Immortal Young Man on Campus

Chapter 1354: fighting poison

Yu Mo questioned the poisonous technique of the Kuroshio Demon Venerable, which made the Kuroshio Demon Venerable burst into anger, and he could endure anything, but this was the only thing he couldn't bear.

He changed his gestures, the waves surged, turned into a giant hand, and slapped Yu Mo fiercely.

The huge waves under Yu Mo's feet roared, turned into a long sword, and slashed away.

The sword and the hand collided with each other, and the black sea water splashed out and flew towards each other.

A lot of sea water also flew towards Lihuo Ship, and Jun Tian Mozun and others were shocked and hurriedly screamed: "Hurry up!"

This sea water is fast and urgent, and without thinking about it, the poison contained in it is terrifying.

Puff puff!

The sea water fell on the deck, and some demon gods could not dodge in time. They were splashed by the sea water and screamed quickly, but they stopped abruptly. The speed of the sea water spread was much faster than before.

They tried to resist, but then went dark and exploded in place.

When Jun Tianmozun saw this scene, he grinned, and his teeth were about to shatter.

The gate of the city caught fire, which affected Chiyu.

His subordinates suffered heavy casualties. If it continues, Yu Mo and Kuroshio Demon Venerable have not yet decided the winner, and his subordinates will die first.

"Hurry up and don't hurt my subordinates."

Juntian Mozun shouted hysterically.

Yu Mo and Kuroshio Demon Venerable turned a deaf ear, Yu Mo glanced from the corner of his eyes, and saw Juntian Demon Venerable's men fall one by one, he couldn't help it.

After all, dealing with the Kuroshio Demon Venerable has already restrained all his mind, how can he be distracted to protect the subordinates of the Juntian Demon Venerable.

Juntian Mozun rolled his eyes and stared straight at Yu Mo, his eyes flashed with resentment, and he shouted hysterically: "Yu Mo, you did it on purpose, right? You want to take the opportunity to cut off your dissidents, right?"

Yu Mo suffered a disaster and was splashed with dirty water.

"Juntian Mozun, if you think so, then I have nothing to say, ask yourself for more blessings."

Yu Mo simply ignored Juntian Demon Venerable and savagely killed Kuroshio Demon Venerable.

The two sides control the sea water, constantly changing shapes, turning into various weapons, and confronting on the sea.

The sea splashed, as if a sea rain had started.

But the sea water did not fall on the two of them, and they both knew that the sea water of each other was highly poisonous.

Yu Mo had already deconstructed Qianji Poison, and he was not afraid of sea water as he continued to move forward.

After a while, he pulled into the distance between each other.

Yu Mo's violent attack made the Kuroshio Demon Venerable startled, his eyes full of incredible colors.

But immediately he rejoiced.

Yu Mo is so rampant, doesn't this give him an opportunity to take advantage.

"I don't believe that Qianji Poison can't kill you."

The eyes of Kuroshio Demon Venerable flickered, and his fingers changed, immediately activating all the sea water, setting off a huge wave that fell from the sky.

As long as this blow goes on, the sea water will definitely hit Yu Mo, and Yu Mo will surely die.

The fact that Yu Mo was safe and sound in the past did not mean that he could fight against the Thousand Machines Poison now.

Thousand Machine Poison has a huge feature, that is, it is unpredictable and constantly changing.

Demon Venerable Kuroshio believed that Yu Mo's escape from death was a fluke.

Now when the new Thousand Machine Poison falls on Yu Mo, he will surely die.

Yu Mo looked at the huge waves above his head, he changed his body, and the sea water under his feet turned into a giant sword.

Yu Mo is in the giant sword, the man and the sword are one!


Yu Mo roared in a deep voice, and flew into the sky with the giant sword, facing the giant waves, like a broken bamboo, and slashed into the giant waves with one sword.

The giant sword went upstream and quickly approached the Kuroshio Demon Venerable on the top of the giant wave.

The Kuroshio Demon Venerable had a sneering look on his face.


The giant sword broke through the huge waves and came to the Kuroshio Demon Venerable, and Yu Mo also stood in front of the Kuroshio Demon Venerable.

The giant sword and the giant waves exploded again, setting off a rain of seawater.

Yu Mo and the Kuroshio Demon Venerable were close at hand, and their eyes were facing each other. The Kuroshio Demon Venerable's gaze fell on Yu Mo's shoulder, and there was a successful smile on the corner of his mouth, and he said, "Yu Mo, there is an extra drop on your shoulder. Seawater, you are still poisoned after all."

Yu Mo was unmoved, looked straight at the chest of the Kuroshio Demon Venerable, and said, "Then what is your chest?"

The Kuroshio Demon Venerable looked down suddenly, and sure enough, there was a drop of sea water on his chest.

His face changed slightly, but he was relieved quickly, and mocked: "Yu Mo, can your poison hurt me? Wishful thinking."

"Then can your Thousand Machine Poison hurt me?" Yu Mo asked back.

The Kuroshio Demon Venerable said proudly: "Of course, Qianji Po is changing all the time, just because you were lucky, it doesn't mean you can be safe this time."

Yu Mo said with emotion: "Qianji Poison is really powerful, it changes all the time, and it's hard to guard against it. When I deconstructed Qianji Poison, I was really surprised. But the changes remain the same. If you want to hurt me, it's true. It’s still not long before the fire. I’ve added a little something to Qianji Po by then, you can taste it slowly.”

Demon Venerable Kuroshio said incredulously: "You have deconstructed the Thousand Machine Poison, how is that possible? You are shameless!"

Yu Mo vowed: "I will see you soon."

An ominous premonition floated in the heart of the Kuroshio Demon Venerable, and he snorted coldly: "It's a mystery!"

However, as soon as the voice fell, the sea water in his chest changed, as if tentacles grew and quickly spread to his body.

In the blink of an eye, his chest became pitch black, and these tentacles were rapidly occupying the body of the Kuroshio Demon Venerable with lightning speed.


The Kuroshio Demon Venerable watched the changes in his body incredulously, and he easily sensed the poison in the sea water.

This kind of poison is very similar to the Thousand Machine Poison, but there are subtle differences.

If it is a thousand-machine poison, he is naturally not afraid.

But it's not entirely the Thousand Machines Poison, and Yu Mo caused it to undergo complex changes.

In an instant, the Kuroshio Demon Venerable couldn't figure out the mystery of this new poison, and naturally there was no way to detoxify and avoid its damage.

"You do have some tricks, but so what? You have been infected with my Thousand Machine Poison, and you will surely die. I will see who of us will die first."

Demon Venerable Kuroshio roared, the toxicity of the Thousand Machine Poison was also brewing to the extreme, and it burst out suddenly, spreading from Yu Mo's shoulders to the surroundings.

However, tentacles appeared on Yu Mo's shoulders, immediately encircling and killing Qianji Po.

The two venomous forces clashed, and they saw the difference in a short while.

The Qianji Poison was actually successfully surrounded and suppressed by those tentacles, and the Qianji Poison disappeared, and the tentacles waved and swayed triumphantly.

Demon Lord Kuroshio thought that as long as Qianji Poison got on Yu Mo's body, the outcome would be decided, and Yu Mo would surely die.

But looking at the situation in front of him, the Kuroshio Demon Venerable was stunned, which was completely beyond his expectations.

At the same time, the tentacles on his body spread wildly, turning his hands and feet into pitch black ink.

Only the head of the Kuroshio Demon Venerable was not captured by the tentacles, but anyone with a discerning eye could tell that he was fighting poison with Yu Mo.

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