Immortal Young Man on Campus

Chapter 1682: rescue

Emperor Xuan fled with his legs out, the speed was extremely fast, like light like electricity, but the sword light was even faster, coming first, and suddenly, a flash of blood flashed, Emperor Xuan was like petrification, stopped and looked down at his chest.

His eyes were full of despair and unbelief, and he saw a long sword pierced from his chest, with a trace of blood on the sword.

"how come……"

Emperor Xuan squeezed out a few words with difficulty, and a mouthful of blood spurted out of his mouth. His breath was exhausted, and he instantly aged a few decades.

Yu Zhitian's figure flashed, and he appeared in front of Emperor Xuan, and gently pulled out the sword from him, with a stream of blood.

"What exactly is your cultivation base?" Emperor Xuan asked with wide-eyed eyes and a look of restlessness.

"Later Tribulation!" Yu Zhitian said lightly.

"Later Tribulation!"

Emperor Xuan gasped, unbelievable, he was in the realm of Devil Emperor, which was equivalent to the realm of transcending tribulation, but he had not yet reached the realm of the later stage of transcending tribulation.

No wonder Yu Zhitian was able to kill him with one sword.

"How can humans be so powerful?" Emperor Xuan asked unwillingly.

Yu Zhitian chuckled lightly: "Human beings are no weaker than demon gods, and all things in the world are not high or low."


Emperor Xuan spat out another mouthful of blood and shouted angrily, "No—"

Suddenly, the roar stopped abruptly, and he fell to the ground, no longer breathing.

A generation of devil emperor, just like this finished his last journey.


Suddenly, there was an overwhelming scream of killing outside Xuanwu City, and then, the fierce battle came to the beginning.

"what happened?"

Yu Zhitian frowned, looked up, and saw thick smoke rising outside the city, which was caused by the aftermath of the battle.

Just now, he and the divine envoy blocked the gate of the city.

Later, the city gate was destroyed and the enemy attacked from all directions, and their blocking was meaningless.

Yu Zhitian was concerned about Yu Mo's safety, and there was such a big disturbance in the city, so he rushed to the city in time to rescue Gu Ziqing and Yu Mo.

As for the envoy still insisting on blocking the enemy, the situation is definitely not optimistic.

At this moment, the movement outside the city was definitely not caused by the divine envoy.

Could it be that another enemy is coming?

The anger in Yu Zhitian's heart suddenly surged, the son's life and death were unknown, and a new enemy came, his heart was murderous, he clenched his sword tightly, and gnashed his teeth: "If you kill my son, then I will kill you all with the sword in my hand. ."

"Kill them all and rescue the saintess!"

Suddenly, a high-pitched voice came from the smoke.

Gu Ziqing's eyes lit up and said happily, "Emperor You!"

Emperor Xuan, Emperor Yan and Emperor Du all defected, so only Emperor You remained without a trace. Gu Ziqing had already planned for the worst, that is, Emperor You also defected.

Unexpectedly, at the last moment, Emperor You appeared.

This made Gu Ziqing very happy. The other three demon emperors were dead, and Emperor You did not defect, which at least meant that the overall situation was settled and there would be no more battles.


With a loud noise, the smoke was torn open, and a figure flew out from it, it was Emperor You.

"Don't let one go!"

The Emperor ordered.

At that time, the battle in the smoke became more and more brutal.

Yu Zhitian stared intently at Emperor You, he didn't know any Emperor You, as long as the other party was malicious towards Yu Mo, he would not hesitate to sacrifice the sword in his hand and take the other party's life.

Emperor You came and went like the wind, and in a blink of an eye, he arrived in front of Gu Ziqing, bowed and said, "Saint, it's too late to save me, please atone!"

Gu Ziqing cheered up and said, "Emperor You, you've worked hard for you."

Emperor You raised his head, his eyes were full of light, he patted his chest, and said, "Saint, don't worry, with me, I will not let the traitors of Emperor Xuan hurt you, where are those traitors, I want Fight them three hundred rounds."

Emperor You looked around, looking for the figures of several Demon Emperors.

Suddenly, his pupils shrank, as if he had seen something terrifying, and exclaimed, "Emperor Yan!"

I saw Emperor Yan lying on the ground, not moving at all. Although the distance was far away, Emperor You did not feel the slightest vitality from him, so the situation of Emperor Yan was self-evident.

Emperor Yan is dead!

Emperor You was shocked. At the gate of the city, he had already seen the corpse of Emperor Poison. He didn't expect to see Emperor Yan's corpse again. The two Devil Emperors died like this.

For a while, he couldn't understand how Gu Ziqing did this.

"Where's Emperor Xuan?" Emperor You asked in a voiceless voice.

Gu Ziqing pointed at Emperor Xuan's body and said, "There!"

Emperor You turned his head to look, and immediately, his eyes almost popped out, he sucked in a cold breath, opened his mouth wide, and looked in disbelief: "Emperor Xuan is also... dead!"

"Yes, these traitors are all dead." Gu Ziqing said in a complicated tone.

She came back this time to solve the problem of the demon world, and the focus was on Emperor Xuan and Emperor Poison. She didn't expect to face this situation as soon as she came back, which made her sigh.

If it wasn't for Yu Zhitian and the divine envoy walking together this time, it would be easy to imagine the ending, Gu Ziqing would never come back, and he would be completely buried in the demon world.

"Who killed them?" Emperor You came back to his senses and asked immediately.

Several devil emperors are the most powerful beings in the devil world, and Gu Ziqing's cultivation is not as good as them at all. Emperor You really can't figure out who can kill them.

Gu Ziqing looked at Yu Zhitian.

Emperor You's eyes also fell on Yu Zhitian, Yu Zhitian's breath did not converge, and just one glance gave people the feeling of being on the back.

Emperor You suddenly felt in his heart and said, "It's you!"

Yu Zhitian said calmly, "So what?"

Emperor You's eyelids jumped wildly and asked, "Who are you?"

"He is Yu Mo's father." Gu Ziqing answered first.

Yu Mo!

Emperor You hurriedly looked at Yu Mo. Immediately, Yu Mo's image in his mind suddenly improved. It turned out that he had such a powerful father.

Emperor Xuan didn't even take Yu Mo seriously, and the death was not wrong at all.

Emperor You put away his complicated feelings, smiled awkwardly, and cupped his hands: "Fortunately to meet, fortunately to meet, it really is a tiger father without a dog."

Yu Zhitian said meaningfully: "Just now at the gate of the city, I saw a force in the distance outside the city, ready to go, but there has been no movement. I wonder if it is yours?"

Emperor You's face froze, as if he had been casted on a body-fixing spell, unable to move.

Gu Ziqing's eyes flashed coldly, staring at Emperor You, and asked in a cold voice, "Emperor You, is it true?"

Emperor You's stiff expression changed, his cheeks twitched, and he immediately squatted on the ground, shouting: "Saint, calm down, I really just arrived, and a large number of people from Emperor Yan, Emperor Xuan and Emperor Poison are guarding outside the city. I have to get rid of them first before I can enter the city to save the car. That's why I came so late, I beg the Holy Maiden to calm down!"

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