Immortal Young Man on Campus

Chapter 1621: Soul Clan Secret

The Santian Sect saw the Sect Master's immortal methods, and they were all shocked beyond description.

Pairs of eyes watched each scene greedily, as if they wanted to imprint this scene in their minds.

Even Fenghuang and the others were surprised by Yu Mo's methods and were in awe.

The headmaster appeared out of nowhere.

The eyes are full of brilliance.

After he came back from Jiang An, he was restless.

Yu Mo listened to the secrets he leaked, his whereabouts were unknown, and the main road leader could not guess his actions, but he also realized that this matter was no trivial matter.

If he is a little careless, there will definitely be serious consequences, and he must be unable to bear it.

When he saw Yu Mo's return, he was the happiest person in the Santian Sect.

He breathed a sigh of relief, and the days of fear and fear were finally over.

Seeing Yu Mo's immortal-like method, the leader of the road was full of pride, and he couldn't help shouting loudly, "Sect Master Shenwei, no one has ever existed, and no one will come later!"

Immediately, countless disciples of the towering sect shouted in unison: "Sect Master Shenwei, there is no ancient person before, and no one will come later!"

This deafening shout resounded through the mountains and forests, echoing among several mountain peaks, and lasted for a long time.

Everyone's blood is boiling, the towering sect is up and down, the sense of honor is unprecedentedly high, and the cohesion has reached an unprecedented level.

There is only one outsider here, and that is Qiao Bin.

But when he heard the cry, he couldn't find a reason to refute it.

Because, Yu Mo really deserves this praise.

On the contrary, Yu Mo was embarrassed, because he knew that there was only one person who deserved this reputation, and that was Tang Zheng.

He was still a long way from Tang Zheng.

However, the Santian Sect gave him endless confidence. He had so many people to support him. Although he could not reach this level for the time being, why would he not be able to reach it in the future.

I will definitely follow the trajectory of Senior Tang Zheng, all the way forward and reach the peak.

Yu Mo was also full of pride. He waved his hand and said, "From now on, the Nine Peaks of the Cangtian Sect will be lined up, and any enemy will be defeated by us and stomped on the soles of our feet."

The mood of the towering sect was even higher, and they cheered.

After a long time, the cheers gradually subsided, and Yu Mo also calmed down and said, "The disciples of each hall return to their posts, the four hall masters, go to the main hall to discuss matters."

After all, he landed on Yuxiao Peak and walked straight into the hall.

The disciples dispersed one after another, and the four hall masters also came to the front of the main hall. Qiao Bin and Dao Shen hesitated at the door of the main hall, wondering if they should go in.

At this moment, Yu Mo's voice came in lightly.

"Long Ling, God of Swords, Qiao Bin, come in too."

God of Swords and Qiao Bin felt relieved, it was true that Yu Mo's previous methods were too shocking, even if God of Swords and Qiao Bin had special identities, they did not dare to take half a step.

Their awe for Yu Mo became stronger and stronger.

"Master, don't look outside, come in together." Yu Mo said again.

The main road was full of eyebrows, and he agreed loudly: "Thank you, Sect Master."

Several people entered the hall, Yu Mo took the first place, and everyone took their seats one after another, looking at Yu Mo in unison, their eyes were full of curiosity.

Yu Mo pondered for a while and said, "This matter is a long story. Everything started from the master of the road."

Long Road?

Everyone looked at the main road leader in unison, with doubts on their faces.

The chief priest smiled and said, "Ashamed, ashamed, I am just a coincidence."

Everyone was even more at a loss, but they heard Yu Mo speak again. Immediately, everyone pricked up their ears and only listened to Yu Mo's eloquent words. First, find him from the main road leader, and tell the beginning of the future as seen by the eyes of the sky. Then, Yu Mo and Gu Ziqing explored Shintoism again.

In particular, the experience of Shintoism made everyone tremble with fear, and their blood boiled.

Everyone was stunned.

"It's like this. In fact, although the process is thrilling, it's quite simple." Yu Mo said lightly.

Is it simple?

Everyone silently rolled their eyes, so what's so difficult?

Yu Mo said again: "I used the defense formation of Shintoism as the defense formation of our towering sect. From now on, this formation will be called the towering formation."

"The towering formation!"

Everyone remembered the name.

Phoenix and the God of Swords had seen the power of the Great Array, and said with awe: "From now on, the Sunshine Sect is solid, and even if a strong enemy comes, we will have the power to protect ourselves."

"Knife God and Phoenix have seen the power of the Dao Sword, so I don't know what to think." Yu Mo asked.

When they mentioned Daojian, their expressions changed slightly, and they said solemnly, "The power of Daojian should not be underestimated."

Yu Mo smiled and nodded: "That's right, so I will create a new sword technique on the basis of Dao sword, and mobilize nine immortal swords as a means of counterattack, thus becoming my towering sect's killer move, killing and hurting. the enemy of perpetrators."

"Doesn't it mean that it is more powerful than the Dao sword?" The Sword God asked in surprise.

"Of course, otherwise, why would I bother." Yu Mo said firmly.

Dao couldn't help but gave a thumbs up and praised: "Sect Master is so bold and generous."

No one doubted that Yu Mo couldn't do it.

After seeing his series of actions, everyone was convinced of him, thinking that it would be extremely difficult for the affairs of the world to stymie him.

"This will not happen overnight. It will definitely take a lot of time and effort. The immediate priority is to move Mount Changheng back." Yu Mo said again.

Everyone knew the mystery of Chang Heng Mountain, and their hearts sank. Phoenix and Crazy Blade said in unison: "Chang Heng Mountain is very important, and it is related to the world of Fengdu. Once it is moved to the Sunshine Sect, will it be too dangerous?"

The others also nodded, all agreeing with the words of the two.

How could Yu Mo not understand their thoughts, this time is to answer their doubts and appease them.

He smiled lightly and said, "I know everyone's concerns, but what I will tell you next will be very confidential, and it will concern the world of Fengdu. Once you know it, you will change your opinion."

Yu Mo made a vow, which completely aroused everyone's curiosity.

Everyone looked at Yu Mo in unison, and Fenghuang couldn't wait to ask: "What's the matter, don't sell anything."

Yu Mo no longer concealed it, and brought all the things related to the soul clan in the Fengdu world one by one.

The origin of the soul clan involves a lot of history in the Fengdu world, and everyone pricked up their ears and listened intently without taking their eyes off of it.

When the secrets were made public, everyone was shocked.

In particular, the Soul Clan and Chang Hengshan's Soul Mist murderous intent are also closely related, and everyone was amazed and suddenly realized.

"Is the soul clan really that powerful?"

People can't believe all this.

In particular, all kinds of incredible magical powers about the soul clan are simply unheard of.

After all, the city lord of Fengdu was so powerful that the Soul Clan could force him to such an extent that they never dared to imagine it before.

At this moment, they also understood the meaning of Yu Mo's words. The soul clan in the Fengdu world is indeed not as scary as before.

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