Immortal Young Man on Campus

Chapter 1615: shadow of death

The Primordial Spirit clone landed on the main peak and did not stop at all, only to see him wave his arms, the blood blade and the red training sword were already in his hands, and the sword light drove straight in, slashing fiercely on the **** master.

In this stunned effort, the Divine Master couldn't dodge at all, and could only watch the two sword lights hit him.



The God Lord stood unsteady and flew directly from the main peak.

When the God Lord left the main peak, his connection with the main peak immediately became weak.


Yu Mo shouted, Long Ling cheered, and with a flash, he landed on the main peak first.

The God Lord watched this scene helplessly, but was helpless, and roared in grief and indignation: "No!"

However, this is simply futile.

Long Ling immediately stimulated Long Panshi, cut off the connection between the God Lord and the main peak, and grabbed the control of the main peak by himself.

The God Lord's eyes were splitting, as if blood was about to drip from his eyes.

Yu Mo took the opportunity to shout, "What are you waiting for, kill him!"

With an order, Gu Ziqing, Yuanshen clone and Longling launched a deadly attack on the God Lord.

Without the support of the Dao Sword, even if the God Lord integrates the idol, his strength is greatly reduced, and the combat power cannot reach the level of the early days of the calamity.

He regressed to the level of the late stage.

But there is Gu Ziqing in the middle stage of the combination, plus two Yu Mo and Yuanshen clones in the later stage of Mahayana, and a dragon spirit in the early stage of Mahayana. The most important thing is that the dragon spirit controls the nine peaks. This is a big killer.

They have pulled back the slump, but firmly hold the upper hand.

The Lord of God knows very well that the secret path is not good. At this moment, his old way of life is born, and he has the idea of ​​​​running away and avoiding its edge.

Together, this thought was extremely strong, making it difficult for him to raise his fighting spirit.


He gritted his teeth fiercely, and immediately turned his head and fled, not daring to fight the men who were attacking aggressively.

Yu Mo saw through his mind and shouted, "Hey! God Lord, you really escaped faster than a rabbit. So far, do you think you can escape?"

The God Lord hated Yu Mo to death, but there was nothing he could do, so he responded lazily and ran away wholeheartedly.

"Giggle, where to escape, stay!" Suddenly, Long Ling laughed like a silver bell, and with a finger, two peaks attacked from left and right, blocking the way of the Lord.

The Lord of God saw the black mountain peaks coming, and his heart was ashes. This was his magic weapon, but he didn't expect that because of a dragon spirit, it would change its owner.

Now it has become a weapon against him.

"Jiuxiao Shenlei!"

The God Lord roared and pointed to the sky, and a Jiuxiao Divine Thunder descended from the sky and slammed into a mountain.


The mountain peak was immediately enveloped by the purple Jiuxiao Divine Thunder, and with the loud noise, it turned into pieces of chaotic rocks and danced in the sky.


A sword light flew out from the rocks, and it was a shining sword.

"Another sword fairy."

Yu Mo's eyes lit up, and he grabbed the sword first.

However, when he saw the peak of the jade and stone burning, his face sank, and his heart slammed, and said: "The Lord of God is really cruel, there is still a sealed divine envoy on this mountain, and he didn't care, he directly led Jiuxiao Shenlei to bombard him. thing."

In order to escape, the Lord of God has done everything he can. These mountain peaks are of great use. Moreover, the gods above also have Yu Zhitian's confidants, and Yu Mo does not dare to gamble their lives.

So, he jumped and chased after him, and when he saw another Jiuxiao Divine Thunder falling towards a mountain, he opened the door of space.


Jiuxiao Shenlei fell into the door of space, allowing Shanfeng to escape by luck.

The God Lord took this opportunity to escape another distance, but just now he cast Jiuxiao Divine Thunder, which also delayed the time, and Gu Ziqing had already chased after him.

The Lord of God felt the strong murderous intent behind him, and knew that he couldn't get away, so he had to turn around to fight.

The surging demonic energy turned into a tornado, directly covering the God Lord, not giving him another chance to escape.

The primordial spirit avatar also approached the **** master, and the two sides worked together to attack the **** master together.

The **** master looked at the primordial spirit avatar, and the seven apertures were so angry that he shouted: "Yu Mo, how could you cultivate the primordial spirit avatar?"

Yu Mo shrugged and said, "Why not?"

At the beginning, the black-robed ancestor cultivated a clone, and Yu Mo didn't think there was any fuss about his Yuanshen clone.

The Lord of God rolled his eyes and said, "Do you think anyone can cultivate a clone? There must be a great chance and talent."

"Hey, that means I have these two things." Yu Mo boasted.

"If you are not a descendant of the Protoss, how could you have this talent, yet you rebel against the Protoss, this is unfair." The Lord of God roared heart-rendingly.

"Are you saying I'm a motherfucker?"

"Is not it?"

Yu Mo pouted and retorted: "God Lord, you entrust everything to others, such as the Protoss, you never thought that through your own efforts, human beings can reach the strength of the Protoss, or even surpass the Protoss. Someone has verified it. This is a great success, why are you so obsessed with it that you have to be a lackey of the Protoss?"

The Divine Master was furious: "What do you know? The power of the Protoss is beyond your imagination."

"I really can't communicate with you. Now you should know that everything is on your own and pin your hopes on the Protoss. How slim. For example, can the Protoss come to save you now?"

Yu Mo sneered.

The Lord of God's eyes changed, obviously unable to answer this question.

Yu Mo moved in his heart and said, "However, before you die, I have a question. You must be trying to make a comeback this time by calling the gods. Why didn't you do this before? You must call the gods only at this time?"

This is the question that troubles Yu Mo.

He was unpredictable and could only find answers from the Lord of God.

The God Lord said coldly: "Do you think I didn't want to call God before? If I could do this earlier, and then lift the seal of the divine envoy, where is your business, I would have wiped you all out long ago."

Yu Mo's eyes lit up, he understood a little, and hurriedly asked, "You mean you couldn't call God before?"

The Lord of God hesitated and said, "It's okay to tell you, because you will be more frightened after you know it, haha."

Yu Mo frowned and pricked up his ears.

Several other people also looked at the Lord curiously, wondering what medicine he was selling in the gourd.

"I couldn't call the gods before, because I couldn't sense the gods, but now I have sensed the gods, so I can successfully use the gods." God Lord told the truth.

Several people were shocked and realized the seriousness of the problem.

"Can you sense the Protoss now?"

"Yes, do you know what this means?" the Lord of God asked triumphantly.

Yu Mo didn't answer, because he already had some answers.

The God Lord asked himself and answered: "This means that the God Race did not fail in the battle with Tang Zheng, but there was a problem, so there has been no news for a long time. Now, the God Race is making a comeback. The disobedient gods will be wiped out, and the glory of the gods will be reproduced."

Several people's faces were ashen, and they looked at each other in dismay.

The Lord of God knew that he would definitely die, so he deliberately disclosed the news to stimulate several of them.

Even if he died, he would leave a shadow of death on several people.

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