Immortal Young Man on Campus

Chapter 1373: Flying Tiger Demon God

It was dawn, the sun was shining, and the Qianji Bay was sparkling.

Countless people are looking forward to it, looking at Qianji Bay.

Emperor You was no exception. He walked out of the palace and looked at Yu Mo's tent subconsciously, only to see Yu Mo walking slowly.

"Yu Mo, there is no change today, right?" Emperor You asked in a deep voice.

Yu Mo looked solemn, shook his head and said, "Absolutely not!"

Emperor You smiled with satisfaction: "That's good."

Emperor You gave his subordinates a wink and said, "Bring the Demon God of Chaos, let's go to the beach together, and wait for the envoy of Emperor Yan to arrive."

A group of Demon Gods and Demon Venerables went straight to Qianji Bay, and Juntian Demon Venerable and Zhantian Demon Venerable also approached Qianji Bay with the flow.

Their eyes swept across Yu Mo from time to time, with different eyes, as if Juntian Mozun wanted to swallow him alive, while Zhantian Mozun was apprehensive.

Yu Mo's advice yesterday was like a thorn stuck in his throat. He closely observed everyone's every move and was careful.

"Where's the messenger?"

Emperor You looked at Qianji Bay from afar, and there was not a single ghost figure, so he asked with a frown.

"It's coming soon." Yu Mo said concisely, and seemed unwilling to say more. He stared at the sea with his eyes, and in the depths of his eyes, there was an unknown light flickering.

Out of the corner of his eyes, he searched the team, as if he was looking for something, but he never found it, and the doubts deep in his eyes gradually climbed up.

Emperor You didn't seem to have much patience, and said impatiently, "If the messenger doesn't show up, then I will doubt your words."

Yu Mo said nothing.

Upon seeing this, Juntian Mozun said quickly: "Emperor You, where is the messenger? This is all his nonsense. Up to now, he is so poor, he is just struggling to survive."

Juntian Demon Venerable fell into the trap and looked at Yu Mo with bad intentions.

Yu Mo's face tightened, and he seemed a little nervous. He didn't dare to look at Juntian Demon Venerable, but just kept looking at the sea in the distance.

Juntian Mozun thought that Yu Mo had a guilty conscience, and did not dare to look at him. He pursued him while he was victorious, and said, "You Emperor Mingjian, he is absolutely talking nonsense, he is just delaying time, don't be fooled."

He was bitter, as if he belonged to Emperor You.

Seeing this scene, the Demon God of Chaos couldn't hold back any longer, and said aggressively, "Brother, you actually said that to Yu Mo, who are you from? Have you become Emperor You's lackey?"

As soon as these words came out, Juntian Mozun seemed to be strangled by the throat, with a gloomy expression on his face, and said, "Brother, I am saving you. If Yu Mo is allowed to do anything wrong, we will all be implicated by him. It really hurt you. You have to understand my good intentions."

Jun Tianmozun was so eloquent that he pushed all the faults on Yu Mo's head.

Where would the Demon God of Chaos eat such a trick, he snorted coldly, argued with reason, and said, "I believe in Yu Mo, you don't need to be hypocritical here. I know exactly what you have in mind. I didn't expect you to be so ruthless, You actually want to kill me. You regret that Emperor You didn't kill me directly."

Demon Venerable Jun Tian gritted his teeth, his face was red and his ears were red. The Demon God of Chaos revealed his true thoughts, but he couldn't admit it, and quickly denied: "You misunderstood me, this must be Yu Mo's slanderous words to provoke the feelings of our brothers, you can Don't be fooled..."

Juntian Mozun was talking endlessly, and before he finished speaking, Emperor You suddenly shouted: "Shut up!"

Juntian Mozun seemed to be strangled by his neck, and swallowed the words abruptly, staring at Emperor You with big eyes.

I saw that Emperor You's eyes were full of light, and he was staring at Qianji Bay.

"The messenger is here!"

Yudi said excitedly.


Juntian Mozun is incredible, how could there be an envoy?

Isn't Yu Mo a liar?

How could his words come true?

Juntian Demon Venerable 100,000 didn't believe it, twisted his neck with difficulty, and looked towards Qianji Bay.


Immediately, his eyes widened in disbelief, as if his eyes were about to burst, and there was a loud bang in his brain, as if a thunderbolt flashed across the sky.

The other Demon Gods and Demon Venerables also stared intently at Qianji Bay, secretly smacking their tongues.

On the sea, a tall figure walked on the waves, as if walking on the ground. This sea covered with thousands of poisons did not pose any threat to him at all.

This made the scene drop to the ground.

How is this possible, the envoy of Emperor Yan is not afraid of the Thousand Machine Poison.

Juntian Mozun immediately widened his eyes, trying to see who the person was.

Finally, the other party came to the border and stopped.

"Who is he? A raw face, never seen before?" Juntian Demon Race and his subordinates are confused, they are the powerful and noble in Tianhuo City, but they have never seen this Demon God.


Here comes the devil.

Moreover, it is the subordinate of Emperor Yan, and the brand mark on his body proves this.

No one noticed that there were two pairs of eyes showing incredible colors, and a voice in the heart was shouting: "It's him, why is it?"

These two are Zhantian Demon Venerable and Poria.

Because the new face in front of them is not new to them, they have all seen it before, and a name immediately popped up in their minds-Flying Tiger Demon God.

This is the Flying Tiger Demon God under Emperor Xuan, but he died in the hands of Yu Mo.

However, the Flying Tiger Demon God in front of him was completely different, except that his appearance was exactly the same as that of the Flying Tiger Demon God, but the imprint belonged to Emperor Yan, not Emperor Xuan.

This is strange.

Who can do this?

To disguise a demon to such a degree.

Suddenly, a name appeared in their minds at the same time - Yu Mo!

In the demon world, only Yu Mo can do this, at least in their opinion, only Yu Mo can do it.

Moreover, the other party is not afraid of Qianji poison, which only Yu Mo can do.

The truth is revealed.

This messenger was actually disguised by Yu Mo.

What about the other Yu Mo?

They turned their heads in unison, and landed on Yu Mo, who was beside You Emperor, with a sudden look in their eyes.

"It's the Qingming Demon God!"

They opened their mouths wide in surprise and almost cried out, but they covered their mouths again, suddenly remembering Yu Mo's thousands of warnings yesterday.


Isn't this a big change?

They thought that Yu Mo was alarmist, but it turned out that Yu Mo was giving them a vaccination.

One question after another gradually got an answer.

Zhantian Mozun has always wondered why Emperor Yan gave him different orders from Yu Mo. Later, Yu Mo gave him a seamless explanation, and even Emperor You believed it.

Therefore, he gradually believed.

Only now did he understand that Yu Mo took the risk of the world and actually fabricated a big lie, which not only deceived him, but also deceived Emperor You and deceived everyone.

Zhantian Demon Venerable raised a storm in his heart, and secretly gave a thumbs up. I am afraid that no one has done this since ancient times.

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