Immortal Young Man on Campus

Chapter 1344: Battle of the Mantle

Yu Mo was unmoved by what thousands of husbands pointed out. This is what he promised to confuse the devil, and he will definitely do it.

What's more, in this matter, only Emperor Yan can rescue the demon **** of chaos.

He didn't think that a Thunderbolt Demon Venerable could rescue the Demon God of Chaos.

On the contrary, the Demon God of Chaos is aggressive, always trying to ask the specific whereabouts of the Demon God of Chaos, but Zhantian Demon Venerable did not say a word, and did not express his position at all.

The completely different practices of the two made Yu Mo suspicious. He looked at the Thunderbolt Demon Lord with all his thoughts, and said frankly, "Thunderbolt Demon Lord, if you really care about the safety of the Demon God of Chaos, then you should do it as quickly as possible. Let me see Emperor Yan, instead of grinding my lips here."

Yu Mo's eyes rolled, and he passed over the other demon gods who were clamoring one by one, and said unceremoniously: "Everyone, do you think I can pose any threat to Emperor Yan after seeing him? Otherwise, how could this be the case? I object to seeing Emperor Yan, and keep saying that I have evil intentions. Hehe, you really look down on me, I can even threaten Emperor Yan with my little strength, and you look down on Emperor Yan too much."

All the demon gods were stunned and speechless, and could only be behind the scenes in annoyance: "Nonsense, your strength is not worthy of Emperor Yan's shoes, how can you threaten Emperor Yan."

Yu Mo said a few words, and the thunderbolt Demon Venerable and all the demon gods ran into the anger, causing chaos in every square inch.

Zhantian Demon Venerable looked at this scene and couldn't help but admire Yu Mo.

"This kid is really amazing, I really made him smaller before." Zhantian Demon Venerable sighed in his heart.

Thunder Demon's eyes were changing, and he said in his heart that I couldn't ask any more questions, not to mention that Zhantian Demon Zun was by his side, and there was Emperor Yan's order, so I couldn't use force against him at all.

But it doesn't matter, I've got an important message.

The Demon God of Chaos did not die, but fell into the hands of a Demon Emperor.

This is enough.

There are only so many devil emperors in the devil world. As long as you investigate carefully, it is not difficult to know who the **** of chaos has fallen into.

As long as you know all this, it's easy to handle.

Therefore, the Thunder Demon Venerable didn't bother, and said with a bad expression: "I want you to know that we are all concerned about the safety of the **** of chaos. Even if you slander us, you can't change all of this. For the safety of the **** of chaos, We don't have the same knowledge as you, and everything is aimed at saving him first. Don't you want to see Emperor Yan? Well, that's what you want. Zhantian Demon Venerable is returning to the capital, so you can go with him, and he will arrange it. Naturally, you can see Emperor Yan."

Thunderbolt Demon Venerable changed his words, and the change was too fast. Yu Mo was stunned for a while, but he didn't expect to succeed so easily.

He looked at Zhantian Demon Venerable and said, "Then there is Zhantian Demon Venerable."

Zhantian Demon Venerable smiled and said, "Hands up."

The Thunder Demon looked bad and asked, "Since you're not a demon god, who are you, and what's your real name?"

Yu Mo hesitated for a while. He pretended to use the identity of the Demon God of Chaos in order to avoid exposure of his true identity.

In the past few days, he has learned a lot about the real situation of the devil world.

There are many names of demon gods and demon gods in the demon world, and there is no specific rule.

Therefore, even if Yu Mo uses his real name to reveal his identity, he will not reveal his identity as he was worried about earlier.

Yu Mo said carelessly: "Yu Mo!"

Sure enough, after hearing these two words, the Demon Venerable and Demon God present did not show the slightest difference, they just remembered the name firmly.

Demon Lord Thunderbolt waved his hand and said impatiently, "Then you can go out."

Yu Mo achieved his goal, smiled and left briskly.

When he left, the Demon God scolded Yu Mo angrily.

Thunder Demon's face was frosty, he glanced at Zhantian Demon Zun, and said, "Zhantian Demon Zun, it's a long way to go to the imperial capital, be careful this kid has bad intentions."

Zhantian Demon Zun has been observing Yu Mo for the past few days, thinking that he understands him somewhat, and said, "Thank you for the reminder of Thunder Demon, I have my own sense."

Thunderbolt Demon Venerable didn't say anything more, after all, Zhantian Demon Venerable was not the eldest son of Emperor Yan.

Different road non-phase plan.

Thunderbolt Demon Venerable has always been very close to the eldest son of Emperor Yan, and he fully supports him.

Everyone knows that Emperor Yan has only two sons, and the future mantle will definitely be passed on to one of them.

Many Demon Venerables and Demon Gods chose to stand in line early.

The eldest son of Emperor Yan was very talented, and he convinced many people.

On the other hand, the second son of Emperor Yan was dwarfed in comparison, and no matter what he was, he could not be compared with the eldest son.

Therefore, as long as the eyes are not blind, they all believe that Emperor Yan will pass the mantle to the eldest son.

This is what even the eldest son thinks so.

However, he did not relax his vigilance and beware of restraining his younger brother everywhere.

But this time, the disappearance of the demon gods in the mixed world for no reason gave many demons and demons a new understanding.

Ever since the Demon God of Chaos disappeared, Emperor Yan seemed to have changed his mind, mobilizing all resources to find the whereabouts of the Demon God of Chaos at all costs.

At this time, his true feelings for the second son were completely exposed.

Everyone suddenly realized that Emperor Yan paid more attention and love to the second son than even the eldest son.

Even, some close followers heard Emperor Yan casually muttering to himself, saying that he wanted to pass on the mantle to the Demon God of Chaos, how could the Demon God of Chaos disappear for no reason?

This sentence is too lethal. Many people realize that the second son of Emperor Yan, who has been neglected for a long time, is the candidate to inherit the mantle, and the eldest son is just a smoke bomb.

The eldest son also knows this, and his mood can be imagined.

"As long as you find out who the Demon God of Chaos is, there is a way to make him never come back, then he is no longer a threat. The mantle of Emperor Yan can only be passed on to the eldest son."

The murderous intent appeared in the eyes of the Thunder Demon Lord, and he had already made up his mind.

Before Yu Mo left, he had already told the eldest son of Emperor Yan about the Demon God of Chaos and his plans through secret channels. He believed that the other party would arrange everything properly.

"Yu Mo, what if you went to see Emperor Yan? The devil is not the only way to die."

Thunderbolt Demon Venerable is full of confidence.

Not long after Yu Mo returned to his residence, after Zhantian Demon Venerable and Thunder Demon Venerable handed over the affairs of Jinyang City, they led their cronies to Yu Mo's residence.

"Yu Mo, let's go!" Zhantian Demon Venerable called.

Yu Mo walked out of the door and looked back. He had already told her that he was not a demon god, but Yu Mo.

Moreover, he was going to the imperial capital, and he was going to part ways with Fuling.

Fuling heard that Yu Mo was not a demon **** of chaos, and for a long time was unable to recover from the shock.

She was deceived!

Yu Mo had his own difficulties and did not ask for her understanding, so he decided to part ways.

"Wait a minute!"

As soon as Yu Mo walked out of the door, Fu Ling chased after him, with a complicated expression, looked at Yu Mo faintly, and said, "Anyway, the name is just a code name, maybe your name Yu Mo is also fake, I don't care, you go to the imperial capital, and I will too. Go to the imperial capital."

After saying that, she passed Yu Mo and walked forward with big strides.

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