Immortal Young Man on Campus

Chapter 1334: wake up

After Fuling finished speaking, she looked at the Demon Venerable expectantly.

Suddenly I found that Demon Venerable's expression changed very strangely, I wondered in my heart, and said, "Demon Venerable, I'm done."

The Demon Venerable looked at her strangely and said, "You really saw the Demon God of Chaos?"

Fu Ling vowed: "Is this still false? I can guarantee that my words are absolutely true! I have been in the devil world for so many years, and I have rarely seen such a brave and resourceful person. He is my idol all my life, how can I Can lie about idols!"

The Demon Venerable just confirmed it and nodded secretly, thinking that this is quite different from the Demon God of Chaos I know.

But demons can change, and they can't be viewed from the same perspective.

"Mozun, can you send troops to rescue Senior Hunshi?" Fuling asked expectantly.

Demon Venerable nodded without hesitation: "Of course, I want to save the demon **** of chaos. This kind of brave and resourceful person is our great hero. How can we let the hero fall into the hands of the enemy."


Fu Ling was taken aback. He didn't expect happiness to come so suddenly, and before he even pleaded for mercy, Demon Venerable agreed to rescue him.

"Could it be that what I said was too contagious and infected the Demon Venerable?" Fu Ling was in shock.

She stared blankly at Demon Venerable, but Demon Venerable was unfathomable, how could she see through it.

In the end, she could only give up.

"In any case, my goal has been achieved, and the Demon Venerable will send troops to save Senior Hunshi." Fu Ling was overjoyed.

"Then when are we going to save him?" Fuling asked eagerly.

Demon Venerable's eyes flashed and said: "You have provided a very important piece of information, there is a flaw in the enemy's defense, and they are intensively repairing the flaw. We must make a surprise attack before they can make it up. The flaws are torn into a big hole, and then, taking this opportunity, launch a counter-offensive to regain the lost territory."

Fuling turned pale in shock, but did not expect that the Demon Venerable was not only going to save the Demon God of Chaos, but brewing such a grand plan.

"It's not too late, I'll send the order now, and attack immediately!" The Demon Venerable was rushing, and he did what he said.

Jin Yangcheng acted immediately, with a chilling air.

Fuling stared at this scene in a stunned manner. All this was caused by her. The mere words caused such a big movement. She had an unreal feeling like a dream.

"Why do I feel that Demon Venerable did not act because of what I said, but for other reasons?"

Fu Ling shook her head, she really couldn't guess what the Demon Venerable was thinking.

Mozun stood alone in the hall, looking at the border in the distance, thoughtfully, and muttered to himself: "The Demon God of Chaos, actually let me meet him, he disappeared for so long and dispatched so much power. , didn't find him. He actually appeared here, and let me meet him, hehe, this great credit falls on my head, how can I be indifferent. "

If Fuling heard these words, she would be speechless in surprise. It turned out that the Demon God of Chaos had such a big background.

Yu Mo was tied to an iron pillar by Wu Hua Da, and the Flying Tiger Demon God held a long whip, looked at him with a majestic look, and said, "What kind of identity are you, and what are your ulterior motives?"

Yu Mo rolled his eyes and said, "How many times have you asked over and over again, is it interesting?"

"You don't say yes, hum, I have something to make you speak."

Feihu raised the long whip in his hand and grinned: "Let me tell you what this is first? It's called a broken soul whip. Once it hits you, your soul will shatter a little bit. But don't worry, you won't be blown away. After all, I still have to knock on your mouth, I can't let you die so easily."

Yu Mo's pupils shrank, staring at the broken soul whip in horror.

"Once your soul is shattered, that feeling, tsk tsk, I've never experienced it, but someone told me that life is better than death, it's the biggest torture in the world. Do you think you can withstand it?"

Yu Mo's heart trembled a few times, but he didn't want to give in. He said, "I can kill Tie Feng, and naturally I can kill you. You are better than Tie Feng, huh, when do you think you will die?"

Feihu was furious: "You are a prisoner now, and you dare to threaten me. How could my Feihu Demon God die? You are the one who died!"

As soon as the voice fell, Feihu waved his arms violently.


The broken divine whip fell on Yu Mo, Yu Mo trembled violently, and his soul trembled, as if it was about to shatter.

Yu Mo groaned, but did not scream. After all, his tolerance for pain was far beyond that of ordinary people.

Feihu's eyes widened in astonishment: "Hey! When I whip down, you don't even scream, you are really tough."

Yu Mo glared angrily.

"Hehe, keep your strength, you stare at me, can you kill me with your eyes?" Feihu asked disdainfully.

"This is the first whip. Since you can bear the pain, then of course I have to change my strategy! Then try the second whip!"

Feihu roared, hula, the broken divine whip suddenly fell, and slapped Yu Mo fiercely.


A jaw-dropping crash sounded.

Feihu also froze in his heart, and quickly widened his eyes, hoping to see Yu Mo screaming and begging for mercy.

However, he was disappointed.

Yu Mo shivered, trembling non-stop, the blue veins in his temples jumped, but instead of screaming, he gritted his teeth, resisting the pain from the depths of his soul.

Feihu was disappointed and puzzled, and asked, "How did you do it?"

Feihu asked himself, if he took the blow of the Soul Shattering Braid, although his soul would not be shattered, he would definitely scream in pain.

But Yu Mo endured it silently.

Immediately, there was a chill in his heart.

I was a little scared of Yu Mo.

This opponent is too powerful, with extraordinary willpower, far surpassing his Flying Tiger.

"You must kill him, otherwise, if he gets out of trouble, he will definitely kill me!"

Feihu's heart was agitated, and he had this realization.

Yu Mo took a deep breath and gradually pulled away from the pain. He once faced the devastation of the Demon Sage, and his soul was different from ordinary people's strength. Therefore, although he had eaten two broken divine whips, he was not in serious trouble.

But if Feihu continued to fight recklessly, Yu Mo's soul would definitely not be able to keep going.

"You're very resistant, aren't you? I see how long you can resist." Feihu swung the shattering whip violently as if going crazy.

clap clap clap!

A series of beats sounded, Yu Mo trembled, like a sieve, his face was distorted, at the same time, his soul trembled violently, deep in his brain, the entire black prison trembled, as if it was about to shatter.


Suddenly, a roar sounded in Yu Mo's mind.

This roar was so sudden that Yu Mo was caught off guard. He seemed to have forgotten the pain, and stared blankly at the source of the roar.

It's a black prison!

There seemed to be a fierce **** locked in the black prison, and the broken **** whip angered him.

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