Immortal Young Man on Campus

Chapter 201: unmoved

Jin Wanhao's disguise was pierced, and the blue veins on his forehead jumped a few times, but he swallowed this breath and did not have a seizure.

But this shocked Tang Jing a lot. He hurriedly tugged at Yu Mo's sleeve and whispered, "Brother Mo, he is Jin Wanhao."

Yu Mo was deaf and unmoved.

Tang Jing shrank his neck, swallowed, and gave a thumbs up in secret.

Ling Yao looked at Yu Mo with great interest. It was rare to see such an aggressive side of him, and she didn't know what Jin Wanhao's identity was, which made Yu Mo so disgusted.

Jin Wan Wan smiled shyly: "I was born again, and I was familiar with it again. I used to have a bit of a misunderstanding. Now I have realized my mistake, so I am here to apologize."


Jin Wanhao will be so low profile?

Yu Mo was skeptical.

"I've already set up the banquet, can we move on, let's talk in detail?" Jin Wan Wan extended a warm invitation as if to please.

The others looked at Yu Mo immediately, not knowing how he would answer.

Unexpectedly, Yu Mo didn't appreciate it, and said coldly, "I still have something to do, and I don't have time to toss with you. I only have one piece of advice. If you walk too much at night, you will bump into ghosts. If you do too much bad things, you will eventually be punished."

"Yes! Yes!" Jin Wanhao nodded instructed, humbly like a devout believer.

Yu Mo didn't have the heart to make excuses with him, and said to others, "Let's go home."

"Wait a minute!" Jin Wanhao quickly stopped him.

Yu Mo frowned and asked, "What do you want?"

Jin Wan Wan sneered: "I still have something to do."

"Oh, it's true that I don't go to the Three Treasures Hall without anything. It seems that it's not just because of my message." Yu Mo's heart moved, thoughtful.

He is not an idiot either. Jin Wan is arrogant and respectful, and his attitude has made a 180-degree turn. If there is nothing tricky in it, a fool will not believe it.

Jin Wanhao's face was red, and suddenly he let out a big breath and said, "Everyone is happy, so I'll just say it straight. I want to ask you to introduce me to President Gu. I'll visit her on something."

"President Gu?"

Yu Mo was taken aback, how could this involve her.

Yu Mo immediately remembered what the Jin family had done, and became very vigilant. He asked, "Did you have any bad idea to deal with President Gu?"

Jin Wan Wan quickly waved his hand, as if he was deeply afraid of Yu Mo's misunderstanding, and said, "Don't dare, don't dare! You can't talk nonsense, I have absolutely no intention to deal with President Gu, I just admired President Gu's name for a long time, but it is commonplace. Too many, I haven't had time to meet."


Yu Mo narrowed his eyes slightly and looked up and down at Jin Wanhao. The credibility of these words is too low, and it is enough to lie to a three-year-old child.

Yu Mo sneered and said, "There was Jin Yingjie who did something wrong, do you think I would believe what you said?"

"That unsuccessful prodigal is making fun of himself. It's definitely not what I meant, and because of this, I have to clarify the misunderstanding directly to President Gu."

"Clarify the misunderstanding? Jin Yingjie is not a misunderstanding, right?" Yu Mo asked jokingly.

Jin Wan Wan said bitterly: "Oh, it's not a misunderstanding, but that's all because he was provoked by a traitor. If he does something wrong, he will be held accountable, and he will definitely be severely punished by the law, but in order to avoid further misunderstanding, I will take responsibility for it. Explain the situation to President Gu."

Yu Mo can hardly believe his ears, is this the sun coming out from the west?

Why is Jin Wan Wan's attitude so low, and what happened to make Jin Wan Wan have to bow his head.

Jin Wan Wan looked at Yu Mo flatteringly, hoping that he would be kind to himself.

Several other people also stared at Yu Mo with bright eyes. They didn't expect him to be so powerful. He was really handsome.

"What kind of medicine is sold in Jin Wanwan's gourd, we must clarify this point. As for the matter of visiting President Gu, I can't control it, but I can ask President Gu's meaning first."

But he didn't agree immediately, but said meaningfully: "Whoever Mr. Gu wants to see, I can't control who to see, so it's useless for you to find me. I'm out of school, and I have no time to waste on you."

After Yu Mo finished speaking, he walked straight past Jin Wanhao. Several other people looked at this scene with different expressions and quickly followed in his footsteps.

Jin Wanhao was stunned for a while, but he didn't expect that he would go out in person, not only could not even see Gu Ziqing's face, but even Yu Mo didn't give him any face.

The anger in his heart was about to burst out from the top of his head, but at the last moment he restrained himself, trotted to catch up, and begged: "Yu Mo, be accommodating and introduce me, please."

If it were another person, Yu Mo would definitely not have such an attitude, nor would he be so hard-hearted, mainly because he knew Jin Wanhao's personality and behavior. Marriott.

Seeing Jin Wan Wan entangled endlessly, Yu Mo got angry, stopped abruptly, stared at Jin Wan Wan angrily, and shouted: "Jin Wan Wan, you have no end! I'm not one of those sons of yours, I will answer your every request, think Let me introduce you to dream!"

After saying that, he walked away, so domineering, leaving Jin Wanhao alone in the wind, his face blackened like charcoal.

Many students watched all of this secretly. When they saw this series of events, they were all shocked. Which one did they sing, Yu Mo was so crazy and cool.

Jin Wanhao is a famous person, but he wants to beg Yu Mo in a low voice, but Yu Mo doesn't give him face.

Surely no one will believe it.

But this happened in front of everyone for sure, and it wasn't acting at all.

This has subverted many people's worldviews, and he is completely convinced by Yu Mo. How can I ask which student is so awesome?

Tang Jing is this kind of thinking, Yu Mo's image in his mind has been infinitely elevated, comparable to Mount Everest.

Ye Qianqian said in unison with the enemy: "Yu Mo, you are doing the right thing, there is nothing to say to this kind of person."

Ling Yao glanced back at Jin Wan Wan, and with her knowledge of people, it was not difficult to see that this person was not simple. So what happened between him and Yu Mo?

It seems that Ye Qianqian knew what happened between the two, so he was the same enemy.

Her heart was tense again, why did Ye Qianqian know so many things about Yu Mo, but she didn't know anything?

A sense of urgency arises.

Ye Qianqian blinked and asked in a low voice, "Yu Mo, did you secretly do something again? Otherwise, why would Jin Wanhao come to you with all his troops and be so afraid of you?"

Ye Qianqian knew very well that a person like Jin Wanhao would never lower his head unless he had to, but this time his head was so low that if there was no reason, he wouldn't believe her if he was killed.

Yu Mo said calmly, "Nothing happened."

Naturally, he would not mention Hongyuan in front of others.

Ye Qianqian pouted, obviously disbelieving, and said, "Hmph, you're lying to a ghost."

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