Immortal Young Man on Campus

Chapter 303: Wanderers and practitioners

Sirius regained his freedom, moved his muscles and bones a few times, looked at Yu Mo alertly, his face ashen.

He really wanted to act immediately and kill all of them, so that he would have no risk.

However, this idea was snuffed out in the cradle by him.

He knew it was impossible for him to succeed.

If he did, then he could only seek his own death and announce his death in advance.

The bodyguards were ready to go, staring at him, as if they were afraid that he would make a move.

Yu Mo Gujing didn't waver, as if he didn't care about him at all, and said, "Tianlang, who else is the one who assassinated President Gu?"

Tianlang understood, shook his head and said, "I am the only one to carry out the task, you don't need to worry about others."

"Then you go back, is the Black List going to send someone else to assassinate her?" Yu Mo asked.

This is one of the issues that he is most concerned about. If black list killers continue to come, he must be exhausted and not so energetic.

Gu Ziqing's expression also froze, staring at Sirius.

Sirius knew their concerns and couldn't wait to say: "Don't worry, I will definitely find a way to prevent them from sending people again. As for those who are not on the black list, there is nothing I can do."

Yu Mo smiled indifferently and said: "The black list has stopped sending people. Are the others fools? They dare to seek their own death."

Sirius was slightly startled and had to admit that what Yu Mo said was true.

With the lessons learned from the black list, others did not dare to assassinate Gu Ziqing again.

Gu Ziqing was really free from the shadow of assassination.

Gu Ziqing raised her eyebrows slightly, naturally she knew the pros and cons very well, and looked at Yu Mo with joy, with a hint of sweetness in her heart.

"Then you can go." Yu Mo waved his hand and reminded him, "You'd better tell me your employer's identity as soon as possible, my patience is limited."

"I know." Sirius was overjoyed and asked suspiciously, "You really let me go like this?"

Yu Mo frowned and asked, "Don't you want to leave?"

"Think! I'll leave now." Where did Sirius dare to stay, he was eager to leave quickly.

There was a smile on Yu Mo's mouth, and when he saw Sirius's feet were windy, he swooped out.

Others hesitated.

After all, it is a once-in-a-lifetime event to finally catch a black-listed killer.

Yu Mo saw everyone's thoughts and said to Gu Ziqing, "Mr. Gu, you won't blame me for letting him go?"

Gu Ziqing smiled and said, "How could I not understand your thoughts? I agree with both hands. It is not a good thing to be friends with each other.

Yu Mo laughed. He had already guessed Gu Ziqing's thoughts before he made the decision with full authority.

"Will he really keep his promise?" Others were skeptical.

Yu Mo shrugged nonchalantly and said, "He is very aware of the consequences of breaking his trust in me. He is a smart man."

Seeing Yu Mo's high-spirited appearance, Gu Ziqing couldn't help but feel a little crazy.

Gu Ziqing is a strong woman, and those who admire and adore are naturally strong people.

She once had an ideal: I hope that her wishful husband will marry her by stepping on the colorful clouds.

It can be seen that she has high requirements for Ruyi Langjun, and naturally she does not like weak people.

This strange look disappeared in a flash, and she returned to normal again, saying: "District Chief Xu was injured because of me this time. I should go and visit him."

Yu Mo froze in his heart and said, "President Gu, he's definitely fine, you don't need to worry."

"He was hit by Sirius' hidden weapon, how could he be fine? I must visit, otherwise I will feel uneasy." Gu Ziqing did not know the details of District Chief Xu, she said with a kind heart and persistently.

Yu Mo hesitated for a while, but finally swallowed the words that exposed District Chief Xu.

Because he didn't know the true identity of District Chief Xu, let alone his intentions.

If Gu Ziqing knew this, there might be trouble.

In addition, he didn't want Gu Ziqing to have too much contact with District Chief Xu, lest District Chief Xu target her and cause her to suffer in vain.

Seeing that Gu Ziqing could not be stopped, he had an idea and said, "Mr. Gu, you are frightened by today's events. Why don't I visit District Chief Xu for you."

Before Gu Ziqing answered, the bodyguards nodded in agreement, thinking that Yu Mo's words were reasonable.

"Miss, we will **** you back. Master already knows about this and is on his way to Jiang An."

Gu Ziqing raised his brows and said, "Why did you tell him again?"

The bodyguards were silent. They didn't dare to hide such an important matter.

Gu Ziqing also knew their difficulties and didn't blame them too much. He said angrily, "Well, I'll go home, Yu Mo, you go to visit District Chief Xu, and you must bring my greetings with you."

Yu Mo was relieved and said, "President Gu, don't worry, I will definitely visit him well."

He deliberately increased the tone of the word "visit", and the others did not hear the difference.

Yu Mo left alone, instead of going straight to the hospital, he contacted You Feng.

It didn't take long for You Feng to stand in front of him excitedly.

"Eun Gong, I heard that there was an assassination case, is it against President Gu?"

As soon as You Feng stopped, he couldn't wait to ask.

Obviously, the news of the assassination spread like wildfire and spread.

"Don't worry, Mr. Gu is fine, this is what the killer of the black list did." Yu Mo explained.

"Ah!" You Feng was shocked and regretted: "It's all my fault. If I kept the killer last time, this kind of thing would not have happened."

Yu Mo patted his shoulder and comforted: "Don't blame yourself, it's none of your business. Besides, the assassin is no longer a concern, and there are more urgent matters before me."

"What's the matter?" Seeing Yu Mo's solemn expression, You Feng's heart was also suspended.

Yu Mo stared at You Feng, and said, "You Feng, what I tell you next is my most important secret. Can you keep it a secret for me?"

You Feng was in awe, raised his cheeks, and said sternly: "Engong, my life is yours, and I will use my life to keep your secrets for you."

Yu Mo nodded in relief, he believed in You Feng, he just asked for confirmation again.

"I believe you!" Yu Mo nodded his head and said very firmly: "You see that I am good at skills. In fact, I am not a martial artist, but a practitioner. There is another mysterious group in this world, not like a martial artist. There are many, but the strength of practitioners is extraordinary."

You Feng was taken aback and said, "Eunuch, are you a cultivator?"

Yu Mo was stunned for a moment. Seeing You Feng's strange expression, he asked, "Do you know practitioners?"

You Feng's expression became a little abnormal, he swallowed hard, and seemed to be caught in a painful memory, and said faintly: "How could I not know about practitioners. I thought that I would never meet practitioners again in this life. , I didn't expect the benefactor to be a practitioner."

Yu Mo looked at him intently, and saw a clue from his words and demeanor.

I'm afraid, there are still unknown things between You Feng and the practitioners.

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