Immortal Young Man on Campus

Chapter 1297: The body of a true dragon

Yu Mo surrendered to the dragon veins, and a stone fell to the ground in his heart.

"Master, I have gained a lot since I practiced the Flood Dragon Transformation, but now I have encountered a problem." Zhuang Yushu asked for advice.

"You speak first."

"The Flood Dragon Transformation is to transform the Flood Dragon into a real dragon. I have reached a bottleneck in my practice. Although I can also transform into a dragon shape, it is only a character, not a real dragon. I have tried many methods, but all I have no clue, I have tried and failed again and again." Zhuang Yushu said in frustration.

"Is it?"

Yu Mo pondered.

At the bottom of the sea, after Zhuang Yushu absorbed the energy of the Dragon God, the earth-shaking changes took place. He was directly covered with golden light, and transformed into a dragon body, but it was not the body of a real dragon.

It is said that Jiaolong Transformation is a practice specially designed for Jiaolong, and finally it can be transformed into a real dragon. Yu Mo is not a Jiaolong, so Zhuang Yushu has always been exploring and practicing.

Yu Mo couldn't figure it out, so he simply asked Longmai for confirmation.

It hasn't completely transformed, but it knows more about the dragon race than Yu Mo.

Longmai listened to Yu Mo's question, and Longan rolled his eyes, but he hesitated.

"Why, don't want to say it?" Yu Mo's heart moved, this is a door, and he immediately asked.

"The only thing he lacks is the dragon energy. As long as he absorbs enough dragon energy, he can truly complete this transformation."

Longmai had no choice but to answer resentfully.

"Dragon Qi..." Yu Mo smiled maliciously at everything, "Don't you have ready-made dragon energy here? You have absorbed so much dragon energy in the mountains and rivers, don't you mind dividing it out?"

"Come out? No!" Longmai refused without hesitation, but seeing Yu Mo's unhappy expression, Longmai quickly changed his words: "Doesn't he have the energy of the Dragon God? There is more dragon energy in it, he only needs to completely digest the energy of the Dragon God. , there is no need to worry about not having enough dragon energy."

Yu Mo nodded suddenly, admitting that what Longmai said was true.

"Yu Shu, you still have a lot of Dragon God energy in your body. If you digest it completely, you will naturally be able to transform into a real dragon." Yu Mo said.

Zhuang Yushu lowered his head and said dejectedly: "Master, my aptitude is dull, and I can't digest more dragon **** energy. Moreover, the longer I practice, the more I find that there seems to be a problem with the dragon transformation."

After speaking, he suddenly raised his head, looked at Yu Mo in awe, waved his hand and said, "Master, I'm not saying that there is a problem with the Jiaolong transformation, it must be that my understanding is too poor."

The Jiaolong Transformation was a practice that Yu Mo taught him. When he questioned the Jiaolong Transformation, wasn't he questioning Yu Mo?

Therefore, he explained quickly, fearing that Yu Mo would misunderstand.

Yu Mo didn't care about the details, not to mention, the Jiaolong Transformation was passed down to him by the Heavenly Demon Sage.

He has confirmed that the Heavenly Demon Sage is far more complicated and cunning than he imagined. If the Heavenly Demon Sage made a small move to change some key aspects of Jiaolong's transformation, Yu Mo couldn't see it at all, and Zhuang Yushu naturally couldn't keep cultivating.

Yu Mo looked serious and said, "I can't rule out this possibility."

Zhuang Yushu was stunned for a moment, but he didn't expect that Yu Mo was not only not angry, but also agreed with his guess.

"Master, is there really a problem with Jiaolong Transformation?"

Yu Mo didn't rush to answer, but told Longmai about Jiaolong Transformation and asked, "Do you see any problems with this exercise?"

The dragon veins were puzzled, but they still honestly checked the Flood Dragon Transformation.

"Where did you get it? It's not complete at all, especially since the words behind it are unclear, and many important parts must have been cut off. You dare to teach him to practice, and you're not afraid of him going crazy."

Longmai sighed.

But Yu Mo's heart trembled, and he almost caused a catastrophe.

"Then is there a way to make up for the Jiaolong transformation?"

Longmai sighed: "Where do I have that ability?"

Yu Mo looked at Zhuang Yushu with guilt, and said, "Yushu, the teacher didn't investigate, and he was blamed by others. This Jiaolong transformation is indeed problematic, not perfect, and even omitted many key points, you Don't rush to practice the Flood Dragon Transformation."


Zhuang Yushu was shocked. He had always regarded Jiaolong Transformation as the most important exercise. He practiced day and night, but now Yu Mo told him that it was not perfect, and that there might be hidden dangers.

How can he be calm.

"Yushu, I'm sorry, it's all my fault. I didn't know how to tell the truth when I met others, so I rashly asked you to cultivate." Yu Mo expressed his apology.

Zhuang Yushu quickly waved his hand and said: "Master, you are serious, without you, I am nothing, although the dragon is not perfect, but at least it led me to the path of self-cultivation, and it helped me get to where I am today. ."

"Don't worry, I will definitely try my best to find the complete Jiaolong Transformation for you." Yu Mo said firmly.

Zhuang Yushu nodded and said, "Yes, I believe in Master."

Yu Mo felt more and more guilty. Seeing the loss on Zhuang Yushu's face, he felt sad.

Tianmosheng must know the complete Jiaolong transformation, as long as he finds the rest of his soul, he will naturally be able to solve it.

"The journey of the Demon Race is imperative."

But Yu Mo didn't want to see his apprentice in a low mood all the time. He had an idea and said, "You can't digest the energy of the dragon god, but I have other ways to replenish the dragon energy for you."

"What can I do?" Zhuang Yushu's eyes lit up, it was like another village.

Yu Mo took out the dragon rock and said, "Dragon vein, give a part of your dragon energy to Yushu."

Longmai didn't expect that the last task would fall on him. He had mixed feelings and wanted to refuse, but he didn't have the courage, and said angrily, "Why is it always me who gets hurt?"

"Don't worry, I will compensate you in the future." Yu Mo comforted.

The dragon pulse is directly regarded as a deaf ear, and it is not taken seriously.

"Oh, I'm unlucky."

The dragon rock shines brilliantly, and a majestic dragon energy spreads out, like a daigo, and penetrates into Zhuang Yushu's heart and eight extraordinary meridians.

Immediately, pieces of scale armor appeared on Zhuang Yushu's body, and after a while, he transformed into the shape of a dragon.

Whoa whoa whoa!

His scales are rapidly transforming, the golden light on each piece of scales is getting more and more dazzling, and a pair of dragon horns have grown on the top of his head, and a dense air rises in his eyes, as if there is thunder and lightning emerging.

Zhuang Yushu continuously absorbed dragon energy, and his body underwent earth-shaking changes. A dragon's tail grew from the back of his butt, while his limbs turned into dragon claws, and his head gradually turned into a lively dragon head.


He let out a low roar, and it was the dragon's yin, and the vibrating roof hummed.

In the past, Zhuang Yushu turned into golden light on the surface of his body, and then the golden light turned into a dragon, instead of turning his body into a real dragon.

Yu Mo's eyes straightened, his eyes fixed, and he sighed: "As soon as he meets the situation, he will turn into a dragon. He is a real dragon, and he has become a real dragon."

Zhuang Yushu changed his body and completely turned into a mighty real dragon, several meters long and majestic.

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