Immortal Young Man on Campus

Chapter 1300: Dramatic

Han Yijun was in a trance for a while, thinking that this must be an illusion, he quickly stabilized his mind and said, "What are you doing?"

"Good dog out of the way, get out of the way!"

The clay figurine also has three points of anger. Yu Mo didn't want to have the same knowledge as the other party, but the other party came up to Gu Ziqing, apparently treating Gu Ziqing as her brainless fan.

This is the idea of ​​hitting his woman, how can he have a good temper.

Han Yijun's anger grew even stronger, the veins on his forehead throbbing, and he said, "I'm talking to my fans, what are your intentions?"

Yu Mo asked jokingly, "Who are your fans?"

"Of course it's this lady." Han Yijun pointed at Gu Ziqing and said.

Yu Mo almost laughed, this Han Yijun really couldn't shed tears without seeing the coffin, and he is still talking nonsense to this day.

He walked straight forward, Han Yijun instinctively wanted to block him, and his body swayed forward.


Han Yijun was hit and fell backwards. Fortunately, there were fans behind him to block him, so he avoided the ending of falling to the ground in an embarrassment.

But this is already a big embarrassment, and the most important thing is to be in front of your favorite fans.

He was about to have a seizure, but saw Yu Mo walking up to Gu Ziqing and asked with a smile, "He said you were his fan?"

Gu Ziqing said lightly, "I don't even know who he is."


Han Yijun looked at Gu Ziqing in disbelief as if he heard a thunderous explosion.

Isn't she his fan?

How could you say such a thing!

Is she out of her mind?

Other fans couldn't believe it, and screamed exaggeratedly: "Does she know what she is talking about? Are there people in this world who don't know Young Master Han?"

"Yes, the whole universe knows Young Master Han, she must be lying if she dares to say that."

"This woman is too vicious."

"Young Master Han looks down on her so much, and she is so rude to Young Master Han."

Fans were outraged and made rude remarks.

Yu Mo raised his brows and looked at the rude fans. The other party was immediately speechless, a great pressure enveloped him, he couldn't breathe, and he couldn't say a word.

Gu Ziqing took Yu Mo's arm intimately. She only regarded this as a small episode. Seeing Yu Mo's anger, she was sweet in her heart, but she didn't want him to have the same knowledge as such a person, and persuaded softly: "Let's go, and There's nothing to mess with this guy."

Yu Mo's anger gradually subsided, he nodded and said, "Okay, listen to you."

The two were affectionate and affectionate, which stimulated Han Yijun fiercely.

He finally realized that he had been put together, and the two had been playing tricks on him. I am afraid that tomorrow's entertainment news will be widely reported, which will definitely affect his reputation.

"Who sent the two of you to deliberately come to find fault with me?" Han Yijun responded very quickly, and immediately thought of a possibility, and asked indignantly.

Yu Mo rolled his eyes and said, "Are you a showman? You like to add drama to yourself so much. It's clear that you are the first to find fault, and you even want to slander us."

The assistant also came back to his senses, ignored Han Yijun's intentions, and insisted: "Whoever sent you? Your calculus is wrong? You met our Young Master Han, and all conspiracy methods are useless."

The assistant plausibly spoke incessantly.

"You were playing with our Young Master Han just now. You're playing with fire, you know? Our Young Master Han has learned martial arts from an island country. It's not a fancy way of embroidering fists and legs, but real martial arts."

Yu Mo looked at Han Yijun in surprise. He didn't expect that he actually studied martial arts in the island country. He couldn't help thinking of Yingzi. She was already the suzerain of Jiahe Sect, and he didn't know what happened now.

Seeing Yu Mo in a trance, the other party thought that Yu Mo was frightened.

Han Yijun said loudly: "I'm a martial arts practitioner, so naturally I won't bully someone like you, lady, don't be deceived by him, I can protect you."

Han Yijun decided to go upstream and save the game.

"Wow, Young Master Han gives people a good sense of security."

"This is a real man, really masculine."

Fans screamed again.

Gu Ziqing replied coldly, "Boring!"

Holding Yu Mo's arm, he turned around and left, not wanting to pay attention to Han Yijun at all.

Han Yijun was stunned for a while. He did this himself, but the other party didn't buy it. He really didn't know what to do.

He was about to quickly catch up, find this place, and teach the other party a lesson, but he saw a few people coming up to meet him with bad eyes.

Facing the eyes of these people, Han Yijun was shocked, and he immediately felt a sense of crisis. He suppressed the urge to catch up in time, and stopped in place angrily.

Tang Jing curled his lips in contempt, and said, "It turns out that it's nothing more than that, and it's really a frog at the bottom of the well to dare to put on such a big spectrum."

After that, he quickly caught up with Yu Mo's footsteps.

The assistant was furious and was about to shout, but Han Yijun glared at him and said, "Let's go."

The assistant made fun of himself, glanced at the few people who were surrounded by demons and left, his eyes were malicious, he quickly followed Han Yijun, and asked quietly: "Han Shao, the other party seems to be not small, who is he?"

Han Yijun said angrily: "Don't you know if you send someone to investigate? I'm here to see Master, no matter who he is, this time they kicked the iron plate, as long as I ask Master to come out, hum, they will definitely It's over."

The assistant smiled shyly and complimented: "Han Shao is right, they must be finished!"

Yu Mo and his party had already boarded the car. The two sat in the back seat, and Tang Jing sat in the front seat, excited and said, "Brother Mo, it's too cheap for him to just let that Han Yijun go."

Gu Ziqing said with a smile: "What is Yu Mo's identity, where can I entangle with him, isn't that a waste of time?"

Tang Jing thought about it for a second, patted his head, and suddenly said: "Yes, Mr. Gu is far-sighted and sees thoroughly. Mr. Gu, you are developing very fast in Shanghai, and your people are amazing."

Tang Jing glanced at the driver, who drove without looking sideways without saying a word.

Tang Jing had carefully looked at Gu Ziqing's entourage before, and it didn't matter at all, all of them were unfathomable. He boasted that he had practiced martial arts for a while, and his skills were quite extraordinary, but compared with these people, he was ashamed of himself.

"Why are there so many experts around her?"

Tang Jing was stunned secretly, the Gu family definitely didn't have so many masters, and this was definitely not something that the Gu family could do.

The next second, Tang Jing glanced at the rearview mirror inadvertently, and his chin almost dropped to the ground.

Yu Mo and Gu Ziqing have been holding hands intimately.

Tang Jing thought that it was to deliberately anger Han Yijun, so they pretended to be close. I didn't expect that there were no outsiders here, and the two still looked like glue.

"This... Could it be that the two of them have a leg?"

Tang Jing was taken aback by this thought. Immediately, his admiration for Yu Mo was like a surging river, and his admiration fell to the ground.

"Brother Mo is amazing. Not only did he capture the schoolgirl of Ling Da, but even Mr. Gu didn't let it go. Tsk tsk, I can't keep up with this."

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