Immortal Young Man on Campus

Chapter 572: overbearing

A person walked in from the door, as if ten thousand rays of light were pouring in, and there was a beauty that people dared not look directly at.

Phoenix walked in alone, without a teacher at all.

She directly asked Yu Mo to study in the same class, and Principal Qin naturally had no reason to object.

Her footsteps did not stop, and she walked directly to the back of the classroom.

He couldn't move his eyes away, staring at her without blinking, with countless questions in his heart.

"Who is she? She's so beautiful."

"What is she going to do?"

"Could she be looking for an acquaintance?"

Phoenix stopped and stood in front of Ye Qianqian.

Ye Qianqian raised her head and looked at Phoenix suspiciously. Even if she was also a beautiful woman, she had to admit that the other party was really too beautiful.

There is an unreal feeling.

The other party seems to have flown down from the fairyland, and there is a kind of beauty out of the world.

The two looked at each other, you looked at me, I looked at you, and the others widened their eyes, admiring these two very different beauties.

"I'm going to sit here."

Phoenix was not polite at all, and said coldly.

Ye Qianqian was stunned and pricked up his ears in disbelief, thinking that he had heard it wrong.

She and the other party never knew each other, and she actually wanted to grab her seat.

Ye Qianqian is not a fish on the chopping block. How could he be at the mercy of others? With a meaningful smile on his lips, he said jokingly, "Who are you, and why should I let you?"

"I want to sit here." Phoenix remained calm, not intimidated by Ye Qianqian's increasingly fierce aura.

Ye Qianqian sneered: "You can do whatever you want? It's ridiculous."

The two sides were at each other's throats and glared angrily.

Yu Mo watched this scene with tears in his eyes, thinking in his mind why Phoenix came to his class, isn't this adding to the chaos?

Even so, Yu Mo didn't interrupt a word.

The two women were about to erupt into a volcano, and if he mixed a kick, wouldn't he set himself on fire.

Phoenix didn't argue with Ye Qianqianduo at all, and he didn't see any movement from her, Ye Qianqian fell to the side uncontrollably.

Ye Qianqian reacted extremely quickly, stood up quickly, and stabilized his body.

However, she had already separated from the chair, and Fenghuang saw the needle and sat in her position, beside Yu Mo.

All this happened so fast, it was like a flash of lightning, and even Yu Mo couldn't react.

He really didn't expect Phoenix's means to be so tough, not giving Ye Qianqian any chance or face at all.

Yu Mo sighed inwardly, Phoenix acted in a maverick way and only cared about his own feelings, it was really unreliable.

Ye Qianqian was furious, glared at the phoenix hatefully, and asked, "Who the **** are you?"

"Phoenix!" Phoenix raised his head and uttered two words softly.

Ye Qianqian frowned, never heard of this name.

"What are you doing in my place?"

"I will sit here in the future." Phoenix said lightly.


Ye Qianqian suspects that she has heard it wrong. Is she taking her position openly and aboveboard, and will she continue to occupy her position?

and many more!

She is not from the school, how could she be sitting here all the time?

"This is my seat. You don't know where the off-campus personnel came from. I advise you to leave quickly, otherwise, you will not be so lucky when I take action." Ye Qianqian threatened.

Phoenix looked at Ye Qianqian playfully, how could he be afraid of her threat, but found it particularly interesting, and said, "From now on, we are classmates, and this position is mine."


The others were taken aback by the news. They looked left and right. Why did such a fierce person suddenly appear in the class?

Yu Mo rolled his eyes, Phoenix was really naughty, and he came directly to his class.

Ye Qianqian's patience was completely exhausted, and the phoenix didn't get in. This was purely to find her fault, how could she swallow her anger.

She glared with almond eyes and said, "You forced me."

As soon as she finished speaking, she charged forward with a lunge, her knees pressed against Phoenix's knees, and at the same time, her hands grabbed onto Phoenix's shoulders.


The legs collided, and Phoenix's knees were like a rock, indestructible.


Ye Qianqian took a deep breath and stared at Phoenix in disbelief. At the same time, the arm she grabbed towards Phoenix also flicked fiercely, as if there was a huge force.


After all, Ye Qianqian had been cultivating for a while, and he still had enough eyesight, so he immediately saw that Phoenix was not an ordinary person.

She didn't finish the second half of her sentence, after all, so many classmates were present.

Fenghuang let out a snort. He didn't seem to have expected Ye Qianqian to actually know martial arts. He looked at her up and down with interest, but he didn't take it seriously.

With her cultivation, Ye Qianqian was still a little too tender.

Ye Qianqian was not frightened, she stared with apricot eyes, and became competitive.

"How could I, Ye Qianqian, be scared off by you? It's better if you are a warrior. I, Ye Qianqian, don't bully people who are powerless."

She thought in her heart that the strength in her hand increased greatly, and she attacked with one move, as fast as lightning, and before the others could react, her hand had already reached the face of Phoenix.

Phoenix raised a hand.

Ye Qianqian's hand stopped immediately, and was firmly grasped by Phoenix's hand, unable to move.

Ye Qianqian's chin was about to fall to the ground. Her own attack was not without sharpness, but the opponent's interception was amazing. She was calm, and her gestures disintegrated her attack.

How did she do it?

The others are all laymen, staring with big eyes and small eyes, not seeing any doorway, only to see the blink of an eye, and the hands of the two are together.

Yu Mo didn't look at it much, because the outcome was already doomed.

Even he is not the opponent of Phoenix, Ye Qianqian is an egg hitting a stone.

But Ye Qianqian still didn't give up, bit his lip, hesitated slightly, gave a coquettish shout, changed his moves, withdrew from Phoenix's hands like a loach, and then attacked back with a mighty thunder.


There was a flower in front of him, and after a muffled sound, the others blinked and saw that Ye Qianqian had already taken a few steps backwards and shook his body before he stopped stably.

Her cheeks were slightly pale, and a storm surged in her heart, she couldn't believe this scene at all.

Everyone else looked at the two of them intently, vaguely looking forward to it. The next thing will definitely be more exciting.

Watching two beauties clash, it's really a beautiful thing to watch.

Tang Jing didn't know when, came to Yu Mo's side, winked and asked, "Brother Mo, why don't you help Ye Qianqian?"

Yu Mo shook his head with a wry smile.

Ye Qianqian's expression froze, noticing Yu Mo's reaction, a stun in his heart, and asked, "Yu Mo, do you know who she is?"

Knowing that he couldn't escape, Yu Mo became a peacemaker and said helplessly, "Ye Qianqian, stop fighting."

Ye Qianqian snorted coldly and said, "She is really domineering when she occupies my seat. How can I make her wish?"

After all, he stared at Fenghuang with unkind eyes. Phoenix’s eyes looked at his nose, his nose looked at his heart, and he didn’t put her in his eyes at all.

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