Immortal Young Man on Campus

Chapter 1268: Sword God Sword Power

Yu Mo held the blood blade sword and faced the monstrous sword light and murderous intent.

Immediately, I saw the sword light flickering, flooding the valley, but I saw Yu Mo's figure appearing and disappearing in the sword light, like a fish, and countless sword lights wanted to drown and strangle him.

But Yu Mo has repeatedly turned danger into safety.

The mountain master's complexion changed, and he jumped up and rushed into the monstrous sword light. Immediately, bursts of loud noises came from the sword light.

Others looked at this scene with a change of expression.

Yu Mo's strength, many well-known, this mountain master has the ability to overwhelm Yu Mo and gain the upper hand, which shows his strength, which shows the strength of Shintoism.

They looked around, but found no other Shinto people.

Why is there only one mountain master?

With such a big movement, it's impossible not to elicit even a single person.

Could it be that they disdain to shoot?

This is also not in line with human nature.

Yu Mo and several others came to kill them, and they could still stand by and watch, none of them appeared, and they were not tortoises.

Clay Bodhisattva also has three points of fire.

They couldn't stand it.

The only explanation is that something must have happened in Shinto that left the envoys running low, or, for some other reason, they didn't have a chance to intervene.

"Knife God, aren't you going to take action?" Crazy Blade asked.

The Sword God shook his head angrily: "Sect Master Yu's means have not been exhausted, and he still has a chance to make a comeback. Besides, he didn't ask us to help, and we would be a disservice if we went."

Yu Yue held Phoenix's hand worriedly and said, "Master, does brother really have a chance to win?"

Phoenix hesitated for a while, and with her strength there was absolutely no chance of a comeback, because the mountain master's cultivation base was estimated to have reached the Mahayana realm, and Yu Mo was only in the middle realm of out-of-bodyness.

The gap in cultivation between the two is like a chasm.

But Yu Mo has many magical means, and he can turn defeat into victory at a critical moment, so Phoenix doesn't dare to jump to conclusions.

"Should be." Phoenix replied suspiciously.

Yu Yue's eyes lit up and nodded excitedly: "Since there is hope, then my brother will definitely win."

Yu Mo also probed the mountain master's cultivation base, which should be the early stage of Mahayana cultivation.

"The other party must have seen my cultivation, so I am confident and think that I will lose. Unfortunately, I still have a sword god."

Yu Mo didn't plan to use the amulet himself, it was a big killer, and he would never use it until the last minute.

Therefore, he swung open a broad avenue with one sword, escaped from it, and withdrew from the monstrous sword light.

The mountain master immediately killed the general, and said aggressively: "Yu Mo, where are you running away, and die quickly!"

Yu Mo turned his back to the mountain master, as if turning a blind eye to his attack. Yu Mo nodded slightly towards the God of Swords and said, "God of Swords, it's your turn to take action."

The God of Swords is the realm of Emperor Wu, which happens to correspond to the realm of Mahayana of the Mountain Lord. Of course, this kind of thing must be handed over to God of Swords.

Previously, the God of Swords just didn't work hard and didn't show all his strength, how could Yu Mo not see it.

At this moment, Yu Mo no longer gives the Sword God the chance to hide his clumsiness.

The Sword God rolled his eyes helplessly, and said angrily, "Okay."


A violent sword intent erupted from his skinny body.


He seemed to be an unloaded cannonball. With a bang, he disappeared in place, leaving a big pit where he stood. He and the giant knife in his hand rushed to the sky, facing the monstrous sword light.

Crazy Blade was stunned, his eyes immediately became extremely frenzied, his body trembled, and he said excitedly: "Heavenly Blade, this is the Heavenly Blade!"

He has been cultivating the Heavenly Sabre for a while, but this is the first time he sees the God of Swords doing his best to use the Heavenly Sabre.

A lot of places that I couldn't figure out before also suddenly became clear.

"When I go back this time, my Heavenly Sabre swordsmanship will be improved to a higher level."

Kuangdao gritted his teeth and clenched his fists, so excited that he didn't blink an eye.

The others were also in high spirits. They had never been to Lingshan, and naturally they had never seen the God of Swords take action.

"Is this the realm of Emperor Wu?"

Yu Shengzhi muttered to himself, as if something broke out of his heart.

He was originally in the late stage of the master, and was only one step away from King Wu.

At this moment, seeing the God of Swords breaking out into the Martial Emperor Realm, it seems that he is empowered, blessed to the soul, and the internal power in the body is rising.


There was a loud noise in his air, like a thunderous explosion, attracting the attention of others.

Yu Mo couldn't help but look sideways, looked at Yu Shengzhi in disbelief, and exclaimed, "Dad, your cultivation level..."

Yu Shengzhi's aura was undergoing earth-shaking changes. He was ecstatic and nodded his head: "I broke through the realm of King Wu."

"This is great, congratulations Dad." Yu Mo was overjoyed. He didn't expect his father to have such an opportunity. After seeing the outburst of the Sword God, the knife seemed to split the barrier in his heart.

Yu Mo still has the status of a first-level martial artist, but his cultivation is far from being on a par with the realm of a cultivator.

His father's breakthrough made his heart surge, and he couldn't help but want to improve his martial artist's cultivation.

The others came back to their senses, and Yu Yue took the lead in grabbing her father's hand, jumping up and down with excitement: "Dad, what does the realm of King Wu feel like?"

Yu Shengzhi couldn't hide his joy and said, "This feeling--great!"

Crazy Blade looked at Yu Shengzhi enviously and said, "Congratulations, when will I reach the realm of King Wu."

Yu Shengzhi patted him on the shoulder and encouraged: "Come on, when the opportunity comes, everything will come naturally."

"Look, it's time to decide the winner." Phoenix suddenly shouted, attracting everyone's attention.

Several people looked over in unison, and saw that the light of the sword was no longer everywhere, filling every corner of the valley, gradually overshadowing the light of the sword.

The God of Swords was suffocating.

Yu Mo asked him to take action, but he didn't dare to fail. Only by defeating the Mountain Master, would he be able to have more status by Yu Mo's side in the future. He was not fighting for others, but for himself.

Therefore, he tried his best, almost desperately.

The mountain master didn't take the Sword God to heart at all, but gradually he knew that he was wrong, and it was outrageous.

This person is even more powerful than Yu Mo, and more difficult to deal with.

"Am I going to lose like this?" The mountain master was unwilling, his eyes swept to other peaks, and he said in his heart, "I can't fully utilize the power of the Dao Sword, if I can fully utilize the power of the nine peaks, let alone It is this God of Swords, I will kill them all under the sword."

Having said that, the reality is brutal.

The heavenly saber became invisible, and the sword was slashed in all directions, and the mountain lord was surrounded by sword light, as if it were a solid city wall.


Boom boom boom!

The sword light shattered, the heavenly saber drove straight in, countless saber intents added to his body, and the mountain master was immediately bruised and bloody.

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