Immortal Young Man on Campus

Chapter 215: life and death

The voices were full of people, and the hysterical shouts seemed to break through the roof and go straight to the sky.

"Cold Front! Cold Front!"

When You Feng appeared, the audience immediately saw him, and it was as if a powder keg had been lit.

The crowd exploded instantly.

Almost the entire audience began to call out the word "cold front", with a flamboyant aura.

There is no doubt that at this moment, You Feng is the focus of the audience.

You Feng was expressionless and walked straight to the ring.

There was already someone waiting for him in the ring.

This man was thin, only about 1.6 meters tall, his skin was dark, his muscles were not very conspicuous, and his body was very well-proportioned.

When he saw You Feng, there was a look of contempt on his face, as if he didn't pay attention to You Feng at all.

"Leng Feng, kill that guy."

"Yes, kill him."

The shouts of the crowd were full of chills and even a little **** smell.

You Feng frowned slightly and seemed to notice that the audience's reaction was somewhat different from before.

Very few people used to directly call him to kill his opponent.

He didn't even know that he was participating in a battle of life and death, betting his life.

Second Master deliberately didn't tell him this. As long as he entered the ring, You Feng had no way to retreat. If he wanted to retreat and stop, his opponent would not give him a chance.

This is the wishful thinking of the second master. As long as You Feng enters the ring, his plan will be half successful.

In the crowd, there is an inconspicuous figure mixed in it.

Yu Mo!

He widened his eyes and looked around curiously. This unfamiliar environment and the deafening screams made his blood boil, as if he was going crazy.

"This is the Shura Field!"

Suddenly, a familiar figure caught Yu Mo's attention.

His pupils shrank, and he stared at You Feng intently. He didn't know that You Feng would come too.

Seeing the audience shouting the word "Leng Feng" at You Feng, Yu Mo's heart moved, it seems that this Leng Feng must be You Feng's code name.

His popularity is so high that it makes the audience go crazy.

"No, didn't You Feng say that he has already rejected the second master, and won't fight black fist again? Why is he in the ring again?"

Yu Mo didn't doubt You Feng, he believed You Feng's words.

There's only one explanation for that: there must be something odd about it.

As for what was weird, Yu Mo couldn't guess, but it was definitely not a good thing.

Yu Mo was in a hurry to find the second master, but now it seems that he is not in a hurry.

Watching this ring match first, he was also curious about the true level of You Feng.

You Feng was not fancy, down-to-earth, and stepped into the ring step by step.

The two opponents looked at each other and looked at each other, and invisible sparks collided in mid-air.

The opponent's aura suddenly became fierce, and he looked at You Feng aggressively.

However, You Feng didn't have any abnormal reaction at all, he was still bland, and after looking at his opponent, he withdrew his gaze.

The referee stood in the middle of the ring and introduced in a loud voice: "Everyone in the audience, welcome to the Shura Arena! Tonight, we will witness a fierce battle."

"Let me first introduce two fighters. This is a Muay Thai master specially invited from Thailand, codenamed Crazy Bull. It is said that he is like a wild buffalo in the ring.

The crowd was quiet for a few seconds, and a pair of big eyes stared at the mad cow, suspicious.


Crazy Bull seemed to sense the audience's contempt, roared wildly, and stomped his feet.


The wooden ring was stomped out of a hole.

The audience's eyes lit up, and they all cheered and shouted vigorously: "Crazy bull! Crazy bull!"

Mad Niu gave You Feng a defiant glance in satisfaction.

Unexpectedly, You Feng was indifferent, didn't pay attention at all, the mad cow's eyelids jumped with rage.

The referee pointed at You Feng again, his tone raised a few decibels, and introduced: "This is everyone's old friend, Leng Feng, who has fought in more than ten games in a row, but has not lost a single one!"

"Cold Front! Cold Front!"

Immediately, the sound was like a tidal wave, spreading to every corner of the Shura Field, beating everyone's eardrums, much louder than the mad cow's cry just now.

Mad Niu snorted in disapproval, staring at You Feng eagerly, gearing up.

You Feng still didn't watch Mad Niu, he was thinking about winning this game quickly and then going home to accompany his daughter.

He even fantasized about finding a simple job and living with his daughter to make up for the regret of not being by her side before.

The referee nodded to Leng Feng and Kuang Niu, and loudly announced: "I announce: the game begins!"

After speaking, the referee quickly withdrew from the ring, as if he was afraid of being affected.

Black boxing does not have as many rules as professional boxing, knocking down the opponent is the ultimate goal, and there are no restrictions on the means.

Therefore, the black boxing is more intense and bloody, which is why so many audiences flock to it.

The scene fell silent in an instant, there was no sound, and the needle drop could be heard.

A pair of eyes widened, staring at the two of them.

When Leng Feng saw Mad Niu, he did not rush to act, but was observing him silently.

He frowned immediately and urged, "Don't linger, I have to go back to accompany my daughter after the fight, and make a quick decision!"

Although Mad Niu couldn't understand You Feng's words, he also knew that it was not a good word, and he did not take Mad Niu seriously at all.


The mad cow roared, his toes a little, his body swayed, and he came to the front of You Feng.


A beautiful elbow attacked Leng Feng Mianmen, this blow was extremely powerful.

You Feng saw it clearly, and a trace of unhappiness flashed in his heart. This is just a punch, not a life-and-death struggle. Is it necessary to be so ruthless?

If he takes this blow, I'm afraid his skull will shatter.

You Feng slipped and moved a few steps back to avoid its edge.

Mad Niu changed his moves very quickly, using both hands and feet, and kicked You Feng down three lanes with one kick.

"Damn it, it's so insidious, to greet you three ways down." A cold light flashed in You Feng's eyes, and he had already retreated to the edge of the ring.

There is no retreat, only a counterattack.

So he slammed his hands forward, clenched his fists, and kicked the fist.


You Feng swayed for a while, but the mad cow seemed to be kicking on the steel plate and quickly backed away.

You Feng successfully took the kick.

"Leng Feng, he's so handsome, fight back and kill him!" the audience shouted hysterically.

"Crazy Bull, kill Leng Feng!" Someone sang the opposite, this is Zhu Gan'er waving his fist and roaring under the stage.

The second master walked in front of Bamboo Pole, and said with a joking smile, "You're not that crazy, you're a mad cow. Your strength is just that, so Leng Feng took it lightly."

Zhu Gan'er twitched his nose and said arrogantly, "Don't be too complacent, the show has just begun, and Mad Bull has not shown its true strength."

The second master snorted coldly and said, "Do you think Leng Feng has this strength?"

While speaking, You Feng moved, walking towards Mad Bull step by step, just like a normal walk, neither fast nor slow, making people mistakenly think that this is not a life-and-death arena.

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