Immortal Young Man on Campus

Chapter 1525: whoever stops me dies

Tie Zu couldn't believe it. He stared directly at his subordinates, as if he had learned more truth and details from his mouth.

But with the hands down and the head down, there is simply nothing more to offer.


Tie Zu let out a long sigh, his head drooping weakly.

"Emperor Kaiyuan, you are so powerful, Qing Emperor has so many years of cultivation, but he is not your opponent."

Tiezu sighed in frustration.

Emperor Huang didn't care about Emperor Qing, she only cared about Phoenix, and hearing that there was someone from the world immediately aroused her interest.

"I don't know if the people from this world have anything to do with Phoenix?" Huangdi muttered to himself.

Tie Zu's eyes lit up, and he had a plan in his heart, saying, "Emperor Huang is right, there are only a handful of people in the world who can come to the Tianwu world, and there is even only one possibility, and that is someone related to Yu Mo. Yu Mo. He has a very close relationship with Phoenix, and it is possible that Phoenix also came to Tianwu Realm."

Tie Zu was a smart man, and if he had anything to do with the Phoenix, it would arouse the interest of the Phoenix Emperor.

Doesn't the other party have Kaiyuan Emperor?

Emperor Tianwu was practicing in seclusion, and Tiezu was worried that no one could take action. Now that Emperor Huang was there, it would be a free thug.

How could he miss it in vain?

When Emperor Huang heard the words, his almond eyes were wide open, and he really had a strong interest, and said, "Okay, if she comes to the Tianwu world, then I don't have to go to the human world, which just saves my trouble."

Emperor Huang's journey through space is not as easy as it seems.

She did not comprehend the new space law, but discovered an artifact left by the Phoenix God, this artifact could actually help her travel through space.

But the divine weapon is not omnipotent, nor can it traverse space arbitrarily, but has a limited number of times.

Once the number of times is exhausted, the artifact is useless.

She would not use this artifact to traverse space at will unless she had to.

This time, it was to get rid of Phoenix's heartache, otherwise, she would not have come to the Tianwu Realm.

Tie Zu was elated, but he didn't show it. He nodded calmly and said, "Then I will send someone to take you to Adverse Water City."

Tie Zu did not intend to go to Adverse Water City in person. After all, the dangers in Adverse Water City were unpredictable, and even Emperor Qing fell into the hands of the enemy.

Even with the help of Emperor Huang, he would not be easily involved.

This old fox is so smart.

Emperor Huang glanced at Tie Zu lightly, taking a panoramic view of his careful thoughts, but he didn't break it.

Emperor Huang and his party came and went in a hurry. They left Yunya City and went straight to Against the Water City.

Two days later, they came to the outside of Adverse Water City.

Backwater City has returned to calm, and its popularity has gradually increased.

Yan Tianling took over as the city lord and calmed down the city. As for Emperor Kaiyuan, he was not idle. He appeared and explained the history of the city against the water.

Only then did the upper and lower waters of the city know that the city of the reverse water belonged to the Kaiyuan Kingdom back then, and now, when the monarch returns, they just return to his command.

This was endorsed by Yan Tianling, and there was some doubts in the upper and lower waters of the city, but he gradually believed it.

In addition, Kaiyuan the Great summoned practitioners to the world.

Although the Tianwu world is the world of warriors, there are also some practitioners who are only brainwashed by Emperor Tianwu, or forced by the situation, to submit to Emperor Tianwu.

However, the return of the Great Emperor Kaiyuan gave them a glimmer of hope, and many practitioners gathered from all directions to Adverse Water City.

The phoenix chariot stopped fifty miles outside of the city, and then, Huang Di and his party put away the phoenix, and walked in the air, struttingly came to the outside of the city.

During this period of time, there were many cultivators who came to Adverse Water City. Even if Emperor Huang and his party came, they did not attract much attention.

They actually successfully entered the city, and then went straight to the City Lord's Mansion in the center of the city, but seeing the heavily guarded City Lord's Mansion, Emperor Huang did not rush in rashly.

When they saw the strength in Adverse Water City, they did not completely defy them, but chose to investigate secretly for a while.

Find out those guys in the world.

Fortunately, there were people from Tiezu who inquired about the news in advance, and it didn't take long for them to learn that those guys lived in an old house not far from the City Lord's Mansion.

Emperor Huang stopped in front of the old mansion and said with a twitch on his lips, "Let's go, go meet these people for a while, hehe, I really want to see what kind of help Phoenix has found in the world."

Emperor Huang knew very well that it was not easy to save people from the cursed land, and this was not something that Phoenix could do alone, it must have been done by her helpers.

This person can crack the cursed land, so naturally he has a certain strength.

However, that's all there is to it.

Emperor Huang didn't really take it to heart.

They quietly flew into the old house as if they were in a no-man's land, and were about to look around.

Suddenly, a person was walking out of a room, and the two sides immediately looked at each other.

Emperor Huang looked at each other with interest, and said, "So it's you."

Gu Ziqing was stunned for a moment, and instantly became vigilant. Xingyan narrowed his eyes slightly, stared at Huangdi and his party, and asked, "Who are you?"

"Hehe, the one who took your life." Huangdi said lightly.

Gu Ziqing raised her brows, thinking in her mind that Emperor Tianwu had sent someone here? But how did you find them here in the first place?

"What a big tone." Gu Ziqing said jokingly, but was not frightened by the other party's aura.

"But before killing you, let me ask you a question, where is the phoenix?" Huangdi asked straight to the point.


Hearing these two words, Gu Ziqing immediately remembered one thing, are they coming for Phoenix?

Isn't that identity revealed?

"You are the Phoenix family?" Gu Ziqing asked in a deep voice.

Emperor Huang was stunned, and immediately laughed: "Hehe, it seems that I did not find the wrong person, it's you."

If the other party can directly point out their identities, it is naturally inextricably linked with Phoenix, and that is the target he is looking for.

Gu Ziqing also suddenly realized that he had guessed it by himself, but he didn't know who these people were from the Phoenix clan.

"Phoenix actually found a helper like you. It seems that it's nothing more than that. Is it still delusional about revenge? It's really delusional, and it's just as stupid as before." Emperor Huang sneered contemptuously.

Seeing that the other party called the Phoenix by the name, and that such a strong hostility was obvious, then her identity was self-evident.

Gu Ziqing's heart skipped a beat. Originally, they had hoped that Emperor Huang would come to trouble them because his cultivation was too strong and could not travel through space.

Unexpectedly, her back foot came.

That sliver of luck was shattered.

"As expected of Emperor Huang, you have a big tone, but in my opinion, on the contrary, you are not only stupider than Phoenix, but also meaner than her." Gu Ziqing retorted.

Emperor Huang glared angrily, she had never been insulted like this before, her eyes seemed to burst into flames, and a fiery wave of air rose into the sky, as if to set the old house on fire.




The subordinates shouted angrily and scolded Gu Ziqing.

"You can actually recognize my identity. You still have some eyesight, but you have made such a judgment. You are really blind. I will kill you first, and then kill the Phoenix." Huangdi became angry.

However, Gu Ziqing put it lightly, pointed at his feet, and said, "This is the city of Adverse Water, not your territory, shouting and killing. Have you ever asked the owner of this place? That's why I said you are stupid!"

"A mere city against the water, who can stop me? Whoever stops me, kill Wushe!" The Emperor Huang's body soared, and the fire quickly spread from her feet.

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