Immortal Young Man on Campus

Chapter 1103: stone statue change

Yu Mo raised his head and looked at the stone statue, his eyes widened uncontrollably, and exclaimed, "How could this be?"

The two and the three ghosts were shocked.

Mad Saber turned to Yu Mo, thoughtfully, and said, "Yu Mo, we came earlier. The face of this stone statue is just a stone, and it doesn't have a specific appearance, right?"

Yu Mo nodded.

That's what made him so surprised.

But now the face of the stone statue has changed, and a part of the face has been carved.

Who did this?

Is it difficult that someone came to carve it during the day?

Yu Mo subconsciously looked at Crazy Blade.

Looking at each other, Crazy Saber understood Yu Mo's eyes, and said quickly, "I stayed in the temple for most of the night, it's definitely not like this, I don't have this new face."

This can be interesting.

Did this face appear out of thin air?

Suddenly, Yu Mo found that the eyes of the three ghosts looking at him were intriguing and seemed to contain deep meaning.

Yu Mo's heart moved, remembering their exclamations. Logically speaking, they had never seen Shi Xiang before, how could they have such a big reaction when they met for the first time.

To them, it was just an unfamiliar stone statue, nothing to be surprised about.

But the reaction of the three ghosts is not in line with this, which is far beyond their expectations.

When things go wrong, there must be demons.

He asked in a deep voice, "What the **** are you calling?"

Gui San opened his mouth, as if he was about to speak, but the ghost glanced quickly and covered Gui San's mouth, saying, "Master, we are just surprised that there is nothing in this temple, but it can resist the ghost fog. What is there?"


Yu Mo decided at a glance.

Guiyi is so smart, it's impossible not to know that he can't deceive Yu Mo.

Since he did so, he must have other deep meanings.

Yu Mo didn't get to the bottom of it, he believed the other party, and Guiyi would definitely find a chance to tell him the truth.

Crazy Saber didn't get to the bottom of it, but he still wondered how the stone statue had undergone such a huge change in such a short period of time.

"It's no wonder that Yu Mo attaches so much importance to this temple. It's really amazing. If I want to offer more incense in the future, maybe there is a true **** in this temple." Kuang Dao pondered in his heart.

Although he knew that the cause of the temple was Yu Mo, but after witnessing the repeated miracles in the temple, he became suspicious.

After cleaning the battlefield and disposing of the corpse of the black-robed ghost king to ensure that no one could see any traces, Yu Mo broke through the fog of soul, and with the help of the power of faith, the two and three ghosts left Changheng Mountain.

When he saw that Yu Mo moved freely in the soul fog, and was completely unaffected by the soul fog, he had a full sense of direction, which was no different from that in the daytime, which surprised Crazy Blade.

You must know that last time Yu Mo walked in the soul fog, and he had no sense of direction at all. Although he could protect himself, it was completely a stroke of luck.

Crazy Saber took a deep look at Yu Mo, but did not ask in detail, and attributed all this to the side effect of his realm improvement.

As they parted, Kuangdao thanked Yu Mo heavily for taking revenge for Wang Zhong.

Yu Mo didn't dare to take credit. After all, the black-robed ghost king behind the scenes was dead, but the real murderer was still at large.

The pavilion owner is not an ordinary person, and he will definitely not give up when he encounters this Waterloo.

Yu Mo is not afraid, it is not what it used to be, if the pavilion master reappears, Yu Mo will definitely strike first and no longer give the opponent a chance to escape.

The sky was getting brighter, and Crazy Saber had left first, leaving only Yu Mo and the three ghosts.

Yu Mo glanced at Sangui and said meaningfully, "There is no one else here, so I can tell the truth."

Guiyi smiled: "I knew for a long time that I couldn't hide from the master's eyes."

"Master's eyes are like torches, and he has already seen through our careful thoughts." Gui Er echoed.

Gui San said aggrieved: "I didn't think about it that much at the time."

Obviously, he was also aware of his negligence and almost made a mistake.

Yu Mo guessed something and said, "Are you afraid that Crazy Blade will hear?"

The ghost nodded like smashing garlic.

Gui San said angrily: "I only figured it out later."

Regarding their cautiousness, Yu Mo did not criticize them, and said aloud: "Tell me what's going on."

"Yes, Gui San, you have wanted to say it for a long time, you should say it." Gui Yi said.

Gui San did not refuse, and continued to say: "The three of us rushed into the main hall and saw the stone statue at a glance, but what we saw was very different from what the master saw."

The other two ghosts nodded heavily, agreeing with what the three ghosts said.

Yu Mo remained silent, motioning Gui San to continue.

"The stone statue we saw was too shocking, that's why the ghost screamed. Master, do you know what we saw?"

Yu Mo didn't know whether to laugh or cry. He waved his hand and urged, "Don't betray me."

Gui San smiled and said: "I don't think the master can guess. We saw the face of the master, on the face of the stone statue."

"What?" Yu Mo raised his brows and almost jumped up.

No matter what Gui San said, he wouldn't be so rude.

He hurriedly looked at Gui Yi and Gui Er, their expressions were serious, which meant that Gui San was not lying.

They really saw Yu Mo's face on the stone statue's face.

How could Yu Mo be calm, he was up and down in his heart, and asked, "Why does the stone statue have my face?"

"Yeah, we can't figure it out either."

The ghost said quickly: "After we screamed, we witnessed the master's statue disappearing on the stone statue's face, and then there were carved marks on the stone statue's face, and a part of the face was added."

"Just by looking at this part of the face, others will never think of the master, but after we have seen the master's face on the stone statue's face, and then compare the extra face, we can be very sure that that part of the face is the same as the master's face. It's exactly the same, but it's not complete, and others can't find it." Gui Er said earnestly.

Gui San added: "Crazy Blade didn't see it. Others are not familiar with the master, and they won't see it."

Yu Mo rubbed his brows, one head and two big.

It was originally a rough carved stone statue, Yu Mo didn't think much about it, and didn't even have any extra eyes on the stone statue.

His allure was drawn by the power of faith above the statue.

Unexpectedly, the stone statue will undergo such a shocking change under the eyes of the three ghosts, and it is also related to him.

How could he have anything to do with all this?

Yu Mo racked his brains, and finally, he had a flash of inspiration and said, "This temple was created because of me, and the power of belief is also used by me."

"During the day, because of the propaganda of those people, many believers and pilgrims have been added to the temple. They worship the stone statues, and they will definitely gather new power of faith."

"However, I didn't find these powers of faith in the main hall, but when I looked at the stone statue, I sensed that its body was full of power of faith. The power of faith was actually integrated into the stone statue."

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