Immortal Young Man on Campus

Chapter 139: life on the line

Everyone watched in horror as Ye Qianqian turned around, expecting the scene where she was screaming in horror.

Ye Qianqian rolled his eyes, pouted, and said, "Where did the ghost come from? Hmph, it really is a bunch of cowards."

Hey, how can she not see? The female ghost was clearly standing in front of her.

This question mark popped up in everyone's mind.

Du Juan was indeed standing in front of Ye Qianqian, but she kept Yu Mo's explanation in mind and did not let Ye Qianqian see her, so as not to scare Ye Qianqian.

"Ouch, it hurts me to death."

Jin Yingjie rolled over and got up from the table, his eyes froze for a moment, and he stared at Du Juan, but he was not afraid, but cursed: "You haunted fellow, you dare to scare me. I have a Buddha. Card, what can you do to me?"

Jin Yingjie was arrogant and limping towards Du Juan.

Du Juan's frightened complexion became paler, and he stepped back in panic. Jin Yingjie was even more proud.

Seeing that Jin Yingjie was talking nonsense, Ye Qianqian rushed towards him, thinking that he was fooled by himself, and he was talking nonsense.


She stepped forward and stopped in front of Jin Yingjie.

Jin Yingjie stared at Ye Qianqian fiercely, and shouted fiercely: "Bitch, you dare to beat me, I will take care of you in a while."

"Hmph, then I'll take care of you first." Ye Qianqian was ready to take another shot.

Jin Yingjie screamed in fright: "What are you doing hiding there? Come and help Lao Tzu, a bunch of guys who are not loyal at all."

"Young Master Jin, there is a ghost."

"Ghosts? You're afraid of shit. I have amulets, so I don't need to be afraid of her." Jin Yingjie shouted.

Du Juan showed fear and unwillingness, and did not dare to approach Jin Yingjie.

The others looked at each other in dismay, and said in their hearts that what Young Master Jin said was true, it seemed that this female ghost really couldn't help him.

Immediately, they overcame their fears a little, rushed to Jin Yingjie's side, and asked tremblingly, "Young Master Jin, are you really okay?"

"Of course there's no problem, you control this bitch, I'll go clean up that lingering guy." Jin Yingjie said triumphantly.

Everyone was afraid of ghosts, but they were not afraid of Ye Qianqian. They glanced at each other, frightened by Jin Yingjie's threat, and swarmed towards Ye Qianqian.

Two fists were no match for four hands, so Ye Qianqian was in a hurry.

Jin Yingjie swaggered towards Du Juan and grinned: "Let's see who can save you now. I let you escape last time, but this time you have nowhere to run."

Seeing Jin Yingjie approaching, Du Juan quickly backed away, scaring the crowd behind him into confusion.


Jin Yingjie couldn't stop laughing, feeling like a lone hero, quickening his pace and rushing towards the cuckoo.

Ye Qianqian saw this scene out of the corner of his eyes, and he was muttering in his heart, is Jin Yingjie crazy, why is he rushing into the air, and what are the others afraid of?

The scene was very chaotic, but the live audience exploded.

"Ghost, is there really a ghost? It doesn't seem like a fake from the appearance of those audience members."

"Just kidding, where can there be ghosts in this world, I'm afraid they have ghosts in their hearts."

The scene was too chaotic, and the live broadcast screen was shaking constantly, and the specific situation of the scene could not be seen at all, but there is no doubt that this scene more firmly attracted the audience and aroused their interest.

In particular, what Jin Yingjie did made the audience furious. He even dared to attack Ye Qianqian.

Tolerable and unbearable.

"Call the police, call the police quickly, absolutely can't let Qianqian get into trouble."

"Yes, these black sheep must be brought to justice."

The crowd worked together and took action.

In Shudu, the middle-aged man stood up suddenly, his face was extremely gloomy, and he urged the phone: "Uncle Jian, hurry up, Qianqian is in danger!"

Ye Qianqian was powerless to resist, looked left and right, but still did not find Yu Mo's figure, couldn't help stamping his feet angrily, and cursed: "Yu Mo, you rascal, where did you go, why haven't you shown up, you are not very Is it amazing? You even hide at the critical moment, you are still not a man!"

Suddenly, her eyes narrowed, and she saw a familiar figure in the crowd, who else could it be if it wasn't Yu Mo.

He even touched Jin Yingjie while taking advantage of the chaos, but Jin Yingjie didn't even notice it, except for Ye Qianqian, only Du Juan saw it.

"He didn't come to save me, what did he do in the crowd?" Ye Qianqian slandered: "Hey, he's actually stealing something, what did he steal from Jin Yingjie."

I saw that Yu Mo stole something from Jin Yingjie with the sheep, and then mixed into the crowd, like a mud cow entering the sea.

Du Juan saw Yu Mo's actions from beginning to end, and saw that he took a golden object from Jin Yingjie's body, and thought that it was an amulet?

Yu Mo stood in the crowd and nodded to Du Juan.

Du Juan understood and knew that she had guessed correctly. She was overjoyed at that moment, no longer retreating, but walked towards Jin Yingjie.

Jin Yingjie was stunned for a moment, then smiled overjoyedly and said, "Haha, you dare to rush up to see how my amulet suppresses you!"

He also quickened his pace and rushed towards Du Juan, but he didn't notice that the joy in Du Juan's terrifying eyes was getting stronger and stronger.

The two sides approached, and there was no scene of Du Juan being suppressed as expected by Jin Yingjie, but Du Juan's hands grabbed it instead.

"Ah, what's the matter?"

He finally realized that something was wrong, Empress Cang retreated, but it was too late.

Du Juan's arms exploded and grabbed his neck. He struggled hard, reached into his arms to touch the amulet, but found nothing.

" amulet." He screamed with difficulty, and finally knew the danger. Without the amulet, he would be powerless in front of the cuckoo.

"You don't have the amulet, I see how arrogant you are. If you kill me, I will kill you and take revenge."

Du Juan approached him, his hideous cheek almost touched his eyeballs, so frightened he kept rolling his eyes, begging: "I didn't kill you, it wasn't me!"

"You still dare to argue so far." Du Juan was furious.

"Save me...Save me..." Jin Yingjie kept struggling, begging for help from others.

Seeing this, the group of fox friends and dog friends were so frightened that they quickly retreated, not daring to entangle Ye Qianqian at all.

They saw that Jin Yingjie swore that he could deal with the female ghost, and then they dared to play a role in the tiger. Now that Jin Yingjie has fallen into the hands of the female ghost, and his life is hanging by a thread, how can they dare to be arrogant.

Ye Qianqian could finally take a breath, but seeing Jin Yingjie clutching her neck and struggling constantly, she couldn't help being stunned.

Where is he playing, he even strangled his neck and kept calling for help.

Especially the eyes of other fox friends looking at him are so strange that their eyeballs almost popped out, that fear cannot be faked, and she gradually realized that things seemed to be not as simple as she thought.

"It's time for you to play." A voice sounded behind her, and she shivered in fright, but she turned around abruptly, only to find that Yu Mo had come behind her at some point.

"You..." Just as she was about to scold him for being dishonest, she heard a commotion coming from the door of the bar.

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