Immortal Young Man on Campus

Chapter 208: discharged from hospital

At noon, at the entrance of the cafeteria, a group of people gathered to discuss.

When Yu Mo passed by, Yu Mo's hearing was sharp and he heard a name.

Jiang Zhengzhi!

Yu Mo's heart moved, and he said to Tang Jing next to him, "Go and see what they are discussing."

Tang Jing had been on the move for a long time, and ran over in a hurry, and came back after a while, winking and saying, "Brother Mo, you can't guess what's going on?"

Ye Qianqian patted Tang Jing on the shoulder and urged, "Tang Jing, don't betray you."

Tang Jing smiled and said coquettishly: "Jiang Zhengzhi is miserable. It is said that his leg was broken outside the school, and he will end badly."

"What, Jiang Zhengzhi's leg was broken?"

Several people were taken aback.

"Who is so bold?" Ling Yao asked curiously.

Yu Yue pouted and said, "He is so annoying, he should be beaten."

Yu Mo frowned, Jiang Zhengzhi had already been fired, who would beat him again?

And, it's so ruthless.

"I heard that Jiang Zhengzhi was expelled, and he was very unconvinced. He said that he wanted to make the school restless and make it impossible for the school to be rated as a national key middle school. He was beaten on the way to the school to make trouble in the morning."

Tang Jing said with a meaningful smile, as if there was something in his words.

"Tang Jing, speak directly if you have anything to say." Ye Qianqian urged impatiently.

"Hey, do you think it's possible that Principal Qin asked someone to beat him? After all, at the cusp of this storm, isn't Jiang Zhengzhi doing this against Principal Qin?" Tang Jing guessed.

"Hey, Tang Jing, you're not stupid, your analysis makes sense." Ye Qianqian's eyes lit up, lest the world would not be the same.

Ling Yao shook her head in denial, and said, "I don't think so, Principal Qin doesn't need to do this, especially at the cusp of this storm."

Yu Mo thoughtful and said, "I agree, this is not what Principal Qin did. As for who did it, it's none of our business. Don't discuss it."

The news that Jiang Zhengzhi was beaten spread all over the school, and many people shouted that they deserved it. Jiang Zhengzhi's actions made everyone despised.

A teacher actually got involved with his students, was a teacher in vain, and ruined the teacher's reputation.

No one thought that Yuan Feifei did all this, because no one thought that Yuan Feifei would have such great ability.

Yuan Feifei took a few days off and did not come to the school. At this juncture, if she came to the school, she would definitely become the center of the discussion.

The school also did not want to see this scene, and even sent a teacher to comfort Yuan Feifei, hoping to settle down.

In addition, the school responded very quickly, claiming to the evaluation team that Jiang Zhengzhi was talking nonsense and talking nonsense.

The evaluation team originally wanted to conduct a thorough investigation, but later, considering that the impact was too bad, it was suppressed by the leaders.

Both sides tacitly declined to mention the matter, and the assessment continued to proceed step by step.

As for Jiang Zhengzhi's life and death, no one paid any attention to it.

Yu Mo and Ling Yao had an appointment to review together after school, but a phone call disrupted everything.

After school, when Ling Yao came to the door of Yu Mo's classroom, Yu Mo was still thinking about how to reject Ling Yao.

But looking at her earnest eyes, she really couldn't say what she refused.

He had an idea and said, "Ling Yao, don't busy reviewing tonight, I'll take you to meet someone."

"See someone? Who?" Ling Yao's heart moved, and she asked curiously with wide eyes.

"You'll know when the time comes." Yu Mo said cryptically.

Ling Yao smiled and nodded obediently without asking any further questions.

Ye Qianqian walked to the two of them and saw that they were talking and laughing. He couldn't help but pouted and asked, "You guys are mumbling, what are you going to do?"

"We still have something to do, you go home first." Yu Mo said.

"What's the matter, can't we go together?"

"Secret!" Yu Mo smiled mysteriously.

Ling Yao was a lover in a previous life, so of course she had to have a lot of private contact. What if there was a big light bulb like Ye Qianqian.

Although Yu Mo is a rookie, he also knows that light bulbs can't get in the way.

Ling Yao was overjoyed and took a deep look at Yu Mo, feeling that he was so handsome that he rejected Ye Qianqian.

Ye Qianqian was about to explode with anger.

These two people actually left her aside in an open and fair manner, which is tolerable, but unbearable.

"If you don't go, you won't go. Who do you think is rare?" Ye Qianqian was angrily and walked past the two of them first, and bumped Yu Mo on purpose.

"She won't be angry?" Ling Yao asked worriedly.

"It's okay." Yu Mo shrugged, "Let's go, let's go back quickly."

Ling Yao was full of curiosity, not knowing who Yu Mo was going to take her to meet, and there were only two of them.

Along the way, she imagined countless situations, but when she reached the door of the hospital, her eyes widened unexpectedly.

"Is it here?"

"Yes, I'll take you to meet someone."

Ling Yao's curiosity intensified, she followed Yu Mo step by step, seeing that he was familiar with the road, her heart stunned, could it be that some of his relatives lived here?


If it is a relative, he will definitely bring Yu Yue.

"elder brother……"

A cheer brought Ling Yao back to the real world. She followed the sound and saw a little loli running towards Yu Mo quickly and threw herself directly into his arms.

Ling Yao was confused and didn't know what was going on.

"Wow, what a beautiful sister." You Lei stared at Ling Yao with big eyes and praised her, her smart eyes kept rolling, how could she still look dead a few days ago.

"What a cute little girl." Ling Yao was also attracted to You Lei, especially seeing her snuggling closely in Yu Mo's arms, subconsciously guessing the relationship between the two.

"Eunuch, why are you here?" You Feng looked at the two in surprise.

Yu Mo smiled and said, "You Lei is discharged from the hospital, how could I not come?"

"Eunuch, without you, Lei Lei wouldn't have been discharged from the hospital so soon." You Feng said gratefully.

Yu Mo waved his hand, indicating that he doesn't need to say more.

The call he received earlier was from Hua Lao, telling him that You Lei was discharged from the hospital today.

"Hua Lao just left, he gave Leilei the final diagnosis and treatment, saying that she has recovered." You Feng said.

Yu Mo nodded secretly, it was obvious that Elder Hua deliberately delayed leaving after school, just to let them see each other and be well-intentioned.

"Let me introduce you, this is Ling Yao, my classmate, this is You Feng, this is his daughter You Lei." Yu Mo introduced.

You Lei volunteered and said, "My sister can just call me Lei Lei."

"Lei Lei." Ling Yao called softly, still guessing the identity of the two in her heart.

"You've all packed up, then go home. I haven't been to your house yet, so let me know, so I can see Leilei later." Yu Mo said.

Although You Lei's meridians have been unclogged, Yu Mo can't be 100% sure whether there will be any problems in the future, so he decides to visit regularly in the future.

Good things must be done in the end, not halfway.

You Feng was overjoyed and said, "Okay, then I'll take a taxi. Welcome to our house."

After half an hour, the two came to a dilapidated community.

"You two, the place is a little dirty, don't mind." You Feng said angrily.

Yu Mo shook his head in disbelief.

Ling Yao frowned, forced a smile, and didn't say much.

Obviously, she is not suitable for this environment.

"Our house is on the third floor, and there is no elevator, so we can only climb the stairs." You Feng walked in front of him with a big bag and a small bag.

Suddenly, You Feng stopped, his voice stopped abruptly, and his momentum changed.

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