Immortal Young Man on Campus

Chapter 1115: Correct name

In order to achieve the purpose of knocking the mountain and shaking the tiger, the Demon King is a big move.

Together with the light of the sword, the Demon Killing Sword roared, extremely sharp, the air was divided into two, the floor cracked, and a gap was cracked.

That violent momentum made many people retreat subconsciously.

Gu Haoran stood up abruptly, the ghost figure flashed, and had already protected him in front of Gu Haoran, resisting the aftermath of the knife, so as not to be affected and hurt.

Yu Mo stood at the center of the storm, narrowed his eyes slightly, and looked at the approaching Demon Slayer.

With empty hands, he slapped forward heavily.

There was no change in the air, not even the slightest turbulence, as if it was a juggling act.

Demon Slayer showed disdain and shouted, "Kill!"


The offensive that accumulated to the peak came as promised. The light of the Demon Killing Sabre made many people close their eyes subconsciously. The light of the saber was too dazzling.

Yu Mo was still clapping his hands continuously, palm after palm, completely sealing the space in front of him, completely sealing the space in front of him.

Just at this moment, the Demon Slaying Sabre struck, and the air in front of Yu Mo suddenly boiled, like boiling water, clattering, entangled forces sprouted and burst out.

The Demon Slayer slammed into this area.

The overwhelming offensive came to an abrupt end, and with a sudden brake, the Demon Slayer stopped, only a few feet away from Yu Mo, but it was difficult to advance any further.

"How is this going?"

The Demon Slayer King couldn't believe his eyes, the seemingly useless trick of the other party actually trapped the Demon Slayer Sword.

He was killed for no reason.

He wasn't exactly thinking about it either.

He hurriedly mobilized the Demon Slaying Sabre, and with a roar, the Demon Slaying Sabre hummed and trembled violently, as if it was about to break free.

Suddenly, Yu Mo stretched out his right hand and grabbed the hilt of the Demon Killing Sword.

The Demon Killing Saber immediately quieted down, as well-behaved as a kitten.

This scene was so incredible, the Demon Slayer was stunned and had an ominous premonition.

Yu Mo said lightly: "The Demon Killing Sabre, killing a demon king, it deserves its name, so let me justify its name."


The Demon Slaying Sabre flew out, and with a whistling sound, it broke through the air.

The Demon Slayer was the first to bear the brunt, and of course he wouldn't sit still. He quickly mobilized his whole body's skills, his true essence erupted like a volcano, and he rushed out to try to regain control of the Demon Slayer.

However, the Demon Slayer was too fast to respond to his call.


When the Demon Slayer Sword came to the Demon Slayer King, his complexion changed greatly, and he realized the danger he was facing.


The overwhelming force wanted to stop the Demon Slayer's offensive, however, this was in vain, the Demon Slayer was invincible.

Others were already deeply shocked by this scene.

How the situation has undergone such an amazing change in an instant is unexpected.

The Dark Lord's face also darkened, and he stepped forward. The folding fan in his hand shook, and the surging power surged out, wrapping the Demon Killing Blade.

The offensive of the Demon Killing Sword was blocked, and it seemed that it was about to stop.

Suddenly, Yu Mo's figure appeared behind the Demon Slaughtering Blade, and with a probing arm, he firmly grasped the Demon Slaughtering Blade.


The Demon Slaughter Sword was rejuvenated again, and its offensive suddenly intensified, slashing towards the Demon Slaughter King invincible.

That terrifying aura made the Dark Lord pause for a moment and had to avoid its edge.

There was no way for the Demon Slayer to resist, and the fist shadows came to parry them one by one.

clap clap clap!

The shadow of the fist shattered, and the Demon Slayer first hit the Demon Slayer's arms with two clicks, and the broken arm broke. In the next second, there was a fine line of blood on the Demon Slayer's forehead.

The Demon Slayer seemed to be petrified, and he seemed to have no pain, and was completely frozen in place.


The Demon Slayer lost all power and fell to the ground with a crisp sound.

It seemed like a thunderstorm that exploded in the hearts of everyone, deeply stimulating and shocking them.

Yu Mo clapped his palms with a smile on his lips, and said meaningfully, "Devil Killing Sabre, now I'll justify your name. You kill a demon king, so that you can live up to your illustrious reputation."

When everyone heard the words, their hearts stunned, and they stared at the Demon Slayer, their faces becoming very strange.

Could it be that the Demon Slayer is really dead?

The Dark Lord's face was so gloomy that no one else saw it, but he could see it clearly.

The way he looked at Yu Mo seemed to be capable of killing people, and the murderous intention was undoubtedly revealed.


Suddenly, the Demon Slayer moved, but fell to the ground. A tiny blood hole appeared from his forehead to his stomach, as if a blood line ran through his body.

Blood poured out of the wound, and he was bloody, but a dead man.

Yu Mo turned a blind eye, and instead said to Gu Ziqing, "I solved a demon king for you first, you won't blame me, right?"

Gu Ziqing's eyes lit up, and Yu Mo's hand strongly deterred the others, even the Dark Lord petrified, hesitating and at a loss.

"Killing the Demon King is self-inflicted, no one's to blame." Gu Ziqing said lightly, expressing his intention to defend Yu Mo's fist.

The eyes that everyone looked at the two of them became more and more intriguing.

The Dark Lord looked at the corpse of the Demon Slayer, and the corners of his mouth twitched violently. Suddenly, he roared hysterically: "Nonsense, you are all talking nonsense! You killed the Demon Slayer, and I want you to bury him with him."

The Dark Lord stared at Yu Mo fiercely, as if he really wanted to kill him and be buried with him.

Yu Mo sneered and said, "I don't want to bury him, but you, the Dark Lord. Since you two are brothers, why don't you bury him and be a companion."

"Haha, you're right, it's a pity that only one Demon Slayer died."

"The Demon Slaughtering King has a lot to die for. He is a frog at the bottom of the well, and he always thinks he is very powerful. Unexpectedly, Yu Mo not only took away his magic weapon, but also used the same method to kill the Demon Slaughter King directly. Correct the name of the Demon Slayer."

Several people were discussing at a high speed.

Yu Mo pricked up his ears, and he couldn't help blushing a little as he listened to them being jealous and praising him.

Looking at this scene, the Dark Lord gritted his teeth, his cheeks were burning with pain, and he couldn't help clenching his fists, as if he was about to start in the next second.

However, the death of the Demon Slayer made the Dark Lord realize his recklessness and Yu Mo's strength.

Yu Mo is far more complex and powerful than the demons imagined, and is naturally more difficult to deal with.

Therefore, the Dark Lord did not act in a hurry, but stared at Yu Mo, and asked in a deep voice, "Who the **** are you?"

Yu Mo smiled lightly and answered truthfully, "Yu Mo."

"It's you!" the Dark Lord exclaimed.

Only then did he really know Yu Mo's identity. The recent turmoil in the rivers and lakes has been so big, Yu Mo's name is so familiar that it is difficult for the Dark Lord to ignore it.

"It's me." Yu Mo said calmly, facing the Dark Lord's gaze.

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