Immortal Young Man on Campus

Chapter 575: Great evil sign

The king's eyes are sharp, like a sharp weapon, it seems that it may stab the main road leader at any time.

The chief priest smiled, waved his hand and said, "It's nothing, it's nothing."

Where can't Tian Wang see that Gan Dao's mouth is wrong, he is obviously lying, and said sharply: "It's a bunch of nonsense, you clearly said it, what do you mean?"

The king of heaven is aggressive and imposing like a rainbow, giving people a great pressure.

If it were an ordinary person, his legs would have softened with fright, but Gandao smiled and said, "Then what do you think it means?"

This is clearly something in words.

The king immediately heard it, hesitated for a moment, and said, "Who do you mean by the girl?"

The main road leader said ambiguous: "What do you think? Who else is a girl here."

Of course, the leader of the road is not a girl, the other one is the king, who has been wearing a mask, but his voice is hoarse and low.

Heavenly King's eyes are volatile, and the sharpness is mixed with shock. This is the biggest secret she has always had, and even her closest subordinates don't know it.

The master of the road never knew him, but he broke the mystery in one sentence, which made the king really unacceptable.

The King of Heaven is indeed a woman, but she is very clear that her identity is not enough to deter so many murderous killers under her command, and she must cover up her identity.

She did a very good job. Others didn't realize this at all. The only person who broke the mystery was this Dao Dao leader who had never met before.

Countless complicated thoughts flashed through Tian Wang's mind, and she guessed that it was from where the main road chief got the news.

But the point is that no one knows the secret, or the person who knows the secret is dead.

"Who are you?" Tian Wang asked in a deep voice.

"I am the master of the road. I tell people's fortunes, give pointers to the maze, I am innocent, and the price is fair."

The King of Heaven hesitated for a while and said, "Then you can do the math for me."

Gan Daochang's eyes lit up and said, "Just watch it."

After he finished speaking, he picked up his fingers mysteriously and muttered something in his mouth, not knowing what he was muttering.

The King of Heaven has been watching him silently, trying to see any clues.

But until the end, she didn't see any clues.

The main road leader stared straight at the King of Heaven, his voice was low, and he said, "You have too many heavy responsibilities on your shoulders, your life has been bumpy, and things have been going bad recently. This is not the most important thing."

The king's expression changed slightly and asked, "What is the most important?"

"Murder is the most important thing."

"The calamity of murder?"

There was disdain in the king's eyes, and he said, "If you say anything else, I may still be suspicious, but what you say is too fake. I have always killed people, who can kill me?"

The king raised his head proudly, confident in his own strength.

The leader of the main road said meaningfully: "There are days outside the sky, and there are people outside people. You are so conceited, it is precisely your fatal weakness."

Tian Wang didn't know where the Master Gan knew her secret, but she didn't believe the words of the Master Gan, she waved her hand and said, "I'll give you three seconds to disappear from my eyes immediately, otherwise, you won't have a chance to stand. Here it is."

Gan Daochang shook his head with a long sigh, but did not forget to apply oil on the soles of his feet, stepped back, and said, "I don't have the same knowledge as you, and I don't listen to the old man, and I will suffer in front of my eyes."

The king's eyes became more and more bad, and it seemed that he was about to go crazy.

Gan Dao Changfei also fled away, shouting loudly from a distance: "God has the virtue of good life, let me tell you this, if your life is in danger, flee to the east."

The King of Heaven watched the leader of the main road disappear, and his mood was ups and downs. If she used her previous temper, the leader of the main road would definitely die.

After all, he pointed out her most important secret.

But for some reason, she didn't do it until the end.

"It's just a liar, pay attention to what he does." The king shook his head and temporarily put this little episode behind him.

When Tianying saw Tianwang, he was constantly wailing, but he didn't know how to report.

The King of Heaven looked at him solemnly and asked, "Have you found anything yet?"

Tianying hesitated, lowered his head in shame, and said, "Tell the king, Yu Mo is too cunning, I only know that he went back to his hometown in the few days he disappeared, and it seems that he has entered a deep mountain. clear."

"Didn't you go into the mountain to investigate?" Tian Wang asked.

Tianying nodded and said, "Of course I went, how could I let go of such a big doubt, but after several laps in the mountains, I found nothing."

Tianying did enter the deep mountain, but he didn't go down to the bottom of the cliff, so naturally he wouldn't find it.

"This subordinate is useless, please forgive me." Tianying begged for mercy.

The King of Heaven sighed and said, "It's not entirely your fault. We underestimate Yu Mo. He is as cunning as a fox at a young age."

"Then what do we do next?" Tianying asked.

The King of Heaven was also stumped. She wanted to find a breakthrough from Yu Mo and figure out the secrets of the Hunting Alliance, but it didn't work out.

"Then..." The King of Heaven decided to wait for his skill to go up a level, and then take action himself.

But just as he spoke, he walked into the woods alone and walked straight towards the two of them.

This grove is very remote, and few people set foot on it. How could this person appear here so suddenly, how could it not attract the attention of the king.

The two of them looked at each other at the same time, and their expressions were not good.

Tianying rushed out a few steps first and asked, "Who are you?"

The person who came did not stop and walked straight towards the two of them.

The visitor is not good.

Tianying's heart suddenly burst, and he immediately realized this. With a flash of cold light in his hand, he greeted the other party.

The King of Heaven was not in a hurry to take action, but kept silently observing the incoming person.

The visitor is in his sixties, but he is full of energy, not like an ordinary old man with no strength.

Tianying's attack was very ferocious, but the old man ignored his attack and waved his dry arm gently, as if to bounce off a mosquito.


As if struck by lightning, Tianying was shaken all over, and flew backwards, breaking a tree before falling to the ground and trembling.

All this happened between lightning and flint, and Tianying had no room for resistance at all, and was simply abused.

He vomited blood and widened his eyes. It was incredible. He couldn't figure out how he was defeated like this. He didn't know how many bones he had broken.

clap clap clap!

The meridian is broken.


He vomited out a mouthful of blood, his expression was sluggish, and he collapsed on the last breath.

The King of Heaven was horrified, she watched all this helplessly, and before she could do it, Tianying turned out to be dead and alive.

Who is this person?

Why is it so powerful!

He couldn't help but remember the words of the leader of the road. It took so long for it to come true. She really had a big omen.

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