Immortal Young Man on Campus

Chapter 1736: The phoenix statue collapses

Tianhuang City is like a huge phoenix nest, winding up from the bottom of the valley, extending to the top of the mountain, majestic and beautiful.

Everyone stared blankly at this scene, unable to hide their shock.

"It's a big deal, it's worthy of the Phoenix family." Everyone was amazed.

Phoenix and Yourongyan introduced with a smile: "Tianhuang City has experienced the expansion of the Phoenix family from generation to generation, and it has grown to its current size, almost including most of the Phoenix family in the Phoenix world, so it needs such a large area. It was built after the phoenix nest, from the valley all the way up, the identity and status of the clansmen who lived in it gradually increased, and the Emperor Huang lived on the top of the mountain."

Everyone looked up and saw that the peaks around the valley were towering into the clouds, and two of them were the most majestic and steep.

Phoenix pointed to one of the peaks and said, "The top of this is the Emperor Huang's palace, and this mountain comparable to it is where the Phoenix Temple is located."

Everyone immediately focused their attention on the mountain where the Temple of Phoenix is ​​located. On the winding and steep mountain road, many Phoenix people were climbing step by step. They did not fly in the sky, but climbed to the top of the mountain step by step with a pair of legs. .

"This is the clansmen who went to worship the Phoenix Temple. They are extremely devout, so they don't rely on mana, but rely on the power of the flesh to climb up step by step, so that they can wash their minds and appear pious." Phoenix said in a complicated tone.

She used to believe in this system before, but now she has insight into the truth of the Phoenix God, and her mood is naturally extraordinarily complicated.

"Then let's go up." Yu Mo nodded and told everyone: "Remember not to fly in the sky, follow the footsteps of others, and board the Temple of Phoenix."


Everyone responded and joined the mountaineering team.

Because there were a lot of Phoenix Clan who climbed up, they did not attract the attention of others, and the Phoenix Clan was silent when they climbed the mountain, only the Temple of Phoenix in their hearts, which further reduced the attention of this group of people.

The process of climbing did not have any twists and turns. Everyone successfully climbed to the top one after another. Standing on the broad and flat top of the mountain, a magnificent sacrificial palace was located in front of them.

There is an invisible sense of oppression in the Phoenix Temple, which makes people feel awe.

"This must be the role of the Phoenix God statue, which has the breath of the gods." Yu Mo's heart moved, and he guessed the whole story. He had seen it in Shintoism.

There are already many devout Phoenix people in the Phoenix Temple who are worshipping. They followed the large group into the Phoenix Temple. The Phoenix Temple is very large.

I saw a lot of phoenix people kneeling on the ground.

Of course, Yu Mo would not bow to the Phoenix God statue. He was looking around, looking at the Phoenix God Temple. Suddenly, his pupils shrank and his eyes fell on the edge of the hall. A group of menacing Phoenix people, holding spears like javelins, stood on the edge of the hall. There, a chilling air came over him.

Yu Mo was shocked. Could it be that the whereabouts of these people were exposed and surrounded by an ambush set up by the other party?

However, when he saw that the other Phoenix clan did not have the slightest difference and still worshiped the God Phoenix statue reverently, he realized that he had guessed wrong.

These people are not aimed at them.

Fenghuang also discovered this, his eyes were blank, and he was extremely surprised. Obviously he didn't expect this. When he saw Yu Mo's questioning look, a wry smile flashed on Fenghuang's face, and he said angrily: "Maybe Phoenix The rules of the clan have changed, and there are elite Phoenix guards of the Phoenix clan guarding here.”

Yu Mo thought thoughtfully, and said, "Is it because of you that time, the guards have been added here to prevent the statue of the Phoenix God from being offended?"

Phoenix suddenly realized, and nodded quickly: "It must be the case. I was imprisoned later, so I don't know this."

"Then your plan doesn't work?" Yu Mo asked worriedly.

Fenghuang frowned, thought for a while, and said, "The difficulty has increased, but it is not impossible."

Yu Mo breathed a sigh of relief, just as he was about to ask what the plan was, he saw several divine guards of the Phoenix looking at them. After all, after they entered the Temple of the Phoenix, they did not bow down to the statue of the God of Phoenix. It's hard not to be noticed.

Fenghuang also realized this, and quickly reminded: "Hurry up and bow down like other huangs."

Although everyone did not believe in the God of Phoenix, but the emergency happened, and no one acted alone.

When the Phoenix God Guard saw this scene, he looked away again.

Yu Mo knelt in front of the God Phoenix statue, frowned, and said in his heart, "I'm not really salute you, so what about God Phoenix, isn't it a god? What's so great, it's not better than me. I'll see you in the future. You, see how I deal with you."

He was unhappy and was thinking wildly.

Suddenly, a loud noise interrupted his thoughts, not only him, but everyone's attention was attracted, and they were also shocked.


The loud noise came from the God Phoenix Statue. The God Phoenix Statue was about 100 meters high. It was very beautiful and yet majestic. A pair of huge wings spread out behind her, adding a powerful aura.

However, at this moment, a crack appeared at the connection between the wings and the back, which was the source of the loud noise.

All eyes saw this scene and were completely shocked. They stared blankly at the God Phoenix statue, at a loss.

Yu Mo's eyes were full of suspicion, how could the quality of this Phoenix God statue be so bad, and it was broken by himself.

His reaction was not great, but the other Phoenix clan seemed to have seen the end of the world, or heard a thunderbolt, and were speechless in shock.

The Divine Phoenix Guard had already reacted, and saw one of the Divine Phoenix Guard roared in fear, and flew to the God Phoenix Statue, checking the crack at close range.

His eyes were fixed on the crack, and the expression on his face was wonderful. Fear, surprise and anxiety were mixed together, and it was indescribable.

Phoenix's reaction was the same, saying, "This is too abnormal, how could the statue of the God of Phoenix break itself? This is absolutely impossible? Could it be that someone deliberately made trouble?"

But they had been observing the surroundings just now, and there were no deliberate people. Besides, apart from their group of uninvited guests, there was no one else who dared to attack the God Phoenix Statue.

"Maybe it's a quality issue." Yu Mo defended in a low voice.

Phoenix rolled his eyes at him and said, "There will never be such a problem with the God Phoenix Statue."

"Then what are you talking about?"

Phoenix shook his head, staring straight at the God Phoenix statue.

Yu Mo also kept his eyes fixed, as if trying to find out the reason.

Suddenly, his attention was attracted by the God Phoenix Statue, as if the God Phoenix God Statue was also looking at him, choosing him among the crowd.

"How can I feel this way?"

Yu Mo was still kneeling on the ground, expressing his dissatisfaction and doubts in his heart, when suddenly, with a click, an eyeball of the God Phoenix Statue exploded directly.

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