Immortal Young Man on Campus

Chapter 1307: I see it!

If Yu Mo can't go to the Demon Realm, everything will naturally be avoided.

The Demon God of Chaos asked about the idea, and the others understood the truth and looked at Yu Mo.

For them, going to another world is illusory, and they don't even dare to think about it.

Yu Mo dared to have such a thought, which made them feel ashamed.

"Aren't you from the devil world? Can't you go back?" Yu Mo asked back.

"Me?" The Demon God of Confusion pointed to his nose, looked at Yu Mo like a fool, and said, "Do you think I can bring you back to the Demon Realm?"

"Can't you? You won't tell me that you can't return to the demon world, right?" Yu Mo asked: "At the beginning, you swore to devour Ziqing. If you devoured her and couldn't return to the demon world, this is not equivalent to Jinyi. Do you travel at night?"

"What do you mean?" The Demon God of Confusion asked with a stern look on his face.

Yu Mo spread his hands and said, "It's simple, you know how to return to the demon world, right?"

Gu Ziqing stared straight at the Demon God of Chaos and asked, "Do you know?"

Facing Gu Ziqing, the Demon God of Confusion did not dare to lie, he hesitated for a while, then nodded and said, "I know, but I can only go back alone, there is no way to take him back."

"Oh, why? Actually, I've always been curious. You don't know the new space laws, how can you return to the demon world?" Yu Mo asked curiously with a flash of inspiration.

"Because, I know the location of the demon world on the star map." The Demon God of Confusion explained.

"star map?"

Yu Mo frowned, hearing this name for the first time.

"Yes, this is like a map of your world. A place has a certain position on it, while Daqian World has its own position on the star map. As long as you know the position, even if you don't know the new space laws, you can still travel through space. ."

Yu Mo's brows furrowed even tighter. He was confused, because this was very different from what he knew.

"Then what does the law of space do?"

The Demon God of Chaos smiled lightly and said, "It seems that you only know what is, but don't know why. We know the laws of space before we can go to countless worlds, and I can only go to our own world. We were born in a certain world. The world, that world has our imprint, and that imprint is like a beacon that will guide us home."

Yu Mo suddenly realized that there are so many details.

"Even so, you still need strong energy or cultivation to help you return to the demon world, right?" Yu Mo asked.

The Demon God of Chaos said in surprise: "You are really shocking me more and more, you are so right, this is not like what you should know at all."

Yu Mo smiled, noncommittal, and urged, "Answer my question."

"Yes." The Demon God of Chaos said helplessly: "It does take a lot of energy to break through the space to return to the demon world. This space can only accommodate one person to pass through. That is me, so you can't reach the demon world."

Everyone was full of hope, but after hearing this, their expressions darkened immediately.

Yu Mo laughed and said, "This is the normal situation, but if I open a door to space for you, can't we go to the devil world together?"

"What?" The Demon God of Chaos screamed again in shock, shook his head, and muttered to himself in a daze: "Impossible, how could you open the door of space, you know the laws of space, and, You're not that powerful either."

The others were confused and did not understand what they were saying.

Gu Ziqing looked at Yu Mo with high spirits, he believed that Yu Mo was not something out of nothing, and she waited for Yu Mo's answer.

The corner of Yu Mo's mouth was slightly raised, and he smiled meaningfully: "You don't care about this, anyway, as long as you know that I can open a door to space, can you take me to the devil world?"

The Demon God of Chaos lost his soul and was still immersed in shock, unable to extricate himself.

The way he looked at Yu Mo became very subtle, and various complex emotions were intertwined.

Yu Mo didn't rush, and waited for him to digest all this slowly.

After a long while, the Demon God of Chaos calmed down his complicated emotions a little, and his eyes gradually became brighter. He looked at Yu Mo up and down, and Yu Mo's image in his mind changed dramatically.

"Yes, as long as you can open a door to space, you can also go to the Demon Realm with me."

The Demon God of Chaos said firmly.

"Hahaha!" Yu Mo laughed loudly: "Then all this will be solved."

"You went to the demon world, you went to die, you know?" asked the demon **** of chaos.

"Isn't it with you?"

"Me?" The Demon God of Confusion smiled bitterly: "To be honest, I'm nothing in the demon world, I can't protect you, once the demon world knows that a human has come to the demon world, then you will be the target of all the criticism, you are dead, there is no possibility of it. The second case."

The Demon God of Confusion was eloquent, but Yu Mo's face remained unchanged, which shocked everyone's hearts. In terms of courage and courage, they were not as good as Yu Mo when combined.

Gu Ziqing was awe-inspiring, looked at Yu Mo worriedly, and advised, "This is too dangerous, don't go."

Yu Mo shook his head and smiled bitterly: "I have to go."

Gu Ziqing was speechless.

"Devil God of Chaos, don't judge me first, I'm sure to die. As long as I don't let others find out, won't it be a problem?"

"Don't let others find out? Haha, are you kidding me? Humans and demons are very different, even their breaths are different. Do you think you can hide it?"

"I have also practiced the Demon Clan exercises, so I can still pretend." Yu Mo defended.

"Wrong! The magic of the demon world is completely different from the magic of the demons. Moreover, even if humans practice the magic of the devil, it is not an anti-dog, and the devil can see through it at a glance."

Yu Mo was silent, thinking hard.

Gu Ziqing thought thoughtfully and said, "Wrong, there is a way to hide from the devil."

"What exercises?" The Demon God of Chaos asked blankly.

"Thousands of Magical Magic." Gu Ziqing laughed.

Ten Thousand Divine Art is the gong art of the saintess of the demon world. Once practiced, as long as you kill a demon **** and devour him, you can transform into the other party.

Isn't that what you can get away with?

The Demon God of Chaos was stunned and said incredulously, "You want to teach him the Thousand Illusions Divine Art?"

"is it not OK?"

"Thousand Illusory Magic is the magic of the devil world. He is a mere mortal, can he practice it? Surely a tiger can't be an anti-type dog, and the devil will still see the clues. Besides, the master is different from you, you are the reincarnation of a saint, you can Cultivating the Thousand Illusions Divine Art does not mean that others can also practice it."

The Demon God of Chaos was talking endlessly, obviously not agreeing with this plan.

Gu Ziqing didn't think so. She looked at Yu Mo burningly and said, "Yu Mo, what I can do, I believe you can do it too. Don't you like taking risks? Do you want to try it?"

Yu Mo was suddenly enlightened, and laughed loudly: "Haha, what do I dare not, this plan, I will see it!"

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