Immortal Young Man on Campus

Chapter 1191: Ice Dragon

Yu Mo looked around absentmindedly, he actually came to Tianchi, the river actually connected with Tianchi.

He still remembered that when he came to Lingshan yesterday, the two of Lingshan reminded that Tianchi was the treasure of Lingshan, but he did not expect that he would be soaking in Tianchi now.

In addition, the words of the two of Lingshan are also quite suspicious. Tianchi is a treasure land of Lingshan, but it is full of strangeness, but it is not a treasure land at all, but a fierce place.

Yu Mo shook his head and didn't look into it for the time being.

Tianchi is very vast. Ye Qianqian came to Tianchi along the river. With such a long distance, is she alive or dead?


He didn't dare to delay, a fierce man plunged into the water, and the water splashed.

In the distance, two Lingshan disciples heard the sound of water and looked at them at the same time.

"Did you hear, there is movement in Tianchi, something seems to have fallen into the water." One person said in surprise.

The other person disagreed and said, "It must have been a stone on the mountain that fell, don't make a fuss, it's not that you don't know the dangers of this Tianchi, there is not even a fish in it, and there are other things."

"Yes, there is such a terrifying existence in Tianchi, where can there be other creatures."


One person hurriedly silenced and said anxiously: "Don't say it, be careful to be heard, and your life will not be guaranteed."

"Yes!" The other party quickly covered his mouth, with a look of fear on his face.

The two quickly left Tianchi. Tianchi was quiet, and there was not even a bit of cold wind. It seemed that even the wind was afraid of blowing on Tianchi, and there was a strangeness everywhere.

Tianchi is very deep, but for those who go deep into the sea, there is nothing to fear.

Yu Mo dived more than 100 meters underwater.

The blood blade is still diving, which means that Ye Qianqian is still deeper.

The surrounding water pressure is getting higher and higher, and the oxygen in the water is also very thin. Yu Mo has dragon energy, like a fish in water, but for ordinary humans, this is already an unlivable environment.

Yu Mo's heart is sinking a little bit, because the hope is getting slimmer.

Suddenly, a faint light came from underwater.

Yu Mo was startled, his eyes widened, there was actually a light source under the water.

What would that be?

Yu Mo didn't dare to neglect, and approached little by little.

Suddenly, Yu Mo saw clearly, his pupils shrank suddenly, and a chill rushed from the soles of his feet to the Tianling Gai, which was stronger than the chill in the water.

Because, the light source turned out to be a skull, countless.

"How many people have died to have so many skulls."

Yu Mo's eyelids twitched violently, secretly urging his skills, holding the blood blade firmly in both hands, ready to go, to deal with the crisis that may arise at any time.

He has determined that this Tianchi is not a treasure, but an absolutely fierce place, and it is not suitable to stay for a long time.

But for Ye Qianqian, he had to stay.

"Xueren, is Ye Qianqian still far away?"

"It's not far, Master, but she is..." Xueren hesitated.

Yu Mo stared straight at the skull. He had already guessed a few points and asked, "Where?"

The tip of the blood blade pointed directly at the skull and said, "Under here."

Yu Mo took a deep breath. Although he had already guessed it, the blood blade confirmed it, which still made his heart skip a beat.

He took a deep breath, gradually calmed down his ups and downs, and said decisively, "Let's go down!"

Xue Ren unconditionally carried out Yu Mo's order and said, "Yes, Master, but I sensed that it is very dangerous below, Master be careful!"


The blood blade swayed, and the skeleton head floated up and scattered around.

"This skeleton doesn't glow."

Yu Mo stared at the skull head intently, and when he found that the skull head drifted away, it dimmed.

The light source is what is under the skull, and the light shines on the skull, which is why they turn white.

"With such a strong light source, is there a big light bulb underneath?" Yu Mo laughed dumbly, thinking that he was just thinking wildly.

The skull was completely swayed away, and a dazzling light rushed out from below, dazzling like a round of sun, Yu Mo subconsciously covered his eyes with his hands, and when he gradually got used to the light, his eyes opened a gap.

In the next second, his eyes widened rapidly, and even his pupils expanded in a circle, staring straight down.

Ye Qianqian!

He almost exclaimed.

Ye Qianqian was not far below, but was surrounded by white light, and the surrounding water was dispersed by the white light, like a big bubble, and Ye Qianqian was lying in the bubble.

Ye Qianqian opened his eyes, his eyes were full of horror, and he was obviously strongly frightened.

The two looked at each other and saw each other.

Ye Qianqian's eyelids jumped, and he opened his mouth, as if he wanted to shout, but he didn't shout at all.

It seemed that an invisible force bound her, not only making her unable to move, but also unable to speak.

Yu Mo quickly waved his hand to comfort Ye Qianqian.

Then, she approached Ye Qianqian cautiously.

Ye Qianqian did not show joy, but became more and more anxious, as if something terrible was about to happen.

Yu Mo's heart froze for a while, he bit his head and clenched the blood blade tightly.

Seeing that he was approaching Ye Qianqian.

Yu Mo was overjoyed and stretched out his hand, trying to pull Ye Qianqian to his side.


Suddenly, Ye Qianqian quickly retreated underwater, and the lake water set off waves.


An angry roar came from the water, and the white light became more and more dazzling, like a sun, rising slowly, quickly approaching Yu Mo, and Ye Qianqian had completely fallen into the white light.


The water waves slapped fiercely and slammed into Yu Mo.

Yu Mo turned pale in shock, and hurriedly waved the blood blade.


The water wave broke, however, the white light came to him.

His eyes were sore that he could hardly open them.

He endured the pain and held on, suddenly, his mind was shocked, his eyes seemed to pop out of his sockets, and he screamed in horror: "What the hell!"

A behemoth revealed the tip of the iceberg from the water, and gradually revealed the true face of Mount Lu in Yu Mo's eyes, a huge head swooped up, and then a coiled body.


A word immediately appeared in Yu Mo's mind.

There is actually a dragon in Tianchi.

At the beginning, he saw the Dragon Palace in the deep sea, but he never saw the real dragon.

In front of him is a living real dragon, the dragon horns on the top of his head are ferocious, and the huge dragon mouth seems to be able to swallow him at any time.

But this is not the same as the dragon in Yu Mo's imagination.

It is not golden, but silver-white, as if it is an ice dragon formed by the condensation of ice.

Its dragon majesty is no less than the golden dragon in Yu Mo's imagination. It looks down on the world, and any creature seems to be small and vulnerable in front of it.

Binglong looked at Yu Mo intently, his eyes did not show any kindness, but a strong hostility. It would protect Ye Qianqian firmly and not give Yu Mo a chance to rescue him.

Yu Mo took a deep breath, tried to calm the shock in his heart, and shouted, "Give her back to me."

A look of shock appeared in Ye Qianqian's eyes.

Facing the ice dragon, Yu Mo was not afraid, but dared to ask for someone directly.

Binglong also hated and was surprised. It seemed that there were people who were not afraid of it for the first time, and even delusionally wished Longkou to save people.

One person and one dragon, big eyes to small eyes, the atmosphere is subtle and strange.

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