Immortal Young Man on Campus

Chapter 1531: start with the world

Yu Mo looked at Emperor Yan in surprise and asked, "What are you doing?"

Emperor Yan didn't say a word, but he used his powers and demonic energy to charge into Yu Mo's body, trying to find out his condition.

Yu Mo smiled slightly, understood his intention, and there was a hint of narrowness on his face.

Back then, Gu Ziqing used his demonic energy to draw out the Heaven-Raising Demon Ancestor.

Yu Mo simply gave up resisting, and the demonic energy rushed straight into Yu Mo's body.


Suddenly, Qingtian Demon Ancestor felt threatened, the demonic energy erupted, and a huge force of rebound rushed out.

Emperor Yan shook a few times, staggered back, his face became very ugly, and he lost his voice: "Who are you?"

He has personally experienced the power of this demonic energy, which is definitely not something that ordinary people can possess, so Yu Mo's identity is very intriguing.

Therefore, he only asked this question.

Yu Mo smiled mysteriously: "I am me, don't you know Emperor Yan?"

Emperor Yan was startled, and only then did he realize that he didn't know Yu Mo a little. Was this still the weak human being back then?

Emperor Yan's expression changed, Yu Mo's expression was indifferent and unpredictable.

The others looked left and right, and were all puzzled by this scene. They looked at Yu Mo up and down, and seemed to want to see his clues.

Especially Fenghuang and Kaiyuan Emperor, Fenghuang and Yu Mo are very familiar, but after Yu Mo broke out, she felt very unfamiliar.

She suddenly realized that she didn't fully understand Yu Mo, and he still had unknown secrets.

In order to cover up the matter of the Qingtian Demon Ancestor, Gu Ziqing changed the subject and said, "Emperor Huang has escaped, we must be careful to prevent her from coming back."

Yu Mo understood and said, "It makes sense. She is the helper invited by Emperor Tianwu. If she joins forces with Emperor Tianwu, then we will be in trouble."

As soon as this statement came out, everyone's attention was drawn, and their faces became solemn, because everyone knew what it meant.

The Great Emperor Kaiyuan frowned, and he won Adverse Water City. It was a good start, but after seeing the strength of Emperor Huang, his mood was particularly heavy.

The corner of Yu Mo's eyes swept to a person, he moved in his heart, pulled him out, and said, "Qingdi, don't hide, you know the situation of Emperor Tianwu best. After he joins forces with Emperor Huang, what will you do next?"

Qingdi said that he was suffering, and there was still dried blood on the corner of his mouth.

His skill was banned, and when he faced Feng Ming's Nine Heavens, he was accidentally injured and suffered a lot.

He looked at Yu Mo angrily and said, "I don't know anything."

"Hehe, it seems that you are still not giving up. You think that the combination of Emperor Huang and Emperor Tianwu will give you a better chance of survival."

"Of course." Qingdi made no secret of his thoughts.

"You should have seen what I did just now, right?" Yu Mo asked meaningfully.

Qingdi's expression froze, and he looked at Yu Mo in surprise. He didn't see Yu Mo's strength at all.

But after Yu Mo broke out just now, the breath made him tremble.

"Who the **** are you?" Qingdi asked in a deep voice.

"What do you think? Do you think you can really escape from my palm? The God of Swords has surrendered to me, do you think you are much stronger?" Yu Mo asked confidently.

Emperor Qing is more powerful than the God of Swords, but he also understands that God of Swords is arrogant and arrogant, and it is unbelievable that he surrenders to Yu Mo.

He couldn't figure out why.

When he heard Yu Mo's question, he froze in his heart and couldn't help but think again.

If Yu Mo really hides his strength, there is something unknown and powerful, just like when he broke out before, it seems logical that the Sword God will surrender to him.

After all, the Tianwu world is a world where the strong are respected.

Everyone worships and respects the strong.

The God of Swords will only surrender willingly in the face of a stronger powerhouse.

Once Yu Mo is so powerful, then he has Emperor Yan and Emperor Kaiyuan, and a few people join forces, even if Emperor Tianwu and Emperor Huang join forces, it may not be enough.

Thinking of this, Emperor Qing's heart sank, and his expression became solemn.

He found that he had miscalculated the form, his situation was not optimistic, and he also counted on Emperor Tianwu to save him.

Now that hope seems very slim.

What's more, Emperor Tianwu is in retreat. It is impossible for a Huangdi to save him. Moreover, Huangdi and him are not related, they don't know each other at all, and it is impossible to save him.

Qingdi was frightened, and his mind underwent a subtle change.

Yu Mo stared at Emperor Qing and asked, "Emperor Qing, honestly explain what Emperor Tianwu and Emperor Huang are going to do next."

Everyone stared at Qingdi in unison.

Emperor Qing hesitated, thinking that Emperor Tianwu retreated, if they were allowed to drive straight in, they might win more cities.

That day, Emperor Wu was really passive.

This situation must be changed, so that the other party can be divided and cannot be twisted into a single rope. Only in this way, after Emperor Tianwu leaves the customs, can he fight back in one fell swoop and be a great success.

He had an idea and sneered: "Yu Mo, you have offended the Emperor Huang, and the Emperor Huang will naturally not give up. You are powerful and true, but what about your relatives and friends in the world, and your foundation?"


Yu Mo's heart was awe-inspiring, and he instantly understood the overtones of Emperor Qing. Is this Emperor Huang going to the world and attacking the world?

Phoenix knew about Emperor Huang, and quickly said, "Emperor Huang will pay her back. You made her suffer a big loss, and she will definitely retaliate. And we have many masters. She will not hit the stone with an egg, but will find a new way, not ruling out the possibility of going to the world."


Yu Mo took a deep breath, and Phoenix's analysis worried him.

The human world is his foundation. If Emperor Huang really goes, he will be invincible, and no one can resist.

Therefore, he must return to the world, just in case.

Gu Ziqing and Fenghuang both knew this, and took a deep look at Yu Mo, already guessing what he was thinking, and said, "We will leave immediately."

Yu Mo nodded.

Emperor Kaiyuan said: "You really want to leave?"

Yu Mo said: "Great Emperor, Emperor Huang is likely to go to someone else's house, so I have to guard against it. In fact, once she goes to the human world, you will only have to face Emperor Tianwu, and you will lose a powerful opponent, which is also very important to you. It's beneficial, so it doesn't affect your plan."

Emperor Kaiyuan was helpless, and the matter of the Tianwu world was his own business, and he had no right to ask Yu Mo to help him, only nodding angrily.

Emperor Kaiyuan handed over and said, "Thank you for your help during this time."

Yu Mo squeezed out a smile and said, "Then let's take our leave and wish the emperor a great victory."

With joy in Emperor Qing's eyes, Yu Mo left, and he would have the opportunity to escape while Emperor Kaiyuan was not paying attention.

Unexpectedly, Yu Mo said coldly: "Qingdi, you go with me."

Qingdi was shocked and cried out: "Ah! How can you do this?"

Yu Mo snorted coldly, didn't talk nonsense with him at all, and said, "You only have one way, surrender to me, don't try to escape!"

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