Immortal Young Man on Campus

Chapter 539: Heaven and Earth Five Elements

Ice cubes are springing up like bamboo shoots after a rain, leaving Yu Mo no place to stand.

He jumped and jumped directly to a big tree. He thought he could escape by luck, but the truth was more cruel than he expected.

Several ice cubes appeared at the roots of the big tree, and a layer of hoarfrost quickly spread up the trunk.

Yu Mo was stunned, and scolded secretly, "Damn it!"

He jumped into the air and jumped to another tree, but ice cubes immediately appeared under the tree, and the big tree instantly turned into ice cubes.

As if conscious, the ice cube kept chasing Yu Mo's footsteps, not giving him a chance to rest.

"When is this a head?" Yu Mo kept his feet and complained to Heavenly Demon Sage.

"Everything creates and restrains each other, what can restrain ice cubes, don't you not know?" Tianmosheng pointed.

Yu Mo blurted out the answer: "Fire!"


"Then it's almost ice and snow, where can I find fire?" Yu Mo couldn't help laughing.

"This requires your own efforts. Heaven and earth are divided into five elements, metal, wood, water, fire, and earth. Practitioners are good at using the five elements of heaven and earth. You are in the early stage of gathering, and you can already use the five elements of heaven and earth." .

Yu Mo's heart moved, and he asked curiously, "Then how can I use the five elements of heaven and earth?"

"The five elements of heaven and earth are scattered between heaven and earth. You need to understand and experience it yourself, mobilize the power of the five elements, catalyze the power of fire, and then turn danger into danger."

Yu Mo clenched his teeth gradually. What the Heavenly Demon Sage said was mysterious. He thought about it carefully for a while, but there was nothing he could do.

At first, he didn't gain anything at all, there was air all around him, where did the heaven, earth and the five elements come from. If he hadn't been convinced that Heavenly Demon Sage would not lie to him on this issue, otherwise, he would have given up halfway and gave up directly.

The ice cube didn't let Yu Mo go, he could only be like a monkey, constantly scurrying back and forth between the big trees.

These big trees suffered, and they turned into ice sculptures one by one.

Yu Mo was forced to run deep into the woods, and at some point, a huge flat land appeared in his sight.

There were no trees at all on this flat ground, but nothing but ice that reflected the sun in the sky.

In addition, several ice sculptures on the ground attracted their attention. His eyes lit up and he exclaimed, "Monster!"

These ice sculptures turned out to be all monsters that were sealed by the ice. They didn't move and turned into ice sculptures.

Yu Mo sucked in a breath of cold air. These monsters must have no idea what to do. They broke into this area. They must have struggled to survive before they were finally sealed by the ice.

It can be seen from the fangs and claws and fearful eyes of the monster.

"None of the monsters can withstand the ice and snow. I only have this cultivation level. Can I create a miracle and escape the catastrophe?"

Yu Mo shook his head, feeling sad in his heart, and couldn't help feeling a little lost and depressed.

Heavenly Demon Sage was about to rebuke, but saw Yu Mo's eyes suddenly straighten, staring blankly at an ice sculpture, this ice sculpture is very small, at least it is too small compared to those monsters like those behemoths.

Yu Mo's mood fluctuated violently, his lips trembled, and he shouted loudly, "Dad, Mom!"

This sound of parents attracted the attention of Tianmosheng, and he immediately focused his attention on the two small ice sculptures. Sure enough, he saw two sealers, a man and a woman.

"Are these his parents?"

Yu Mo seemed to have lost his mind, and rushed towards the ice sculpture recklessly. He seemed to have forgotten the danger of ice cubes and landed in front of the ice sculpture.

The ground is a layer of ice that can be seen by people. When his feet fell on it, a layer of hoarfrost immediately spread to the back of his feet, and quickly spread upwards, as if it would turn him into an ice sculpture immediately. .

"Yu Mo, are you looking for death?" Tianmosheng roared, extremely anxious.

Yu Mo turned a deaf ear, stared straight at the statue, reached out to touch it, and muttered to himself, "Dad, Mom, I'm here to pick you up."

At this moment, the hope in his heart was completely extinguished, as if the sky was falling, his expression was dull and painful.

"Mom, how did you become like this?"

He thought that his parents still had a chance to survive, but watching this scene, he felt sad in his heart, and realized that what he thought was too good, and his parents had left them.

No wonder they have been missing and have not gone home, because they have no way to go home.

"Yu Mo, cheer up, do you want to repeat the same mistakes?" Heavenly Demon Sage roared loudly, deafening, hoping to wake up Yu Mo.

However, Yu Mo was still immersed in pain, ignoring the words of Heavenly Demon Sage.

A layer of snow-white frost has spread to Yu Mo's knees, and it seems that he will repeat the same mistakes in a short while.

Suddenly, he had a flash of inspiration, and his heart twitched violently.

"Sister Yue'er!"

Yu Yue's figure appeared in his mind. If he died, wouldn't Yu Yue be left alone in this world?

He is Yu Yue's brother, how could he watch this scene helplessly.

"No, I can't die yet, I still have to protect Yue'er, and I have to tell her the news of her parents, she has the right to know about it."

He lowered his head and glanced at his own feet, seeing that he was almost going to be scrapped.

The fire was beating with a mysterious power.

Yu Mo looked at the flames at his fingertips in disbelief, and muttered to himself, "What's going on? Could it be that this successfully utilizes the power of the five elements?"

"Haha, Ruzi can be taught. It turns out that you have to be stimulated to have an effect. If I knew this, I would have stimulated you earlier. How can I be so scared." Tianmosheng said happily.

Yu Mo didn't pay any attention to Heavenly Demon Sage at all, but quietly felt this mysterious power, especially the flames at his fingertips, which seemed to be integrated with his vitality, which was heart-warming.

"What are you still doing? Since it is successful, then quickly turn the corner and stand firm." Tianmosheng urged.

Yu Mo didn't say a word, the flame flew to his feet in a swish, and landed directly on his leg. The layer of ice touched the flame, and immediately made a sizzling sound and bursts of water. gas.

"It really does work." Yu Mo's eyes lit up, he was extremely surprised, his mind moved, the flame in his hand became even bigger, and the flames fell on his feet.

The ice melts.

Surprisingly, this group of flames couldn't hurt him, it just burned along the ground, quickly vacating a small space for Yu Mo.

The danger was temporarily lifted, Yu Mo breathed a sigh of relief, and stared blankly at the burning flames around him, which had formed a large circle and guarded him firmly.

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