Immortal Young Man on Campus

Chapter 667: meet deceased

Yu Mo was a little disappointed. He didn't expect Gu Ziqing to throw an olive branch.

He asked suspiciously: "President Gu, I am a student. Apart from some kung fu, I don't have any other skills. How can I be qualified to join the company."

"Who said there is no more." Gu Ziqing's eyes widened: "Your ability is great, but you just didn't notice it."

She couldn't help remembering what her father had said.

Gu Haoran sincerely explained the importance of Yu Mo to her. Such a rising star must try his best to tie him up instead of letting him go.

That is really the opposite, the further you go.

Gu Ziqing certainly understands Gu Haoran's thoughts, not to mention Yu Mo's own strength, just that he has won the trust of Mr. Qiao, this is worth a lot of people grabbing him.

The Gu family has taken the lead, and it should be used to the extreme, instead of falling into the hands of others.

For both public and private, Gu Ziqing was reluctant to let Yu Mo leave, so he had an idea and handed him an olive branch.

Yu Mo touched his nose and said with a smile, "Really? Why didn't I realize how talented I was, Mr. Gu was joking."

In fact, Yu Mo is very self-aware. Although he has a cultivation base, he is smeared in business and other professional fields.

"Yu Mo, don't hold back. I'm going to hire you as a consultant for the company. This position is very flexible. You don't need to work. When the company encounters difficulties, I will consult you and you will advise me." Gu Ziqing said Strictly speaking, he said solemnly.

Yu Mo was startled and said, "Consultant? Mr. Gu, what valuable ideas can I offer?"

"Have you forgotten that you have provided valuable opinions and suggestions when the company encountered difficulties in the past few times. I have not forgotten how much you have forgotten." Gu Ziqing smiled narrowly.

Yu Mo was speechless.

Knowing Yu Mo's character, Gu Ziqing didn't give him a chance to object, and said a little tough: "Then it's settled, you are hired as the company's consultant, you can come to the company when you have time. In addition, your Salary will also increase, 50,000 per month."

"fifty thousand!"

Yu Mo's mouth widened in surprise.

"not enough?"

"No, a lot!" Yu Mo said honestly, "It's a lot."

Gu Ziqing laughed and said, "It's the first time I've heard people complain about the high wages."

Seeing that Gu Ziqing was so enthusiastic, Yu Mo couldn't refuse this kindness, so he had to accept it and said, "Okay."

Gu Ziqing smiled, like a hundred flowers in full bloom.

With a move in Yu Mo's heart, he couldn't help thinking that Gu Ziqing was one of his former lovers, and Tianmosheng had been beguiling him to take her down.

"Tianmosheng, it's no wonder that you have been bewitching and instigating me. It turns out that you didn't have a good heart at all. If you really let you take my body and take my body, then maybe Gu Ziqing really can't escape your devil's claws."

"However, recently my calamity power has not moved, and I don't know when it will happen again. I can't take it lightly, and the refining of calamity power cannot be delayed."

Since Gu Ziqing took the initiative to keep him, and his refining calamity is closely related to Gu Ziqing, then he will follow the flow and continue to stay by her side.

"I want to make up for the love debt of my previous life, and I can't be as rude as Tianmosheng said. I'm not his rogue."

"It's nothing, then I'll go first, Mr. Gu." Yu Mo said goodbye.

Gu Ziqing originally wanted to keep her for dinner, but when he thought about it, he didn't have to rush for a while, then nodded and let him go.

When it got dark, Yu Mo was walking towards the incense bar.

Zhu Jie and You Feng were already waiting for him at the bar, and Zhu Jie was about to report to him the news of Jiang An's underground world during this time.

The bar is right in front of you, and the loud music is looming.

Suddenly, Yu Mo stopped and turned his head sharply, staring at the darkness not far away.


A strong wind blew from a distance, bringing with it a chilling aura that made people feel awe-inspiring.

Yu Mo's complexion changed suddenly, he was ready to go, his eyes widened with burning eyes.


A figure appeared, rushing from the darkness, Yu Mo hurriedly used his skills, he would not be merciful if the comer was not good.


Suddenly, he exclaimed and looked at each other in disbelief, it was an acquaintance.

A familiar mask came into view, and he would never forget this mask in his dreams, because the impression was too deep.

"The King!"

The one who comes is the king.

The King of Heaven also seemed to be stunned, but he didn't expect to meet Yu Mo.

"You..." Yu Mo was about to speak, but the king interrupted him coldly: "Be careful."

Yu Mo was startled, and finally saw the appearance of Tianwang. Her clothes were torn in several places, and blood dripped from them.

How could the King of Heaven be so embarrassed, this made Yu Mo feel fearful and remembered what Phoenix said.

The Black List is destroyed.

He thought that the King of Heaven must also be dead.

Unexpectedly, the king is still alive, but he is very embarrassed.

She seemed to be running for her life.

"Someone is chasing me." The King of Heaven said hurriedly, in the middle of Yu Mo's guess.

Sure enough.

Yu Mo narrowed his eyes slightly and looked into the darkness.

A terrifying aura rushed towards his face, getting closer and closer, a move in his heart, the blood blade under his palm was about to move, and it could fly out at any time to give the enemy a ferocious blow.

The King of Heaven took a few steps back, stood beside Yu Mo, looked at the darkness, and said, "The enemy is very powerful and cannot be taken lightly."

At the same time, all kinds of complicated emotions surged in Tian Wang's heart.

She never dreamed that in a short period of time, the black list would undergo such an earth-shaking change and be destroyed from his hands.

This is a killer organization that has been passed down for more than a hundred years. Every killer has a fierce name. Why did it suddenly disappear?

She still can't seem to accept this cruel reality.

At the time of her life and death, she managed to escape, she was aimless, like a headless fly, and finally, she had an idea, and she remembered what the leader of the road had said.

The chief priest swore that she had a **** disaster. She always thought it was the last time she was chased by the nine elders, but now she knows that the **** disaster is not over. This time is the real **** disaster, and her life is worrying.

The image of the main road leader in her mind had already been turned upside down, so she once again followed the main road leader's instructions and fled east.

She had been expecting a miracle.

But it seems that the miracle is very slim, the enemy chases and kills all the way, the danger is looming, and he almost died in the hands of the enemy several times. But she has an obsession in her heart, all the way to the east.

When she stepped into Jiang'an's territory, she was already shocked, and she never expected to come to Jiang'an all the way east.

Will you meet Yu Mo?

She had never had such a strong desire to meet Yu Mo.

When Yu Mo stood in front of her, she almost cheered, and the main road leader was really accurate. It seemed that she had really met a savior, and she could survive a desperate situation and save it from danger.

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