Immortal Young Man on Campus

Chapter 1445: life and death

Han Yijun's face was red and his ears were red when he was refuted, and his whole body was trembling.

Yu Mo dared to say that his words were **** in public, where did he put his face.

Han Yijun glared at Yu Mo angrily, and snorted coldly, "Frog at the bottom of the well, I don't have the same knowledge as you."

"Hehe, I don't have the same knowledge as you, because you are just a lackey who has forgotten his ancestors." Yu Mo said jokingly, and stopped directly in front of Taro Aso.

Han Yijun was furious: "What kind of thing are you, dare to say that to me!"

Fans in the audience also supported him one after another, roaring at Yu Mo with the same hatred.

Yu Mo turned a deaf ear, didn't look at Han Yijun at all, and stared at Taro Aso.

Han Yijun is not willing to give up, his figure flashes, and he is about to make a move on Yu Mo.


Suddenly, a slap swept across the sky.


With a muffled sound, the slap hit Han Yijun's face directly.

He was like a kite with a broken string, vomited blood, flew out, fell to the ground, and immediately swelled into a pig's head.


Exclamations sounded in the audience immediately, and the fans were very shocked by this. How dare someone slap Han Yijun like this.

"it is good!"

"It's really good, I've wanted to slap this grandson for a long time."

Others cheered, Han Yijun had long caused public anger, but everyone couldn't help him.

Yu Mo didn't change his face, as if he didn't do anything, he asked Taro Aso, "Do you think I'm wrong?"

Taro Aso's pupils shrank, and he looked at Yu Mo vigilantly. He didn't expect that he would dare to stand up at this juncture, which was really unexpected.

However, the effect he wanted has been achieved, and he did not want to have trouble with Yu Mo, so he said lightly, "That is Han Yijun's own feelings and understanding, and outsiders have no right to interfere."

"Hehe, a dead duck has a hard mouth." Yu Mo shook his head and smiled sarcastically, "Then who do you think is stronger in the martial arts of Huaxia or the island country?"

"Of course it's an island country!" Taro Aso replied without hesitation.

"But I don't think so. In my eyes, the martial arts of the island country are rubbish, not worth mentioning. How can it be compared with the martial arts of China." Yu Mo sneered and sarcastically said.

"well said!"

"Our Chinese martial arts are the strongest."

The audience cheered, echoing one after another.

Aso Taro's mouth twitched fiercely a few times, his face ashen.

"Taro Aso, am I right?"

Yu Mo asked.

Taro Aso took a deep breath, suppressed the idea of ​​​​doing it, and pretended to be inscrutable: "The strong are always strong, don't pay attention to other people's dirty words, I will not comment on your views."

"Haha, no comment? Don't you dare to comment? It seems that not only the martial arts of the island country are not worth mentioning, but the people of the island country are also a bunch of cowards who only dare to bully the soft and fear the hard." Yu Mo sarcastically ruthlessly said.

Taro Aso's temple throbbed, his anger was like a volcano about to erupt, and it was difficult to suppress.

But at the last moment, he still held back, turned around and left, unwilling to confront Yu Mo head-on.

How could Yu Mo let him get his wish? If he was allowed to leave, the other party's goal would be achieved, and he would definitely hit the Chinese people's spirit severely.

"Taro Aso, you keep saying that the martial arts of the island country is stronger than that of Huaxia, and you are also the master of the island country, with a high status, then I will challenge you, who is stronger or weaker, naturally you can see the difference." Yu Mo stopped Aso Taro, and didn't give it at all. The opportunity he left, directly challenged him.

Taro Aso's eyes flickered, and he said, "The martial arts conference is over, I will not accept your challenge."

"The players of the Martial Arts Conference are very powerful, but they are not top experts. You are the top experts representing the island country. Since you keep saying that the martial arts of the island country is stronger than that of Huaxia, then your master of the island country is naturally more powerful. Could it be you? It's just an embroidered pillow, are you afraid of revealing its true form?"

Yu Mo pressed hard, and Taro Aso had been forced to the corner. He glanced at the auditorium, and his heart moved.

"If I leave here, then the impact of this action will be greatly reduced. Yu Mo insists on challenging me. He must be trying to suppress me by relying on his identity as a cultivator. How can I let you get your wish."

Taro Aso stopped and said loudly: "Yu Mo, you are not a warrior, how can you represent a Chinese warrior, do I need to accept your challenge?"

Yu Mo said: "It seems that you still don't know enough. It's true that I am a practitioner, but I am also a martial artist. How can I not challenge you?"

"You are also a martial artist? But as far as I know, you usually use your cultivator's magical powers to fight the enemy. Do you want to repeat the same tricks this time?" Taro Aso was surprised, but instead of chaotically fighting back, he counterattacked in an orderly manner. .

"To deal with you, where can I use the magical powers of practitioners, I can beat you all over the floor looking for teeth with only martial arts." Yu Mo said proudly.

Taro Aso secretly rejoiced in his heart. This is what he was waiting for. The more defiant Yu Mo is, the better his chances are.

Taro Aso said quickly, "Do you really want to challenge me with only martial arts?"

"Are you afraid?" Yu Mo asked back.

Taro Aso laughed brilliantly: "Haha, how can I be afraid, since you are obsessed and insistent, then I will fulfill you and let you know what a martial arts master is."

The corner of Yu Mo's mouth was slightly raised. He knew Taro Aso's thoughts very well. Taro Aso just wanted Yu Mo to only use martial arts, so as to take advantage of it.

But Taro Aso knew that Yu Mo would be so easy to be bullied by him.

"Since it's a master's trick, and the fists and feet have no eyes, then we will live and die. It doesn't matter whether we live or die in this battle. If anyone is inferior to others and dies in the hands of the other party, then don't blame the other party." Yu Mo suggested.

Taro Aso's eyes lit up, but he didn't expect that Yu Mo would make this suggestion, and it hit his heart.

"Haha, since you insist on doing this, then I agree with it without any difficulty, but if you die by my hands, don't blame me!" Taro Aso's tone contained a murderous aura.

Obviously, he had a murderous intention and just took this opportunity to kill Yu Mo. No one dared to do anything to him. Instead, it would severely dampen Huaxia's spirit, and no one dared to stand up against him.

"Don't blame me either!" Yu Mo sneered.

Others were stunned, no one expected that the two sides would turn into a life-and-death battle, and their hearts could not help but shudder.

Many viewers were in awe of Yu Mo. He was willing to risk his life to protect the great China. This is more noble than someone like Han Yijun.

Fang Liuyun stared blankly at Yu Mo. He was at a loss just now, and he didn't have the courage to fight back. Compared with Yu Mo, he was dwarfed.

He glanced sharply in the direction of the leader, only to see the leader whispering, his eyes focused on Yu Mo, obviously he appreciated Yu Mo's timely standing up.

Fang Liuyun shook his head angrily, thinking how could I be so stupid, I didn't think of this method, if I fight with my life, then I can definitely save the situation.

But on second thought, he was discouraged again.

Because Taro Aso is strong, he knows it well, he can't really fight with Taro Aso for his life.

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