Immortal Young Man on Campus

Chapter 128: black box operation

Several other people were still chattering, but Yu Mo stopped, moved in his heart, and said, "You go home first, I have something else to do."

The three big beauties looked over at the same time.

Ling Yao asked in surprise: "Is there anything you need my help?"

Yu Mo smiled and shook his head: "No need, I can handle it myself."

Yu Yue urged: "Brother, then you go back early and be careful yourself."

Ye Qianqian pouted and said, "I've been doing it all day long, I really don't know what I'm doing."

Yu Mo dodged and entered the side road, and went all the way to the end. There was no one around, and the red figure appeared in front of him again.

Female ghost cuckoo.

Du Juan's aura was very strange, his face became more and more hideous, and the fierceness in his one eye was about to come out.

Yu Mo was taken aback. He didn't expect that she would find him, so he quickly asked, "Why did you come to me?"

Du Juan said resentfully: "I found this place after looking for you for a long time. I told you at the beginning that you didn't listen to me, and now things are as I expected."

Yu Mo was confused and asked blankly, "What are you talking about? Why am I so confused?"

"Jin Yingjie, he was released." Du Juan's mournful voice seemed very low, but he couldn't hide the anger in it.

Yu Mo's eyelids jumped and he was shocked: "How is it possible? Didn't he surrender himself? Murder is a serious crime, how could he be released?"

This greatly exceeded Yu Mo's expectations.

This week, he has been coping with the exam with all his heart, and he has no time to worry about other things, so he does not pay attention to this certain thing.

"I said long ago that the Jin family is powerful and powerful, so how could they watch Jin Yingjie imprisoned? They will definitely find a way. Sure enough, I guessed this, and they turned black and white. Saved Jin Yingjie. If I knew this, I should have killed him in the first place."

As soon as the word "kill" came out, the surrounding air became icy cold, and there was a gloomy wind. The cuckoo even has hair and beard, and is very angry and very ferocious.

"Don't be impatient." The anger in Yu Mo's heart also swelled up. The Jin family is indeed a raccoon dog. Jin Yingjie committed such a serious crime, and even tried every means to exonerate him.

Do you really think that there is no justice in this world?

At the same time, Yu Mo felt sad in his heart. Although he already knew about social injustice and even darkness, he didn't expect it to be so dark, which made people grit their teeth.

"The world is not fair, and naturally someone will preside over justice. Since I have met this time, I will preside over justice." Yu Mo decided to go against the current with a passion.

Du Juan said coldly: "Kill him, one hundred and one hundred, my revenge can be regarded as revenge."

Yu Mo sneered and said, "Is it really a hundred to kill him? That's too simple."

Du Juan looked at him in astonishment and asked, "Then what can you do? The Jin family is so powerful that it is difficult to convict him."

"Maybe the Jin family has been showing off their power for too long, forgetting whose world this is?" Yu Mo said meaningfully with sparks in his eyes.

Du Juan was very puzzled and asked, "What do you mean?"

"This is the world of the people!" Yu Mo pointed to the sky above his head, "It's not just a certain powerful person who can really cover the sky with one hand. Even if the Jin family covers the sky, then I have to poke a hole in the sky."

Yu Mo was aggressive, and he was naturally different from his usual calmness.

He is really too angry. There are many unfair things in the world, and he can endure them. However, this kind of murder case can still be operated behind the scenes. If he encounters it, he can't bear it.

Although his power is not great, if he doesn't do it because his power is too small, how can there be justice and righteousness in the world?

What if the mayfly shakes the tree?

Du Juan was suspicious and asked, "Then what are you going to do?"

"I still need to prepare. You wait for me for a day and act tomorrow night." Yu Mo had a plan in his heart and said confidently.

"Tomorrow night?" Du Juan raised his voice, "No, I can't wait, I want to kill him now."

"Don't be impatient, don't startle the snake." Yu Mo advised.

Du Juan snorted coldly, obviously not agreeing.

"I'll go to work first, you go watch Jin Yingjie's movements, don't let him have a chance to run away."

"Okay, then I'll believe you this time." Du Juan weighed the pros and cons, and finally was afraid of Yu Mo's method, so he had to agree bitterly.

Du Juan had already figured out the whereabouts of Jin Yingjie.

Jin Yingjie did not return to his residence, which was the scene of the murder and had been seized by the police.

I am afraid that from now on, Jin Yingjie will not plan to step into that place again.

He has been confined in the Jin family's mansion.


This is the name of the Jin family villa. There is only this huge villa in a large area, just like a huge manor.

This is the land that the Jin family snatched from others in the early years, and then built a mansion for himself that was enough to pass on to future generations.

This is Jiang An's top feng shui, and it is a treasure land of feng shui. At the beginning, the Jin family took a fancy to this land, but it was in the hands of others, so the Jin family took it by force and used all kinds of insidious means to take it for itself.

Then there is this magnificent resplendent.

This villa is indeed worthy of the four characters of splendor. Every place is full of luxury. The color of big gold and rhubarb is the main color. It was indeed a mainstream aesthetic a few decades ago, but what do you think about it now? There are shadows of upstarts, and there is no sense of beauty.

Jin Yingjie doesn't like living here very much. Usually, unless there is a call, he will never step in, and he is so happy outside.

But this time he had to come back, and he didn't even dare to complain.

He was so frightened that he really thought he died just like that, but Du Juan turned him over to the police.

At that moment, he was determined, even though he knew that turning himself in would not be good for him, he did not dare to refute Du Juan, and took all the crimes in front of the police.

He believed that the family would definitely save him, and as for what he had said, there was a solution.

Sure enough, the family didn't let him down. It didn't take a few days to get through all the links and rescued him by turning black and white.

At this moment, he was kneeling on the ground, and he couldn't help but be proud of his intelligence.

Leaving the green hills there, not afraid of no material to burn, Du Juan wanted to fight him, but after all, he was still a little short.

His father's stern rebuke sounded in his ears, Jin Yingjie lowered his head very low and did not dare to refute, but a disapproving smile appeared on the corner of his mouth.

"My son's father, don't scold him, he knows it's wrong. This is our son, our heart. After so many grievances in the past few days, you still scold him like this, how can you bear it? ?" An old woman with jewels and jewels hurried over, grabbed Jin Yingjie, and wanted to maintain it.

"Mom, you're finally here. I miss you so much. I've been wronged." Jin Yingjie hugged the old woman, wiped her eyes and cried.

But not a single tear.

With a glance out of the corner of his eyes, he found that there was a red coat at the gate, and he shivered in fright and screamed.

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