Immortal Young Man on Campus

Chapter 1455: door has door rules

The Heavenly King was unselfish and took out a few photos, ignoring the eye of the phoenix.

The people in these photos include two disciples in the Xiuzhen Hall and one disciple in the Wu Hall, all of which are photos of them connecting with others.

In addition, there are their chat records printed, which is the cause and effect of trying to steal the exercises with others.

"In addition, we also caught the people who connected with them to prevent the leakage of the exercises." Tian Wang said.

Yu Mo nodded approvingly, the king did a perfect job.

The iron evidence is like a mountain. Phoenix and Mad Saber are speechless, and they only feel that their faces are dull. Phoenix angrily said: "Let's see how I can deal with them if I don't go back."

"What are you going to do?" Yu Mo asked.

"I, I killed them!" Phoenix said murderously.

Yu Mo was noncommittal and asked the King of Heaven: "At the beginning of the establishment of the Cangtian Sect, the gate rules were formulated. How should this situation be handled according to the gate rules?"

The King of Heaven was very familiar with the rules of the door, and answered without hesitation: "According to the rules of the door should destroy their qi sea, make them unable to practice for life, and deprive them of their memory of the exercises."

"There are national laws, and there are rules for the door, so follow it." Yu Mo made a final decision.

Phoenix still wasn't relieved, and said, "Then it's not cheap for them, and I'm doing my best to teach them."

"Phoenix, if you were the emperor of the phoenix, can you guarantee that none of the phoenix clan would betray you?" Yu Mo asked with a smile.

"This..." Phoenix hesitated and said, "No way!"

"There are all kinds of people in the world, you can't ask everyone to be loyal to you, so you must identify the means of punishment and deter them. Even if they have two hearts, they will not dare to take a step. King, you are the master of the law hall. , this kind of thing to establish the prestige of the law should be done by you, you handle it yourself, I only see the result." Yu Mo released the power and handed over the task to the king.

"Yes." The Heavenly King nodded and ordered.

Phoenix looked resentful, but was speechless.

"Phoenix, God of Blades has always been afraid of people coming from the Tianwu world. Can we get news back from those of us who are waiting in the Qinling Mountains?"

Phoenix took a deep breath and calmed down, saying, "I haven't found it yet, and I haven't found anyone from the Tianwu world."

"Strictly guard against it, absolutely cannot be neglected." Yu Mo urged.

Mad Saber thoughtfully said, "Sect Master, a vision appeared in Hengshan a few days ago."


Yu Mo asked curiously, "What vision?"

Not long after he left Changheng Mountain, he thought to himself that it was a vision caused by me?

"One night, the wind and clouds in Chang Heng Mountain changed color, and a huge figure seemed to appear in the sky. My people did not dare to approach Chang Heng Mountain, and only saw a little outline. But according to the report, I found that the figure turned out to be Fengdu City Lord."

Crazy Blade said inexplicably.

Crazy Blade had seen Fengdu City Lord and was deeply impressed. He could tell from the reports of his subordinates.

It's just that he can't believe it, isn't Fengdu City Lord unable to come to the world?

Moreover, this vision only lasted for a period of time, and then the situation was calm, and Chang Heng had no other abnormality, so he had to wonder if he thought too much.

Yu Mo's heart moved. He had seen Fengdu City Lord descend in the sky of Changheng Mountain. Although he couldn't come in the real body, he could still do a lot of things.

"Could it be that after I left Fengdu World, the city lord didn't stop and was brewing other conspiracies?"

"Apart from that, are there any other unusual things?" Yu Mo asked curiously.

"The sky seems to have cracked a gap, and there seems to be a mirage-like reflection. The sky is too dark to see clearly, and there is a faint sound coming from Changheng Mountain, but it is not clear." Crazy Blade described.

He couldn't help but look at Yu Mo expectantly, waiting for him to clear his doubts.

Yu Mo raised his brows and was shocked: "This is definitely not a mirage, and the reflection is not the scene of Fengdu world, but other worlds."

Yu Mo fell into thought.

The other three were shocked when they heard this.

Phoenix asked: "Is it the Tianwu world? You once said that the mountain master of Lingshan and the pavilion master are united. Could it be that the forces behind them are also united?"

"This possibility cannot be ruled out."

Yu Mo admitted.

Fengdu City Lord is in a state of turmoil and will definitely find another way, and this is a good countermeasure.

"Fengdu City Lord, you really don't give up, you can't keep your position, and you still want to toss the world."

"Once these two worlds join forces, what will we do?" Crazy Blade asked worriedly.

He has seen the power of the Fengdu world. As for the Tianwu world, the power of the Tianwu world can be seen from the sword god.

Phoenix had an idea and said, "It's better to take the initiative to be beaten passively. Don't you have a new space law? We can go directly to the Tianwu world."

"It's too risky." The King objected.

Phoenix's apricot eyes widened and said, "Are you afraid?"

"Of course I'm not afraid. I'm thinking about the safety of the suzerain. He is not alone, but is related to the towering sect, and he must not take such a risk." The king argued.

"Don't argue, I will definitely go to the Tianwu Realm, but not now, the Tianwu Realm is very powerful, and I can't deal with it now. Moreover, even if I want to deal with the Tianwu Realm, I don't have to shoot, but fake it."

"A fake hand? Who will be the opponent of the Tianwu world?" Phoenix asked in disbelief.

"Demon Realm!"

Emperor Yan wanted to cooperate with Gu Ziqing, so naturally he had to pay, and he would leave things like the Tianwu world to him.

Phoenix didn't understand why, and asked, "Demon world? Do you still want to seek help from the demon world? Are you crazy? There are people in the demon world who kill people without blinking an eye. Do you still want them to help you?"

Yu Mo pretended to be mysterious and said, "Who said it's impossible, then you'll know."

Phoenix will be suspicious.

This matter concerns Gu Ziqing's previous life, and Yu Mo did not make it public. He said, "Anyway, this matter is settled here. After the New Year, I will go to the devil world."

"I'll go with you." Phoenix volunteered: "I want to see how you can ask for help in the devil world."

"Okay, you walk with me." Yu Mo agreed.

The next day, the king of heaven dealt with a few guys who were eating inside and outside in public, shocking the towering sect.

Yu Mo didn't show up, but his prestige rose to a new level, and the doorman looked at him with a hint of awe.

Yu Mo traveled around for a long time, rarely rested, and spent a happy Spring Festival with his family.

Since the disappearance of their parents, the two brothers and sisters have been relying on each other for life.

The happiest person is Yu Yue.

While Yu Mo was happy, he couldn't help but think of his biological parents.

His biological parents were imprisoned in Shintoism, and his biological mother remained in the God Realm. Moreover, he was now facing a big problem.

If he wanted to save his father, he had to have a lot of faith; but if he had too much faith, the Heaven-Raising Demon Ancestor in the dark prison of his brain would use the power of faith to get out of trouble earlier.

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