Immortal Young Man on Campus

Chapter 599: never step back

Qiao Bin and the others widened their eyes nervously, their hearts hung in their throats, and they wanted to help Yu Mo.

But the enemy is too powerful to give them a chance to help at all.

Before they could find a chance to help, the monsters stopped attacking, and the group of people were even more stunned, with a ghostly expression, they couldn't believe all this.

Yu Mo let out a sigh of relief, secretly saying that he was lucky, he was really smart, and he told the beast's heart to the heart.

According to Yu Mo's understanding of the cursed land, although these monsters are powerful, they are all cursed things, and there is no way to leave Penglai Island.

In their hearts, they couldn't wait to leave.

This is exactly the same as the plight of those monsters in the deep mountains.

Yu Mo just caught their pain point and stopped the monster's attack with just one sentence.

The monster stared at Yu Mo with complicated eyes, and the eagle flapped its wings and said, "He must be talking nonsense. How could he be so kind and help us break the curse?"

Many monsters nodded in agreement, and their murderous aura soared.

There was a cunning light in the Direwolf's eyes, and it seemed to have a kind of magic power to understand people's hearts.

Feiying snorted coldly and said, "Your magic eye is real or fake, and you haven't cultivated to the home. What if you are wrong?"

"Nonsense, how could my magic eye be wrong?" the direwolf argued.

"Enough!" The black bear roared, shocking the eagle and the direwolf, and said, "Whether what he said is true or false, it doesn't matter if we listen."

Yu Mo breathed a sigh of relief. The black bear's aura was obviously bigger. Since it said so, the eagle and the direwolf would definitely not object.

Sure enough, Eagle and Direwolf pondered for a while and followed Black Bear's suggestion.

"Then let's listen to it, anyway, I firmly believe that he is talking nonsense." Feiying said swearingly.

The black bear glared at Yu Mo fiercely and said, "Tell me, how do you break the curse?"

Yu Mo recalled his past experience and said, "The five elements generate and inhibit each other. As long as I understand the specific situation of the curse and use the principle of the mutual generation and inhibition of the five elements, I can succeed. I have already tried this in other places, and it was successful."

"What, you broke the curse elsewhere?" The monster exclaimed, as if not believing that a cultivator would take the initiative to break the curse.

Practitioners are not so kind!

At least, the monster thinks so.

The so-called method of mutual growth and mutual restraint of the five elements, the monsters believe, because this is mentioned in the last words of the ancestors.

It's a pity that the monsters can't practice the five elements of mutual generation and mutual restraint. Even if they know the method, they can't do it with their own strength.

Qiao Bin and the others seemed to be listening to the scriptures, and they had little or no understanding of these words.

Only Gan Daochang's eyes were full of brilliance, staring straight at Yu Mo.

"I don't need to lie to you, besides, I can't lie to you either." Yu Mo put a tall hat on the monster on purpose.

The monster was very useful, and said triumphantly: "Of course you can't deceive us."

"Hahaha, Yu Mo, there really is a boy like you, who actually stunned this group of monsters!" Heavenly Demon Sage praised: "Although they have activated their intelligence, their intelligence is limited after all, so it's too easy to deceive them."

Yu Mo rolled his eyes, noncommittal.

The direwolf flashed a cunning look in his eyes, and said, "Since you keep saying that you can break the cursed land, then you break the curse now, and we will truly believe you."


Yu Mo narrowed his eyes slightly and looked at the direwolf suspiciously. It seemed to have something to say. Yu Mo pondered this sentence and already understood the intention of the direwolf.

The direwolf is very cunning, obviously trying to trick Yu Mo to break the curse first, then they will be really free.

In this way, it is enough to get rid of Yu Mo.

Immediately, Yu Mo became more wary of the direwolf, and directly pierced the direwolf's careful thought, saying, "If I do this, and you kill me, then I will lose my wife and lose my army. "

The direwolf was furious, and the other party actually saw through its mind. It seemed to be seriously provoked, with fierce eyes in its eyes, and roared: "Believe it or not, I will kill you now."

After saying that, the fangs with **** mouths were exposed, and the cold air was threatening.

Everyone's heartstrings trembled with fright, and they looked at Yu Mo worriedly.

Yu Mo didn't move like a pine tree, his expression was as usual, he knew too much about the urgency of monsters, and once he grasped this, he wasn't afraid anymore.

He deliberately took a few steps forward, walked in front of the direwolf, and looked up. In front of the tall direwolf, Yu Mo was very small, but his aura was not inferior to the direwolf at all.

The direwolf looked down and read a lot of complicated meanings from Yu Mo's eyes.

"You can kill me, but you never want to leave Penglai Island." Yu Mo said lightly.

"You dare to threaten us!" The direwolf stared at Yu Mo eagerly.

Yu Mo didn't give an inch, and said, "I'm not threatening you, but telling the truth."

The direwolf was about to attack and seemed to tear Yu Mo into pieces, but the black bear stopped it in time and said, "He's right, we don't know how many years we will have to wait without him."

Feiying agreed: "Our top priority is to leave Penglai Island."

The direwolf had to give up and said, "Then leave your life for the time being."

"Not only can you not hurt me, but you have to promise me other conditions so that I can break the curse. Otherwise, even if you kill us all, you will never leave Penglai Island."

Yu Mo was full of courage and directly put forward the conditions.


Everyone sucked in a breath of cold air, and they were all convinced by Yu Mo's courage. Seeing his eyes change again and again, those who had a contempt for Yu Mo suddenly felt ashamed.

Qiao Bin gave Yu Mo a thumbs up. He thought that he was brave enough, but compared to Yu Mo, he still paled and felt ashamed.

The black bear asked, "Then what are your conditions?"

"First, you ensure that we leave Penglai Island safely; second, you tell us what happened back then and why Penglai Island became like this; third, after you leave Penglai Island, you must not hurt innocent humans."

Yu Mo stretched out three fingers and said loudly.

"No reason!"

The direwolf jumped furiously, grinned, revealing his fangs that flashed with cold light, and said, "You are courting death, aren't you, how dare you offer so many conditions!"

Yu Mo was unmoved and said, "It doesn't matter if you don't agree, then you will be trapped on Penglai Island forever."

"You..." The direwolf was speechless for a while, helpless.

With a wave of the black bear's paw, the direwolf was interrupted and said, "We promise you, but you must make sure to break the curse, otherwise, you will die miserably."

Yu Mo breathed a sigh of relief. These monsters respect the strong. If you keep retreating, you will make them look down on you. Therefore, from the beginning, he refused to give in an inch and was extremely tough.


At this moment, there was a sound of explosion, as if something exploded.


A long roar came from another place, the monster immediately exploded the pot, the black bear jumped like thunder, and said angrily: "You guys are attacking the west, and there are helpers!"

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