foundation building?"

Gu Ziqing smiled proudly: "That was before. Now that I have refined the power of the devil, it is already in the late stage of bigu."

Yu Mo stared at her blankly, with bitterness in his heart. He has always boasted that his cultivation speed is fast, but compared with Gu Ziqing, it is much slower.

With her three-level rise in a row, it won't be long before she catches up with his cultivation.

Gu Ziqing saw through his mind and asked slyly, "Are you afraid? Do you have a sense of urgency?"

Yu Mo quickly denied it and said righteously, "I don't have it. You are in the late stage of inedia, and you are very different from me."

"Hmph, a dead duck has a hard mouth." Gu Ziqing pouted.

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