Immortal Young Man on Campus

Chapter 814: Jie Li Seedling

Fighting the Sacred Heart Art is aimed at discovering the potential of the body, every cell, every muscle, every bone has potential.

Yu Mo urged the Sacred Heart of Fighting, and the internal force flowed in the meridians, and the speed was getting faster and faster.


A violent vibration sounded in the meridians, and at the same time, the muscles of the body also vibrated, forming a strong resonance with the vibration of the internal force.

It was invisible to the naked eye, but Yu Mo clearly sensed that energy was being released from the muscles. After this mysterious energy entered the meridians, it turned into internal force.

"These energies are potential. Once the potential is stimulated, it will be transformed into internal power, which is the key to the martial artist."

Yu Mo used to know little about it, but now he suddenly realizes, concentrates his energy, the resonance is getting stronger and stronger, and he can't help shaking like a pendulum.


Yu Mo hurriedly stopped, this has exceeded the load of his body, and if he continued, his body would be damaged.

He recuperated and quietly watched the inner force gather to the sea of ​​​​qi, accumulate more and more, and finally form a lake. The inner force is like lake water, flowing in the lake.

A martial artist's sea of ​​qi is the source of power, and when he is fighting against others, his inner strength is mobilized from the sea of ​​qi.

He used to break the enemy's air, and the enemy was abolished.

"The sea of ​​​​qi is really important. The true essence is also stored in the sea of ​​​​qi. Now I am in the early stage of distraction. The lotus seed is in the sea of ​​​​qi. I wonder if there will be a conflict with the inner force?"

As soon as this thought came up, Zhen Yuan became restless, especially that lotus seed was about to move, bursting with rays of light, and the surging inner force surging out, swept toward the inner force lake like a violent storm.

The lotus seed is the source of the power of the true essence. It is more powerful than the true essence in the meridians. Once it erupts, it seems to be a disaster for the internal force.

"Jie Li, it's your turn."

Yu Mo didn't panic, and quickly mobilized the calamity in the meridians, and gathered it towards the sea of ​​​​qi with lightning speed.

In the past, the robbery force could reconcile the true essence and the internal force. However, in the sea of ​​​​qi, the true essence was too much and too powerful. For a time, the robbery force could not block the mighty true essence.

Internal power is at stake.

Yu Mo was stunned. He already had inner strength, unlike the fact that he had no inner strength at all at first. If his inner strength was eliminated by his true essence, then a tragic war would definitely break out in the sea of ​​​​qi.

If the sea of ​​​​qi can't hold up and is broken, it will not only be a loss of internal strength, I am afraid that his cultivation will be greatly reduced, and even suffer a disaster.

"No, Jie Li must hold on."


Suddenly, a broken shell sounded.

Yu Mo was startled, looked for the sound, and found that a seed had broken its shell in the corner of the sea of ​​​​qi.

Seeds of Calamity!

Yu Mo's eyes lit up and he almost exclaimed.

At the beginning, after he practiced the seeds of robbery, the seeds of robbery have not moved.

Heavenly Demon Sage once said that the seeds of robbery will break out of their shells and germinate and grow into towering trees, but the seeds of robbery have never moved, and he once ignored its existence.

Later, for some unknown reason, a stream of true essence appeared in the body.

At that time, Yu Mo was taken aback, but he didn't find out why, so he just gave up. But the real yuan is also very useful. Later, when he practiced the magic art, he used the real yuan.

He never imagined that the true essence and the internal force would conflict so much. If there was no true essence, then he would practice martial arts, and there would only be robbery force in his body, and his internal force would definitely not be attacked.

"The robbery seed is broken, it is definitely a good thing for me, maybe there is enough robbery to deal with the true essence."

He immediately ran the Tribulation God Art, the seeds of Tribulation Power changed more and more, the shell was completely broken, and a green seedling broke out of the shell.

The seedling swayed, as if stretching, and the surging force of robbery immediately surged out from the seedling, like a flood that burst an embankment, rushing out.


It was as if a wave hit the True Yuan ruthlessly, and the True Yuan immediately died down, rushing left and right, some escaped from the sea of ​​qi, and some escaped into the lotus seeds, and never dared to make trouble again.

Jie Li, like a triumphant general, swaggered back into the seedlings.

The inner force seemed to be relieved and curled up in the lake.

Yu Mo's expression became extremely exciting as he watched this big play. At the same time, he was relieved, his internal strength was temporarily safe, and his true essence couldn't make trouble at all.

"Being at peace, that's the right thing to do, otherwise it will kill me, and it won't do you any good." Yu Mo patted his chest and muttered with lingering fears.

Now that the Jie Li seedlings are escorted, Yu Mo no longer worries about his true essence, and runs the Battle Sacred Heart Art, not only the muscles, but also the bones resonate with the internal force.

He was surprised to find that after the accident just now, his body's resistance to resonance had improved a lot, and his body continued to run at a high load.

Boom boom boom!

Another wave of potential in the body was stimulated, turned into internal force, and merged into the sea of ​​​​qi and lake.

Yu Mo's martial arts cultivation level has risen, and he has even broken through to the late stage of Dark Power in one fell swoop.

The cultivation realm of a martial artist is divided into Ming Jin, Dark Power, Cun Jin and Innate Realm. Yu Mo directly crosses Ming Jin and reaches the late stage of Dark Power, which is like a rocket.

If other warriors knew this, they would probably hate him with envy.

Others have worked hard and practiced for many years, and only at this level, he has reached this stage overnight.

However, Yu Mo was not satisfied, and sighed regretfully: "Alas, this is the late stage of dark energy, and it is still several realms from the early stage of distraction."

"I have to make persistent efforts to ensure that in the absence of calamity reconciliation, the internal force can also compete with the true essence, this will be foolproof."

He knew that the cultivation of the Sacred Heart Art of Fighting had already yielded a lot.

"Slow down first, let's study the seedlings of Jie Li."

He urged the **** of robbery, and the leaves of the robbery seedlings moved, as if the breeze was blowing, and strands of robbery power rippled from the leaves in a mighty and mighty way.

As soon as Yu Mo's mind moved, Jie Li swam to the Eight Extraordinary Meridians. Wherever he passed, his true essence and inner strength were forced to retreat, and he was quite afraid.

In the end, Jie Li swaggered back to the Jie Li seedling from all over the body and disappeared.

"I owe a debt of love for the ninth generation, and there are 36 acupoints with calamity power. Once the robbery force in all the acupoints fully explodes, then I will die suddenly."

"This seedling is transformed from the robbery power I refined, and the robbery power in it can be used by me. As for the robbery power hidden in other acupuncture points, it doesn't listen to my dispatch, but it is the source of danger."

"Now I have refined 25% of the robbery power, only the robbery power in the four mere acupoints has been refined, and there is still too much robbery in the remaining acupoints, like a time bomb, it may explode at any time. my life."

Yu Mo's face darkened, and he was deeply aware of the seriousness of the problem: "Yaoyao has fallen in love with me, and I have made up for the love debt I owe her in my previous life, so I can no longer refine my calamity because of her, then I'm really in danger. ."

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