Immortal Young Man on Campus

Chapter 1734: Journey to the Phoenix Realm

Gu Ziqing looked at Yu Mo with a complicated expression, Yu Mo couldn't help but feel a little guilty, with an innocent and resentful face.

Seeing his innocent appearance, Gu Ziqing didn't know whether to laugh or cry, and said, "I'm not angry with you. I know your situation, so I expected this situation a long time ago, but after hearing these things, I can't help but feel disappointed."

Yu Mo breathed a sigh of relief, took her hand, and said, "Ziqing, I'm sorry."

"You don't need to say sorry, who asked you to owe so much debt in your previous life." Gu Ziqing said helplessly.

"I won't go to the demon world, but Emperor Yun will bring the elites with you. With their help, your trip to the demon world shouldn't be a big problem." Gu Ziqing said confidently.

Hearing that she had already made arrangements, Yu Mo laughed and said, "You still care about me."

Gu Ziqing sneered, rolled her eyes, and said, "Sweet words."

Yu Mo laughed heroically and pulled her into his arms. Gu Ziqing struggled quickly, looked around shyly, and said angrily, "You're going to die, what if someone sees it."

"This is the Sky Sect, it doesn't matter if others see it, I am the sect master, who would dare to point fingers at me." Yu Mo felt confident.

Gu Ziqing was accustomed to his thick skin, but she broke free from his arms and said, "Be honest when you go to the devil world, and stop messing with flowers."

Gu Ziqing left the Santian Sect, and Yu Zhitian came back from Jiang An. When he saw Yu Mo, he was ecstatic and hurriedly asked him about his cultivation.

Yu Mo perfunctory and changed the subject: "Dad, when I was cultivating this time, I saw an incomparably powerful figure..."

Yu Mo spoke out his guesses and judgments, especially guessing that the other party might be the legendary **** emperor.

This moment attracted all of Yu Zhitian's attention. He was stunned. After a long time, he sighed bitterly: "It is even possible for you to meet the Emperor, he is your mother's brother."

Of course Yu Mo knew this. If the other party was really a **** emperor, it would be his uncle, and he was also the culprit who caused him to be separated from his parents for so many years.

Yu Mo didn't have the slightest affection for him.

"According to your mother, the God Emperor is extremely powerful. He is the most powerful being in the Great Thousand Worlds she has ever seen. If he said he wanted to find you, he would definitely be able to track you down." worry.

Yu Mo didn't care, and said, "He doesn't come to me, I'll go to him and save my mother."

Yu Zhitian looked at his son with bright eyes and saw that he was very ambitious, and he was not intimidated. Not enough to fight the God Emperor."

"When soldiers come to block, and water comes to cover, there will always be a way. What's more, although the other party vowed to track me down, it's definitely not a matter of a moment, we still have time." Yu Mo comforted himself.

Yu Zhitian nodded in agreement: "Then we have to use this time to integrate the power in our hands, especially the power of the Phoenix Realm and the Tianwu Realm. Once we control these two worlds, the combat power will increase rapidly, and the fight against the Protoss will also increase. Two more forces."

"Exactly, that's what I thought too."

Three days later, everyone was ready. Before leaving, Hua Lao gave Yu Mo hundreds of medicinal pills, called Qi-boosting pill, which was a new kind of medicine that Hua Lao learned from the medical classics taught by Yu Mo. Elixir.

As the name implies, Qi Tonic Pill can help people quickly replenish their power, which will have a huge effect in battle. Once a long-term stalemate with the enemy, each other's skills will be consumed very quickly. After taking the Qi Pill, you can quickly restore the power, and naturally You can beat your opponent and have the last laugh.

This trip to the Phoenix Realm can be described as a powerful army.

In addition to the elites of the demon world, the envoys of the gods naturally accompanied them, as well as Yu Zhitian, Phoenix, Dragon Spirit, God of Swords and Emperor Qing.

They joined the Santian Sect for a period of time, and it was time for them to show their strength.

As for the mixed world, he stayed in the Santian Sect and managed the rest of the demon world.

They must be restrained by someone, and Hunshi is undoubtedly the most suitable candidate.

The door of space opened, and everyone was no longer unfamiliar with it. All of them had high fighting spirit and looked forward to the trip to the Phoenix Realm.

"Set off!"

With a big wave of Yu Mo's hand, everyone stepped into the door of space and disappeared in front of the disciples of the towering sect.

"Congratulations to the Sect Master!" The disciples of the Cangtian Sect bowed and saluted, shouting loudly.

After seeing the feat of passing through the gate of space several times, the disciples of the Santian Sect have become accustomed to this.

After going through the darkness, their eyes suddenly lit up, and they arrived at their destination - Phoenix Realm!

Yu Mo took the lead and stepped out of the gate of space. His eyes were bright and bright. It turned out to be an open river. The river was about three kilometers wide, like a giant dragon, winding forward.

Phoenix followed closely, with a kindness in his eyes, and introduced: "This is the Fengtian River, and it is the largest river in the Phoenix Realm. I didn't expect that after so many years, it is still so magnificent."

"It's really spectacular." Yu Mo nodded in agreement.

"This is the Phoenix Realm."

"The temperature in the Phoenix Realm is really high, it's probably fifty degrees."

"Yeah, the heat is unbearable, it's really not a place for people."

Everyone was talking about it, looking around and taking in the surrounding scenery. In addition to the magnificent Fengtian River, there were also many towering trees on the river bank, which stretched along the Fengtian River to the end of the line of sight.

"These big trees are also magnificent. They are born near the river. Could it be that there is some mystery?" Yu Zhitian said thoughtfully.

Phoenix praised: "Yu Daozhu has a unique vision, and he can see this at a glance."

"Oh? I'd like to hear about it."

Yu Zhitian didn't expect to be told by himself, his eyes lit up, staring at the phoenix.

Others pricked up their ears.

Phoenix Realm is full of new ideas for them.

"Fengtianhe is the mother river of the Phoenix clan. After each phoenix clan is born, it is not in a baby state like a human being, but resides in a phoenix egg and nourishes it on the plane tree beside the Fengtian River for a year before it can be cultivated. Break out of the shell. After the phoenix has broken its shell, it is already an adult state."

Phoenix introduced.

Everyone suddenly realized, but they couldn't help but secretly stunned and felt surprised.

Yu Mo couldn't help sighing: "The world is full of wonders!"

Yu Zhitian's heart moved, and he stared at the luxuriant phoenix tree and said, "Don't you mean that there are phoenix eggs hidden on those phoenix trees at this moment?"

"Of course!" Phoenix nodded.

Everyone's interest has greatly increased, but just as they wanted to see what a phoenix egg looks like.

Fenghuang saw their thoughts and said, "Don't think about it, Fengdan can't be disturbed, otherwise it will fall short and die."

"There is no one to guard this place. If there are gangsters making trouble, wouldn't it be a disaster." Yu Mo asked curiously.

"Every Phoenix clan breeds descendants like this. If anyone dares to do this, they are the public enemy of all the Phoenix clan, so no one dares to risk the world."

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