Immortal Young Man on Campus

Chapter 1496: dungeon

In the room, several people sat looking at each other, Gu Ziqing said, "If you have any thoughts, please tell me."

Emperor Yan couldn't wait to say: "I think these people are making too much of a fuss. What danger can there be in the yellow sand? Hehe, it's dangerous for them, but it's not worth mentioning to me."

Gu Ziqing wrinkled, did not comment.

Yu Mo smiled, but said, "Since Emperor Yan said that, why don't we go outside the city to explore later?"

Emperor Yan was stunned and said, "I can go alone with this kind of thing. You just need to wait for my news in the city."

"There is danger. Of course, everyone is advancing and retreating together. How can Emperor Yan be allowed to take risks alone?" Yu Mo shook his head and said disapprovingly.

"What danger can this be to me?" Emperor Yan sneered.

"It's better if it's not dangerous. We're new here and want to know more about the Tianwu world, so let's start outside the city." Yu Mo said.

Gu Ziqing nodded and said with a firm voice: "It's decided like this, everyone goes back to the room to rest first, and we'll go out in the middle of the night, don't disturb others."

Emperor Yan had no choice but to go back to his room.

Phoenix didn't leave in a hurry, but said with great interest: "Dian Xiaoer mentioned the Yan family and Emperor Qing. Emperor Qing is the culprit who took action against the human world. Shall we start with him first?"

Yu Mo pondered: "Actually, the God of Swords revealed a lot of information about the Tianwu world, but after all, I can't fully believe it, so I have to come to the Tianwu world in person."

"My original intention was to use the power of the Demon Realm to launch a war against the Tianwu Realm, but that's a big deal, and it would affect the whole body. Moreover, Ziqing's foothold in the Demon Realm is not stable. In the demon world, there is no way to hide the sky from Emperor Xuan, nor can you temporarily stabilize him."

"Therefore, this time, we will come to Tianwu Realm in advance to find out the real situation, and then make a decision. This sudden change in the desert, even the Yan family is helpless, I think this matter is worth investigating, and, anyway, we have no It’s better to start with this matter first.”

After listening to Yu Mo's straightforward analysis, Gu Ziqing and Fenghuang both nodded in approval.

"Yu Mo, Emperor Yan wants to investigate this matter alone, and he must see that this matter is extraordinary, so he has ulterior motives," Fenghuang reminded.

Yu Mo glanced at Gu Ziqing and said, "With Ziqing here, Emperor Yan can't make waves."

"This is the realm of Tianwu, not the realm of the devil. We are weak and weak, not his opponent. You also know that he has evil intentions. If he directly attacks the saint, he will take the opportunity to get rid of her." Phoenix questioned.

Yu Mo laughed loudly: "You're wrong about this. What's the point of killing the Saintess? Instead, he will set up many enemies. At least Emperor Yun won't let him go, which will do him no harm."

Gu Ziqing nodded slightly and said, "Yu Mo's words are reasonable. Emperor Yan has foresight and would not do such a thing."

Phoenix shrugged and said, "I already reminded you anyway."

In the middle of the night, the city of Evernight gradually became quiet, everyone rested, and Yu Mo and the others quietly left the Evernight Pavilion.

A pair of eyes stared straight at their backs, and when they disappeared at the city gate, a strange color flashed in these eyes.

"You are so daring, you dare to leave the city in the middle of the night." A low sigh sounded.

Yu Mo and the others were unaware that their whereabouts had fallen into the eyes of others. When they quietly left the city, they seemed to have come to another world.

The city that never sleeps is full of life, while the outside of the city is dead, as if it is not a place where living people come, and the temperature has dropped sharply.

"Why is this place so cold?"

Emperor Yan muttered, but the cold had no effect on them.

They moved forward cautiously, and after a while, the lights of the city that never sleeps were gone, and there was only darkness around them.

"We've come this far without encountering any danger. That group of people really made a fuss." Emperor Yan said disdainfully.


As soon as the voice fell, the yellow sand under his feet moved, and the waves rolled and spread in the yellow sand. The yellow sand was like sea water, surging and surging.

The expressions of several people changed greatly, and Yu Mo shouted, "Be careful yourself."


A huge wave rose into the sky from underfoot, directly submerging the four of them, and a surging force slapped them fiercely.


Emperor Yan roared angrily, and slapped it with a palm. There was a loud bang, the waves shattered, and yellow sand fell.

"Hmph, you dare to come out and show off your tricks." Emperor Yan said disdainfully.

However, Yu Mo looked solemn, not so optimistic at all, and shouted: "Be careful, the attack is coming again."


The feet shook, a huge vortex appeared, and a huge force took them to spin, falling to the center of the vortex.

"Get out!"

Yu Mo shouted.

Several people mobilized their skills and tried to soar into the sky, but the suction in the vortex, like a black hole, made it impossible for them to escape.

Whoa whoa whoa!

I saw that the yellow sand quickly spread over their heads, and they were sucked into the center of the vortex in the blink of an eye, and there was only countless yellow sand in front of them.

They use their power to protect themselves with a force, but they are not life-threatening.

Suddenly, the scene in front of me changed, and the yellow sand disappeared.


A series of landing sounds sounded, and they stood in a new place.

The scene in front of them changed drastically. Without the yellow sand, it turned out to be a city in front of them. They stood at the gate of the city, but the city was very desolate and destroyed, and it seemed to have been abandoned for countless years.

"Look at the top of your head!"

Suddenly, Gu Ziqing shouted.

Several people looked up quickly, and saw that there was an endless amount of yellow sand above their heads. It was a desert, just suspended above their heads, as if they were isolated above by a mysterious force and did not fall.

Emperor Yan's expression changed slightly, and he seemed to be shocked by this scene.

Because, he knows how difficult it is to do this. It is the yellow sand of a desert, and it is completely isolated on the top of the head. It takes a lot of strength.

He couldn't do it.

"What is this place? How can there be a dungeon?" Phoenix muttered.

Yu Mo thought thoughtfully, and said, "I'm afraid the danger that appears at night in the desert is related to this underground city."

The others also thought of this, their eyes lit up, and Fenghuang said in surprise, "Then we have found the source."

Gu Ziqing said solemnly: "Don't be too optimistic, this dungeon is weird, if so many people from the Tianwu world disappeared in this desert, and no problems were found at all, then it can be seen that the calm here is just an illusion, more Great danger awaits us."

Yu Mo looked at the underground city and said, "Let's advance to the city."

They walked carefully into the city gate, and when their feet had just stepped into the city, the scene before them changed drastically, and there was a loud noise.

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