Immortal Young Man on Campus

Chapter 1284: Mysterious Cave

Several people saw Yu Mo's frowning face, unable to do anything, and persuaded him one after another.

Yu Mo didn't want to give up.

The God of Sword rolled his eyes and said, "Sect Master Yu, you used the energy of the dragon vein when you opened the door of space, right?"

Yu Mo looked at the God of Swords doubtfully and asked, "Does it matter?"

This amounts to an admission in disguise.

The Sword God sighed secretly, and the dragon pulse energy really fell into Yu Mo's hand.

He picked up his complicated feelings and offered suggestions: "Dragon veins are lurking under the mountains, and when the dragon pulses, the earth shakes, so if you want to move this mountain, you can only rely on the energy of the dragon veins."

Yu Mo was overjoyed, why didn't he think of this, he was snatched by the God of Swords.

The God of Swords took the initiative to lift it up, which made Yu Mo look at him with admiration.

"Knife God, thank you."

Dao Shen was flattered and waved his hand quickly: "You're welcome, this is what I should do."

Yu Mo didn't want Long Panshi to be exposed, but at this time, in order to save his mother, he didn't care so much.

He carefully took out the dragon rock and immediately attracted everyone's attention.

"what is this?"

"Dragon Rock."

The Sword God suddenly realized: "The energy of the dragon vein is in the dragon rock. You actually have the dragon rock. No wonder you can use the energy of the dragon vein."

Envy and jealous eyes can't help but emerge.

"Emperor Tianwu worked hard and came up with a way to breed new dragon veins. He didn't expect Yu Mo to be cheap in the end. His luck is really good."

Dao's expression couldn't help but think of what happened under Longtan.

Undoubtedly, many things happened under the magma that they had never seen or known. Yu Mo kept it hidden and didn't tell everyone.

The God of Swords was awe-inspiring, and awe for Yu Mo was born spontaneously.

Yu Mo's thoughtful mind is the most powerful opponent he has ever encountered, which makes him discouraged.

Yu Mo explained involuntarily and communicated with the dragon veins: "Dragon veins, help me move mountains."

"Moving mountains?"

"Yes, move this mountain away."

Longmai pondered for a while and said, "Okay."

Yu Mo almost rolled his eyes, he pondered and tried again with the robbery sword, but all failed, but he didn't think that it was not a big deal in the eyes of Longmai.

Longmai's answer was such an understatement, as if it were a trivial matter.

"Then let's begin."

Yu Mo took a deep breath and calmed down.

The dragon rock shines brilliantly, and a majestic energy surges out from it. Only when a dragon roar rang out, a golden light flew up from the dragon rock and turned into a golden dragon.

In a moment, the golden dragon surrounded the mountain in a circle.

Boom boom boom!

The peak of the mountain shook violently, and the mountain shook.

Everyone almost stood unsteadily, and quickly stabilized their minds, watching this scene in disbelief.

Yu Yue clapped her hands excitedly: "The mountain really moved."

The mountain peak lifted off the ground and slowly flew to the side. After a while, the original place of the mountain peak was vacated, leaving a flat open space.

The golden dragon suddenly dissipated, bang, the mountain peak fell again, splashing smoke and dust all over the sky.

The mountain really moved, and it turned out that everything under the mountain was in full view.

Yu Mo didn't care about the smoke and dust in the sky, he rushed over, swept away the smoke and dust with a sword, and saw a hole in the ground at a glance.

"Sure enough, there is something tricky at the bottom of the mountain. Mom must be imprisoned here."

Seeing that Yu Mo couldn't wait to rush in, Yu Shengzhi quickly stopped him: "Mo'er, be careful there is danger inside."

Yu Mo stopped, nodded slightly, raised the blood-blade sword, took the lead, and cautiously entered the cave.

Others followed suit.

The sword light made a masterpiece, dispelling the darkness, revealing the true face of the hole.

The cave was dry and covered in cobwebs, as if it had been abandoned for a long time.

"There seems to be no trace of people in this place, it's all cobwebs." Yu Yue looked around and muttered in confusion.

Yu Mo disagreed and said, "There must be another mystery in this place, otherwise, how could it be possible to suppress it with a mountain peak."

"Will the mother be in there?" Yu Yue asked expectantly.

"Go down and see." Yu Mo couldn't tell, because there really was no trace of anyone in this place.

"There are too many spider webs, it's really blocking the way." Kuang Dao slashed the spider web beside him with a knife and complained with a frown.

The cobwebs snapped as soon as they were touched, and they couldn't block their way at all.

A group of Yu Mo was in front, behind the Temple of Swords, when he passed the place where the heavy knife of the mad knife had slashed, his eyelids jumped, and he leaned over to examine it carefully, his eyes flashed with horror, and shouted: "Be careful! This spider web has question."

His shout startled everyone, and they reacted immediately. Both the sword light and the sword light lit up, illuminating the passage as bright as day.

There are thick spider webs up and down the passage, even under their feet.

"How can there be so many spider webs, how many spiders are needed to weave so many webs." Yu Yue sighed in disbelief.

Yu Mo's eyes sank, and he said thoughtfully, "No amount of spiders can weave so many webs. There is indeed a problem with this spider web."

The Sword God quickly added: "The place where the mad knife has just chopped, the spider web is full again, as if it will grow."


Yu Mo was astonished and waved the blood blade to cut a hole in the cobweb on the ground.

Under the watchful eyes of the public, the spider web wriggled, making up the gap, and it was intact as before.

Everyone took a deep breath. Seeing it with their own eyes, they immediately realized the danger, and a cold air emerged from the soles of their feet.

Whoa whoa whoa!

Suddenly, the cobwebs under their feet wriggled rapidly. They were standing on the cobwebs, and the cobwebs swelled and spread towards them.

"Ah, I can't lift my feet." Yu Yue yelled.

The soles of her feet and the spider web were firmly glued together, and the spider web actually produced a strong stickiness.

Yu Mo was shocked and raised his feet suddenly.

Sure enough, the spider web firmly held him and prevented him from leaving.


Yu Mo snorted disdainfully and slammed his foot away. He forcibly tore off a large piece of the cobweb, causing his foot to leave the ground and regain his freedom.

The others hurriedly used all their strengths, the sword light, the sword light, the Buddha light and the fire light lit up to disperse the spider web under their feet.

Cobweb also felt the crisis and quickly retreated in all directions, not daring to approach them.

However, the spider web did not flee away, but watched closely, as if waiting for an opportunity.

The visitor is not good.

This cobweb is definitely under control, and they still don't know who controls it.

Yu Mo looked at the deep, dark passage ahead and said, "At the end, we will definitely be able to discover the truth."

"Then what are you waiting for, this little cobweb also wants to block us, dreaming!" Yu Shengzhi said fearlessly.

There is something wrong here, so maybe Su Qing will be imprisoned below, no matter what, they have to go down to find out.


Suddenly, a well-hearted voice came from the darkness. This voice seemed to have magic power, and it immediately penetrated into everyone's ears.

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