Immortal Young Man on Campus

Chapter 245: dust to dust

Facing the shock of Yu Mo and Du Juan, Hua Lao took a deep breath and said, "Yeah, after all, it's too mysterious, there is always curiosity."

Du Juan murmured, "No wonder I can become a genius doctor. This thirst for knowledge is too scary."

Seeing Hua Lao looking at him expectantly, Yu Mo hesitated for a moment and said, "Okay."

Hua Lao was overjoyed and said, "Thank you for fulfilling my wish."

"Du Juan, you are getting weaker and weaker now, what will you do next?" Yu Mo asked.

"Eunuch, I... don't know either." Du Juan said timidly.

Yu Mo pondered for a while and said, "I'll make the decision for you, go where you should go, don't stay in the world."

"That Jin Yingjie?"

Yu Mo took it all and said, "I promise you that Jin Yingjie will definitely get the punishment he deserves, and you can rest your eyes."

Du Juan looked at Yu Mo with burning eyes, as if to distinguish the authenticity of what he said.

In the end, Du Juan lowered his head angrily and said, "Engong, I believe in you. Without you, there would be no such thing as today."

Yu Mo nodded in relief: "I will definitely not betray your trust. Besides, you are getting weaker and weaker. If you continue to delay, you may be in danger of losing your mind."

Du Juan nodded and said reluctantly, "Engong, then I'm leaving."

"Let's go, be a good person in the next life." Yu Mo urged.

"Yes, I remember." Du Juan looked around, took one last look at the world, and slowly closed his eyes.

A ray of light appeared on her body, and her body gradually became blurred.

Hua Lao's eyes widened, staring intently at this scene.

Yu Mo also saw this scene for the first time. He actually didn't know where Du Juan would go.


He wasn't sure, not even Cuckoo himself.

It's just that after she let go of her obsession, she instinctively went somewhere.

Du Juan's figure became more and more blurred, and finally turned into bits and pieces of light, blending into the earth.

"Dust returns to dust, and earth returns to earth. It turns out that this is how a person's soul changes after death." Hua Lao was filled with emotion and seemed to have realized something.

Yu Mo's mood gradually subsided, and he said that Jin Yingjie's matter must be implemented as soon as possible, so that Du Juan could rest in his eyes.

In the early morning, a ray of dawn on the horizon fell on the mountains behind.

After Yu Mo said goodbye to Hua Lao, he quietly returned to the villa.

It's just that as soon as he turned through the window and entered his room, he saw a person sitting beside the bed, which startled him.

"who is it?"

He was covered in beard and hair, and he was extremely alert.

"Haha, what bad thing did you do again, so nervous?" Ye Qianqian's voice sounded abruptly.

Only then did Yu Mo realize that Ye Qianqian was sitting beside his bed.

He was afraid to pat his chest, and said with lingering fear: "You will scare people to death. Hey, no, why are you in my room?"

"Your room door was unlocked. I thought a thief had entered, so I kindly came in to have a look, but I didn't expect you to be in the room at all."

"Did I not lock the door?"

"Who knows?" Ye Qianqian blinked, shrugged and said, "I've caught you right now. You're not going home at night, what are you doing?"

"Nothing." Yu Mo shook his head.

"Hmph, a lie. Did you go to fight with Du Juan Xingxia again? You are not loyal enough, and you don't bring me." Ye Qianqian wanted to be a heroine, especially her last experience made her heart beat. Do not forget.

"Cuckoo is gone." Yu Mo said in a low mood.

"Gone? Where did you go?" Ye Qianqian didn't know why.

"Go where she's supposed to go."

"You mean..." Ye Qianqian suddenly realized, widened his eyes, and pointed to his feet.

Yu Mo nodded: "Yes, she really left this world."

"Is she not waiting for Jin Yingjie to be sentenced?" Ye Qianqian asked curiously.

"She is very weak. If she waits any longer, she will likely be dissipated. I gave her a promise that Jin Yingjie will be punished." Yu Mo said deeply.

Ye Qianqian thought thoughtfully and said, "Then we must remind Jin Yingjie and sentence him to prison sooner, so that Du Juan's death will be peaceful."

Yu Mo's heart moved, since Jin Yingjie was arrested, he didn't know what happened next.

"I'll make a call."

Yu Mo dialed a number, and after a few beeps, a familiar voice came over.

"Yu Mo, is that you? What's the matter with me this early in the morning?"

This is Gu Caiwei's voice.

Yu Mo only knows two policemen, one is Gu Caiwei and the other is Ren Zhenggang.

Ren Zhenggang's position is too high, and he doesn't want to trouble the other party unless he has to.

"Officer Gu, I want to inquire about something." Yu Mo said straight to the point.

"What's up?"

"Isn't Jin Yingjie arrested? When will this case come to an end?"

"Jin Yingjie!" Gu Caiwei's voice increased a few decibels. Jin Yingjie surrendered to her first, so how could she forget him.

She cares about this case more than others, so she immediately replied: "His case has solid evidence and is still going through the process."

"Go through the process?" Yu Mo frowned and said, "When will this process go?"

"I don't know about that." Gu Caiwei said angrily: "This case involves too much. After all, Jin Yingjie has a special status, so it is more complicated than ordinary cases and naturally takes longer."

Yu Mo heard a little overtone and said, "Are you saying that because of Jin Yingjie's identity, this case will definitely drag on for a long time?"

"That's understandable." Gu Caiwei reluctantly admitted.

Yu Mo's heart sank, and Jin Wanhao kept saying that he would not interfere in the case.

Now it seems to be one thing, but it's actually another.

Jin Wanhao is really an old fox, and he was almost fooled by him.

How did Yu Mo know about Jin Wanhao's wishful thinking.

Now that the limelight of this case has not completely passed, if the sentence is pronounced at this moment, there will be very little room for him to operate.

If there is a procrastination tactic, after this period of time has passed, everyone will forget it, and then the sentence will be pronounced unconsciously, and the room for manipulation will be much larger.

As for delaying the progress of the case, this is not difficult for the local snake Jin family.

Yu Mo said in a low voice, "Thank you, Officer Gu, I understand."

"Yu Mo, don't do stupid things." Gu Caiwei urged quickly.

Regarding the bar incident, although it was finally characterized as an accident, Gu Caiwei had a different point of view.

She guessed that Yu Mo might have done it deliberately.

Now that Jin Yingjie has not pronounced the sentence as scheduled, she is deeply afraid that something will happen to Yu Mo.

She was not worried about Jin Yingjie, but about Yu Mo's safety.

After all, the enemy is too powerful.

"How could I do something stupid, Officer Gu, thank you!" Yu Mo pretended to be calm and hung up the phone.

Ye Qianqian said indignantly: "The Jin family is so unscrupulous, it is a sure thing, and the evidence is solid, they are still going to make trouble. We must not be so kind and let it go. We will vote for him again, so that Jin Yingjie can't get up again. ."

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