Immortal Young Man on Campus

Chapter 650: life and death

The situation took a turn for the worse, and no one expected such a dramatic scene to happen.

A pair of eyes stared at Yingzi, Yingzi came back to her senses, and shouted at the back of the sect master: "Why?"

Obviously, she was questioning why the suzerain concealed the relationship between the two, so that she always thought that she was an orphan without father and mother.

The Sect Master paused for a while, then continued onward, saying, "When the matter is over, I will naturally tell you the reason."

The direwolf waved his claws excitedly and said, "Great, now that the enemy has retreated, the spiritual veins are safe again."

Yu Mo was silent, he didn't think the sect master would obey like this.

Black Bear saw his thoughts and asked, "Do you think the enemy has any other tricks?"

Yu Mo shook his head: "I can't tell."

He turned his eyes, fixed on the lost Yingzi, and asked, "Yingzi, your identity is so important, the daughter of the sect master, I have to congratulate you."

Sakurako gave Yu Mo a cold look.

"I found your biological father for you, you should thank me, why are you so cold-hearted." Yu Mo smiled.

Sakurako snorted and said, "Don't pretend, you wanted to kill me earlier."

"Don't you want to kill me too?" Yu Mo asked back.

Sakurako was speechless.

"No, you see they stopped." Suddenly, the black bear pointed to the distance, and the retreating enemy stopped.


Everyone tensed their nerves and stared at the enemy alertly.

Yu Mo's pupils shrank, and he shouted, "Why don't you leave? Are you disregarding Yingzi's safety?"

The sect master turned around abruptly, stared straight at Yu Mo, with a strong murderous intent in his eyes, and said through gritted teeth, "You dare to threaten me, and those who dare to do so in this world will surely die."

He took a step to the left, revealing the real face behind him, it was the laser device, the muzzle was facing them.

Yu Mo had an ominous premonition, and asked in shock, "What are you doing?"

"Send you to the West!" The sect master said murderously.

Everyone was in awe, knowing that something was wrong, and even Yingzi was shocked and looked at the sect master in disbelief.

The sect master sensed Yingzi's eyes, a flash of guilt flashed in his eyes, and then was replaced by a strong murderous aura. Only to hear him shout: "Shoot!"


A laser traversed such a short distance, almost in the blink of an eye, the laser ripped through the air and passed through the crowd.

Everyone avoided it, and no monster was injured.

Then, the laser accurately hit the star stone and the spiritual crystal embedded in it.


There was a loud noise, and a dazzling white light erupted from the spiritual crystal, and the mountain shook as if it was an earthquake.


The rocks fell from the sky like raindrops, and the monsters turned pale in shock, and they dodged and resisted. After a while, many monsters were smashed with scars.

Swish swish!

The blood blade was danced in an airtight manner, interweaving a net of swords to keep the boulder out.


Sakurako screamed, staggered to the end, blood flowed, and a boulder injured her.

Compared with the trauma, her heart was bleeding, and it was difficult to figure out her own background, but the next second, her biological father even disregarded her life and death and launched a fatal blow.

Where is the father?

This is the murderer!

Yu Mo glanced at her, just saw her face as gray as death, grabbed her with a big hand, and protected her under the sword net to avoid the impact.

The monsters roared, startled and angry, and the enemy dared to play tricks, this is because they didn't pay attention to them at all.


An angry roar resounded all around.

Gradually, the sky and the earth subsided, the smoke and dust dissipated, and a pair of eyes looked in the direction of the enemy.

Hey, what about people?

There was no one in front of him at all, but a thick wall.

Yu Mo rushed over, touched the wall, and suddenly realized, "So that's how they want to sleep us!"

The other monsters also rushed over, banging a few punches on the wall, and the rocks flew, but the wall was motionless, as solid as a rock.

Immediately, a pair of eyes looked at each other, and they could see the horror and despair in each other's eyes.

Yu Mo's face was solemn, and he said, "Sect Master's wishful thinking is very good. He deliberately looks down on the enemy as weak, and then kills us all at once. It's really a vicious plan."

"What about Yingzi? Could it be that he doesn't even care about the life and death of his daughter? The black bear asked, the tiger's poison does not eat its children, it really doesn't understand this approach.

Yu Mo hesitated for a moment and said, "Maybe there is another mystery. There are too many people in this world who don't recognize their six relatives. He can sacrifice his daughter for the greater good..."

Yu Mo paused for a moment, then said again: "Or maybe his words were originally lies. Yingzi was not his daughter at all. He was just trying to confuse the public and disturb our attention."

"Really?" The black bear exclaimed, as if he couldn't imagine such a cunning thing for humans.

The direwolf was speechless and exclaimed: "Humans are too cunning, or we monsters are more simple."

The other monsters agreed and nodded in agreement.

After listening to Yu Mo's analysis, Yingzi's face was gloomy and uncertain, looking at the collapsed cave, dazed and lost.

"Why would he do this?" she murmured, seemingly unable to believe the harsh reality.

"What's my life like?"

She held her head, shook her head violently, had a splitting headache, and screamed hysterically.

Yu Mo took a deep look at her without stopping, and said, "Have you seen it now? No matter whether the Sect Master's words are true or false, he didn't put your life in his eyes at all. I completely miscalculated this point. , and now he wants to kill us."

"No, I can't die." Yingzi shook her head like a rattle: "I must ask him to find out."

A stubborn fighting spirit and a strong desire to survive ignited in Yingzi's eyes, she rolled her eyes, grabbed Yu Mo's hand like a life-saving straw, and couldn't wait to say, "Yu Mo, aren't you good at earth escape? Hurry up and take us away! Since you succeeded the first time, there must be a second time."

Yu Mo smiled knowingly and said, "You just want to go up like that?"

"Of course, I want to ask him to clarify." Sakurako said stubbornly, her little face blushing.

"Hmph, they want to trap us to death, then we will kill Yingzi first as they wish. No matter who she is, help Zhou, kill her first, and avenge her dead comrade."


Everyone was booing and staring at Yingzi murderously, but Yingzi regarded death as home, facing everyone calmly, and said, "Let me die, I have no complaints, but if I don't ask him face-to-face, I am not willing to die."


Everyone looked at Yu Mo in unison, waiting for him to decide Yingzi's life and death.

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