Immortal Young Man on Campus

Chapter 1678: Waiting for you for a long time!

The flying centipede was originally a highly poisonous thing. After evolution, its highly poisonous poison was even more terrifying.

Emperor Yan broke into the black smoke, and immediately tasted it, like a hundred ants biting, itching was unbearable, and it was extremely painful, so he couldn't help screaming.

When Emperor Xuan saw this scene, he couldn't help being startled, and suddenly remembered that Emperor Poison had mentioned that Yu Mo was good at using poison. Today, he finally saw it. Even Emperor Yan was caught off guard by Yu Mo's words.

The ancestral spirit of Qingtian Demon jumped like thunder. He thought that Yu Mo was exhausted, but unexpectedly, another flying centipede protector jumped out, and his efforts fell short.

"Trash! You even hit Yu Mo's trick. Emperor Yan, you are a dignified devil emperor. Could it be that you were killed by the poison of this mere flying centipede?"

Qingtian Demon Ancestor roared angrily.


An angry roar sounded from the black smoke, and a flame flew into the air and passed through the black smoke.

However, Emperor Yan's forehead was black, but the poison was gathering on the top of his head. For a moment, he couldn't refine the poison at all. Although it was not fatal, it greatly reduced his combat effectiveness and had to allocate a part of his skill to suppress the poison.

Yu Mo's heart moved, and he quickly said to Flying Centipede, "Flying Centipede, my poisonous line will help you."

The poison line has been entangled around Yu Mo's wrist. Yu Mo's skill is exhausted, and he can't drive the poison line at all, but the flying centipede is extremely poisonous, and it complements the poison line.

The Flying Centipede's eyes lit up. Of course, it knew the power of the poisonous line. I saw a sharp cry from its mouth, and the poisonous line flew directly to it.

The poison line is its bones and bones, and it is integrated into its body. Immediately, its poison is even more violent. I saw it opened its mouth and sprayed, and the black smoke as black as ink erupted like a sword.


A gust of wind blew up and blew directly towards the Emperor Yan.

Emperor Yan is one big and two big. He has not yet refined the poison in his body, but the flying centipede has attacked again. As long as he takes a look, it is not difficult for him to find that the poison is far more violent than before. If he is hit , the taste is definitely more uncomfortable.

"No! I must not let black smoke come near."

Emperor Yan made up his mind and stayed away, instead of confronting the black smoke head on, he controlled the flames and attacked the black smoke bit by bit from all sides, trying to break through it.

The black smoke lay between Yu Mo and Emperor Yan, which greatly prevented Emperor Yan's progress, which made Yu Mo temporarily out of danger.

Yu Mo's mind was calm, and the flying centipede was relying on the highly poisonous poison to make Emperor Yan throw the rat's weapon.

However, there is still a huge gap between the flying centipede and the real combat power of the Emperor Yan. It can only delay time, but cannot really decide the outcome.

Yu Mo subconsciously turned his head and looked out.

Up to now, only when Yu Zhitian came, there was a chance of life.

But the city gate is related to the safety of Xuanwu City. I don't know how many enemies outside the city are attacking the city one after another, so it is still unknown when he will be able to destroy the enemy and come here.

Qingtian Demon Ancestor saw through Yu Mo's motives, and shouted in panic, "Emperor Yan, can't you figure out a mere flying centipede? You must make a quick decision, and you can't give Yu Mo the time and opportunity for reinforcements to arrive."

When Emperor Yan heard this, he frowned unnaturally and said confidently, "So what if the reinforcements arrive? It also won't affect the victory."

"What do you know?" Demon Ancestor Qingtian had seen Yu Zhitian's power, how could he dare to be as defiant as Emperor Yan.

"Do as I say, there's no reason to say it."

The Qingtian Demon Ancestor was so loud that he couldn't be refuted, making Emperor Yan swallow his words, and he forcibly increased his attack power without caring about the poison in his body.

Whoosh whoosh!

One by one, the fireballs formed a large formation, trapping the black smoke in it, and then breaking them one by one from all directions.

The Flying Centipede was about to repeat its old tricks, how could Emperor Yan let it succeed, and immediately a monstrous flame trapped the Flying Centipede, which was like trapping the Flying Centipede's hands and feet, greatly reducing its combat effectiveness.


The black smoke rolled and hit the fireball directly. However, the fireball was all-pervasive, making it impossible for the black smoke to penetrate.

Bang bang bang!

The flying centipede is like a trapped beast, trapped in the middle of the fireball, rushing from left to right, unable to break through the cage.

In an instant, the situation changed dramatically.

The flying centipede cried out in panic: "Master, I can't stop him, you run away."

Of course Yu Mo didn't run away, because he couldn't escape at all.

"Flying centipede, block the flames and protect yourself." Yu Mo urged.

He looked at Emperor Yan who had bypassed the flying centipede and approached him again, and said, "Emperor Yan, if you want to take my life, then come on. Even if my body is destroyed, it will never be cheap."

"Don't let him destroy it." Qingtian Demon Ancestor hurriedly stopped.

"This body belongs to the Demon Ancestor, you can't be the master." Emperor Yan said with oath, and instantly came to Yu Mo, grabbing Yu Mo's shoulders with both hands.


Yu Mo's shoulders fell into Emperor Yan's hands, and Emperor Yan had a successful smile on his face, saying, "Yu Mo, your life is over."

"Yu Mo!"


Gu Ziqing and Long Ling were shocked and screamed in unison, struggling to save Yu Mo.

How could Emperor Xuan let them succeed, he laughed wildly: "Did you feel the taste of despair, haha, this is the end of going against me. Yu Mo will surely die, and no one can save him."

"Go to hell!" Emperor Yan roared, his hands forced, and the surging demonic energy rushed to Yu Mo's body, ready to cut off his vitality.

Yu Mo's body is empty, and there is no way to use his magical powers to counterattack. Otherwise, Emperor Yan would not dare to touch his body so much.

After all, Yu Mo knows a thousand magic tricks.


The demonic energy rushed into Yu Mo's body, rampaged in his meridians, and kept raging. It was rapidly destroying his body and consuming his vitality.

A wave of demonic energy came straight from the top of his head, entered his mind, and arrived in front of the black prison in an instant. Yu Mo's consciousness was severely impacted and was constantly weakening.

"Hahaha, Yu Mo, what tricks do you have now? Didn't you say you wouldn't leave your body to me? It's just a shameless statement!" The voice of Qingtian Demon Ancestor sounded again, and the terrifying demonic energy came out from the black prison. Overflowing, there is a divine consciousness wrapped in the magic energy, breaking through the shackles of the black prison and reaching Yu Mo's mind.

In the past, Yu Mo tried his best to not lead Qingtian Demon Ancestor's consciousness out of the black prison. This time Qingtian Demon Ancestor took the initiative to run out, just to wait for the demise of Yu Mo's consciousness, and then he occupied the magpie's nest.

Yu Mo looked at Emperor Yan who was close at hand, and said weakly, "Do you think this will be successful? Hehe, Qingtian Demon Ancestor, you have been waiting for you for a long time, and you finally stopped being a tortoise."

"What are you going to do?" Qingtian Demon Ancestor suddenly had an ominous premonition and hurriedly asked.

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