Immortal Young Man on Campus

Chapter 1499: The two emperors were shocked

Seeing the great emperor Kaiyuan, he didn't know the reason, so Yu Mo could only give up and change the question: "If you regain your freedom, what are you going to do?"

"Of course I want to find Emperor Tianwu and get back everything I lost back then." Kaiyuan the Great said without hesitation.

Yu Mo's eyes lit up, and Gu Ziqing and Gu Ziqing looked at each other.

If this is the case, the martial world will be in chaos that day, where can you separate your mind to deal with the human world, and you can solve the crisis in the human world without the need for the devil to do anything.

This is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity.

"Okay, I'll save you guys out, but what should I do?" Yu Mo asked.

"I have to break this seal so that everyone can regain their freedom." Kaiyuan the Great looked up and stared at the suspended yellow sand above his head.

"What's so powerful about this seal? You can't do anything about it." Yu Mo asked.

"This seal was laid by Emperor Tianwu back then. He is a warrior, and naturally only warriors can break the seal. Therefore, you have to catch a few warriors, and they can't be ordinary warriors. They must have strong enough skills, otherwise, It is also futile." Kaiyuan the Great explained.

"The seal placed by Emperor Tianwu."

Yu Mo's heart froze, no wonder they were all imprisoned here.

"Back then, this place was the capital of Kaiyuan Kingdom. After I was defeated, Emperor Tianwu must have placed a seal, causing the yellow sand to submerge us. We will be buried here forever, and there will be no day to turn over." Kaiyuan Emperor said angrily.

"Emperor Kaiyuan is really far-sighted. He won't stop killing you, and he has to put a seal. Does he know that your souls can make a comeback?" Yu Mo couldn't help but be curious.

"How is it possible, how could he even think of something that I didn't expect. Combined with what you said about the current situation of this world, I'm afraid he is trying to completely cover up the evidence of the existence of Tianyuan Kingdom, completely defeat the cultivators' hearts, and tame them. So we need to wipe Tianyuan Kingdom from this land." Kaiyuan the Great guessed.

It has to be said that the opponent knows the opponent best, and he immediately guessed the mind of Emperor Tianwu.

Yu Mo was thoughtful, and tended to agree with his judgment, and asked, "Then why don't you attack the city that never sleeps?"

"The city that never sleeps? I know that it is a city in this desert, because it was built on the ruins of the palace of my Kaiyuan Kingdom. How could we attack our own palace?" Kaiyuan the Great said as a matter of course.

Several people suddenly realized that this is the truth.

It can only be said that the city that never sleeps is too lucky to occupy the ruins of the imperial palace in Kaiyuan Kingdom.

"If there is no problem, you can go to find the warriors as soon as possible, so that we can see the sun again as soon as possible." Emperor Kaiyuan was also anxious and urged.

Emperor Yan said coldly, "How difficult is this, there are a lot of warriors outside, we will catch them for you when we go out."

Yu Mo smiled mysteriously: "Why do you want to be far away?"


Emperor Yan and Emperor Kaiyuan both looked at him suspiciously, not knowing what he meant.

Yu Mo took a step forward, faced the Great Emperor Kaiyuan, and said, "There is a ready-made warrior here, so there is no need to look for it."

"A ready-made warrior? Where? Who is it?"

Kaiyuan the Great asked in surprise.

Emperor Yan also looked around, but did not see a single warrior at all.

"Hahaha!" Yu Mo burst out laughing: "Far in the sky, right in front of you, that warrior is me!"


Emperor Yan and Emperor Kaiyuan looked at him incredulously, not believing that he was a warrior at all.

Emperor Yan's face sank and said, "Yu Mo, this is not a joke, and now is not the time to joke, it's enough."

Gu Ziqing and Fenghuang were not surprised, Gu Ziqing said solemnly, "Yu Mo is not joking, he is really a fake warrior."

"Exactly!" Phoenix nodded in agreement.

"how is this possible?"

Emperor Yan and Emperor Kaiyuan exclaimed in unison, their eyes staring at Yu Mo, but they didn't see any clues.

He is clearly a practitioner, how could he be a martial artist?

They are not blind, they can see things wrong.

Yu Mo smiled, no longer selling off, turning his skills, fighting the Sacred Heart Art at a rapid pace, an internal force flooded his body, and Yu Mo's breath changed dramatically.

The eyes of Emperor Yan and Emperor Kaiyuan gradually became round, and they shouted after a long while: "You are really a warrior! No, aren't you a practitioner?"

They were completely confused and looked at each other, unable to explain it all.

Yu Mo shrugged and said, "I am both a practitioner and a martial artist, and I am the leader of both."


They sucked in a breath, and Kaiyuan the Great shook his head and said, "I have been in all my life, and I have never seen a person who can be the head of the two families."

In Emperor Yan's eyes, martial artists are not worth mentioning. He has never looked directly at him, and naturally he would never think of practicing martial arts.

Yu Mo sighed and said, "Actually, it's not just me, there is another person in the world who is also the leader of the two families."

This is the lord of the pavilion.

Yu Mo was still inspired by the pavilion owner to embark on this path.

"How is this possible? There are such geniuses in the world, and not one, but two." Kaiyuan the Great cried incredulously.

Emperor Yan's complexion also changed abruptly. In his eyes, the human world was originally a dragon pond and tiger's den. Hearing this, he became even more aware of the dangers of the human world, and resolutely gave up the idea of ​​going to the human world.

"The world is so big, there are all kinds of things, and there are a lot of unimaginable things in the world. I've long since noticed that." Yu Mo said lightly.

Fenghuang rolled his eyes. This was because he was pretending to be mysterious and adding to the mystery of the human world, so that these two bigwigs did not dare to go to the human world without authorization.

Emperor Yan and Emperor Kaiyuan were silent for a long time, and seemed to be still immersed in shock.

"Great Emperor Kaiyuan, what can I do to break the seal?" Yu Mo asked.

"The eye of the formation is in this tower. Only strong enough internal force can destroy the eye of the formation and break the seal." Kaiyuan the Great looked at the tower behind him and said.

"Okay, I'll enter the tower now."

Several other people also wanted to follow up, and Kaiyuan Emperor quickly reminded: "Several stop, if you enter the tower, it will also be sealed, this tower will suppress all practitioners, only the warriors can escape."

Several people stopped quickly and looked at the tower in horror.

Gu Ziqing hurriedly pulled Yu Mo and whispered: "This tower is definitely not easy, there may be danger, you must be careful, if there is any problem, we will rush in to save you."

Yu Mo clapped her hand and said, "Emperor Kaiyuan doesn't seem to be telling a lie. I'll take a step by step. If we can really rescue them, it will be a great thing for us."

Gu Ziqing also knew that he had to enter the tower, and after a few words, he watched helplessly as he walked into the tower.

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