Immortal Young Man on Campus

Chapter 1584: Looking for the Dragon Vein

Seeing Yu Mo's generosity, the Monkey King nodded in appreciation: "The monsters will always be your friends."

Yu Mo struck while the iron was hot and said, "Now, the world is facing a huge crisis. I hope that the Monkey King and the Monster Beasts will help each other."

The Monkey King asked in surprise, "What crisis?"

Yu Mo brought together the events of the Phoenix Realm, the Tianwu Realm and the Fengdu Realm, and the Monkey King suddenly realized and was indignant: "These three worlds are actually coveting the human world, hum, it's really impatient to live, don't worry, as long as they dare to come, My monster beasts will definitely participate in the war, so that they will never come back."

With the Monkey King's promise, Yu Mo smiled knowingly. He glanced at the group of monsters that gradually opened their intelligence, and said, "Then I will leave first."

The Monkey King was astonished, he didn't expect Yu Mo to leave so soon, this is to give him all the credit for unlocking his intelligence this time.

After these monsters have unlocked their intelligence, the first one they see is the Monkey King, and the Monkey King's prestige will naturally increase.

Immediately, his affection for Yu Mo doubled.

"Monkey King, then we both also bid farewell."

The black bear and the flying eagle salute the Monkey King.

The Monkey King raised his brows, looked at them in surprise, and asked, "Are you going?"

The two nodded: "We have to follow the master."

The Monkey King raised his head, took a deep look at Yu Mo, and instantly understood that other monsters would follow the Monkey King, but the monsters rescued by Yu Mo before respected Yu Mo and followed Yu Mo.

"Okay, my monster beasts are all kind and righteous people, you go." The Monkey King waved his hand generously.

Yu Mo nodded secretly, the Monkey King deserves to be the king of monsters, his heart and bearing are really extraordinary.

"Monkey King, the world has undergone earth-shaking changes now. I let Feiying stay, so I can be your guide, how about that?" Yu Mo asked.

The Monkey King thought for a while and said, "Alright, it's also convenient for me to contact you."

"Flying Eagle, you stay by the Monkey King's side, if you need to contact me, do you know?" Yu Mo urged.

"Yes, Master!"

Yu Mo and the black bear turned and left without any hesitation. When they were far away, the Monkey King asked Feiying, "What is the origin of your master?"

The two sides only exchanged names before, and the Monkey King knew nothing about Yu Mo's specific identity.

Feiying had a look of reverence on his face and said, "The master's affairs are really endless for three days and three nights. He is a genius and a hero."

"Oh, that's really interesting, you start from the beginning." The Monkey King was in high spirits.

"It starts with Penglai Island. It was the first time we met the master. We never thought that so many things would happen later..."

Feiying spoke in a eloquent manner, and the Monkey King raised his ears, focused his attention, and his eyes gradually glowed.

Speaking of Yu Mo and the black bear leaving the desert, the black bear asked, "Master, where are we going next?"

"I don't need to worry about the Monster Beast Race, then let's do other things." Yu Mo thought about it, and he had an idea, and said, "Let's go to Qinling."

"Ah, what are you going to do in Qinling?" Black Bear was puzzled.

"Look for the dragon vein." Yu Mo smiled mysteriously. During the Qinling War, Yu Mo was deeply impressed by the golden dragon. It was only a part of the energy of the Qinling dragon vein, and it was so powerful.

It is hard to imagine how powerful all the energy of the Qinling dragon veins is.

He wanted to see the real dragon veins.

The black bear smacked his tongue secretly and said, "Should we find a few more people?"

Yu Mo smiled: "Don't be so troublesome, the two of us are enough."

Qinling, the war destroyed a mountain, but in the mighty Qinling, that mountain was just a drop in the ocean, and Qinling soon returned to its former calm and peacefulness.

Yu Mo and Black Bear were in the vast forest, and they were instantly submerged in the forest, making them look extremely small.

Yu Mo once saw the place where the golden dragon disappeared, so he followed the map and came to a mountain peak.

"Is the dragon vein here?"

Black Bear asked curiously.

Yu Mo explained: "The dragon veins can't be in one place, but hidden under many mountain peaks, and it is possible to stretch for thousands of miles."

The black bear suddenly realized, and secretly clicked his tongue.

"For example, under this mountain, if it was before, I would definitely not be able to determine whether there are dragon veins below, but since the last war, the energy leakage of Qinling dragon veins has not completely disappeared until now, so, I followed the clues, just I can be sure that this mountain is part of the dragon veins."

While talking, Yu Mo took action, lifted one foot off the ground, and stomped heavily.


A crack appeared on the ground. The crack was quite large and could accommodate one person. Yu Mo jumped into the crack and said, "Follow me!"

The black bear also quickly jumped off the crack. Yu Mo opened the furnace in front of him. The crack was getting bigger and deeper, and it seemed to reach the center of the earth.

"Is it so deep?" the black bear asked in horror.

"Where is this from? The dragon veins are hidden deep in the center of the earth. Even if ordinary people know that there are dragon veins here, they will never be able to reach the dragon veins and see the true face of Mount Lu." Yu Mo said.

The black bear said sternly: "So it is."

The two sides did not know how long they had descended and how deep they were from the ground. Suddenly, a fiery wave came from below.

"What a powerful heat!"

The black bear cried out.

Yu Mo's mouth curled into a smile: "It's almost there!"

Boom boom boom!

Suddenly, the sound of huge waves hitting the shore came from below, which was earth-shattering, especially in the closed environment of the underground, the sound was like a muffled thunder, deafening.

At the same time, the heat wave was hotter, as if it were going to melt people.

"This is indeed a formed dragon vein. It is much stronger than the energy contained in the dragon vein of Lingshan. The heat wave from below must be magma, which is also higher than the original temperature."

Yu Mo pondered in his heart that he and the black bear hurriedly used their skills to resist the erosion of the air waves.


Another rock cracked open, revealing the road ahead. The front was suddenly bright. It was no longer a small crack, but a huge space with no end in sight.

But the space was fiery red, and a monstrous heat wave swept in. The air they breathed was heated by high temperature and inhaled into their lungs, as if they were going to explode from the inside out.

"Jump down! Be careful, there may be danger at any time." Yu Mo urged and jumped straight down, but there was no place to stay.

Because below is a rolling magma river, covering an extremely wide area, hundreds of meters wide.

"Flying in the sky!"

Yu Mo shouted and stopped in mid-air, and the black bear also stopped beside him in time, looking at the lava river with steam and bubbles under his feet, stunned, a cold air shot from the soles of his feet to the sky.

"'s too dangerous, we almost fell, and there are no bones left." The black bear said with lingering fears.

"Master, this magma river has no end. We can't always fly in the sky. This consumes a lot of skill. If we encounter danger later, we will be passive in counterattack."

"Don't worry, I have this."

Yu Mo took out the dragon rock and threw it into the magma river. The dragon rock quickly grew larger and became more than ten meters in diameter, and was not afraid of the high temperature of the magma.

Yu Mo and the black bear landed gently on Longpanshi, down-to-earth and safe and sound.

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