Immortal Young Man on Campus

Chapter 834: new world

What he saw in front of him, even if he had a rich imagination, was completely beyond his imagination.

Chang Hengshan disappeared.

He looked around and looked around, he could see very far, but as far as his eyes could see, there was no shadow of Chang Hengshan.

This is a dense forest, but very flat.

"What the hell?"

Yu Mo couldn't calm down for a long time.

The light was falling from the sky, and mottled light and shadow fell in the woods. He ran away. After a while, he had run out of the woods.

The sight in front of him surprised him even more.

Without the city of Changheng, the city seems to have disappeared out of thin air like Mount Changheng.

"Where the **** have I come from?"

He has realized a little clue, he must have been away from Changheng Mountain for a long time, but came to other places.

He had an idea, could it be that there was a teleportation array in the fog, and he accidentally came here through the teleportation array?

But he didn't feel the energy fluctuation of the teleportation array at all.

He is no stranger to the teleportation formation. Once the teleportation formation is activated, it is impossible to escape his detection.

"There is a problem, there is a big problem." He kept repeating, stunned.

He looked around, but didn't find much strangeness. Suddenly, he looked up and exclaimed again.

He looked straight up at the sky, as if frightened by something.

"Where's the sun, where is the sun?"

The sky is blue, there are no clouds, and there is no sun. The light is sprinkled from the sky, which makes the world full of light.

He shook his head vigorously and looked at the sky again, but there was still no trace of the sun. He finally determined that there was no sun in this sky.

"Am I in another world?"

He had a whim, but the more he thought about it, the more he felt that it was possible, otherwise, such a bizarre thing would not have happened.

"Besides my world, there really are other worlds."

Yu Mo gradually calmed down, this is an unknown new world, whether it is good or bad, he dare not take it lightly.

He hurriedly used his skills, got 12 points of energy, and moved forward cautiously.

A wisp of cooking smoke slowly drifted into the sky in the distance.

Yu Mo's spirit was shocked, he stopped and looked from a distance, and finally saw a low house sitting by a wood, like a village.

"There are people, I don't know if they are enemies or friends."

In any case, he had to find out.


Before he approached the village, a dog barking broke the silence, only to see a dark shadow flashing, and there was a vicious dog in front of Yu Mo.

The vicious dog opened his fangs, his eyes flashed fiercely, and he bit Yu Mo fiercely.

Yu Mo's body flickered, trying to avoid the vicious dog, but the vicious dog was following him like a shadow, and he couldn't get rid of it at all.

Yu Mo frowned and shouted, "Get out of the way."

With his feet like the wind, he saw that he was about to kick the vicious dog.


Yu Mo was taken aback. After all, he was a practitioner. With a seemingly random kick, both speed and strength were extraordinary. How could a vicious dog escape?

But that's what it is.

The vicious dog ducked, but instead rushed towards Yu Mo fiercely, two dark blue flames appeared in his eyes.

At the same time, a blue flame spewed out of the **** mouth of the vicious dog and flew towards Yu Mo.

This flame has no temperature, but is like a piece of ice, emitting cold air, making people shudder.

Yu Mo's eyelids twitched, this vicious dog is not an ordinary thing, he almost underestimated the enemy and suffered a big loss.

At this point, he no longer hides his secrets, and with a swish, the blood blade is cut out.


The vicious dog whimpered and flew out backwards, hitting the ground with a bang, like a ripped balloon, and quickly withered down, leaving only skin and bones.


Yu Mo sucked in a breath of cold air and paled in shock.

This place is so weird.

"Who hurt my dog?"

Suddenly, a dark and strong man came out of a room and asked fiercely.

Yu Mo's hair stood up all over his body, his brows were furrowed, and he was ready to go.

This vicious dog is already so powerful, so naturally its master's strength does not need to be said.

"People in an ordinary village have such strength, what the **** is this place?" Yu Mo secretly slandered.

The strong man picked up the vicious dog on the ground and pointed his finger on the skin and bones, as if a balloon was inflated.

The skin and bones gradually filled up, and finally turned into the appearance of a vicious dog, grinning at Yu Mo, quite angry and unwilling.

Yu Mo was almost stunned, he could still play like this.

What kind of magic is this?

He slightly cupped his hands and said, "I didn't mean to hurt your dog, it just wanted to bite me."

"Nonsense, my dog ​​is the most obedient and never bites." The strong man held the vicious dog and retorted angrily.

The vicious dog arched in his arms obediently, as if to approve his words.

"Look at what I said." The strong man was triumphant and looked at Yu Mo. With just one look, his pupils widened and he exclaimed, "Wait a minute, you are human. No wonder the dog bites you."


I'm not human, am I a ghost?

Yu Mo was confused and said, "Of course I'm human, can this also be the reason for it to bite me?"

However, as soon as these words were blurted out, Yu Mo had a strange feeling in his heart. Suddenly, a jolt in his heart, as if a basin of cold water had been poured over in the cold winter and twelfth lunar month, looked at the strong man in surprise and asked, "What did you just say? "

"you are human!"

The strong man's voice trembled, as if he saw something terrifying. Before Yu Mo could ask any more questions, he turned around and ran away, his loud voice resounding throughout the fields.

"People! It's terrifying that someone has come."

His scream was terrifying and full of fear. When he rushed into the house, he slammed the door shut.

The doors of the other houses creaked open, their heads stuck out, and they all looked at Yu Mo. When they saw him clearly, they all seemed to be greatly frightened and screamed, "Human."

bang! bang!

There was a sound of door closing, and all the doors were closed.

Yu Mo was directly petrified.

This was far from what he expected.

They are actually afraid of people, not because Yu Mo is a stranger, but because he is human.

They are afraid of humans.

So what are they?

Certainly not human.

Yu Mo's heart was agitated, and he couldn't help being horrified. They clearly looked like humans, but they were not humans. What could that be?


Doesn't he have two ghosts under his command, but it is very different from these breaths.

"No, let Gui Yi and Gui Er out first and ask them. But, will it scare the other side?" He looked at the houses. Although the doors were separated, Yu Mo knew that the other party must be secretly sneaking. sizing him up.

He simply no longer hesitated, and with a wave of his hand, Gui Yi and Gui Er flew out of the Qiankun bag.

"Master, what is this place?"

As soon as they landed, Gui Yi and Gui Er asked in unison.

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