Immortal Young Man on Campus

Chapter 837: give a name

Yu Mo didn't attack the strong man, but was in awe, and gained a new understanding of Feng.

The strong man is also relieved, he is not a fool, Gui Yi and Gui Er willingly accept Yu Mo as the master, and keep flattering, that Yu Mo's strength must be very high.

The strong man is only slightly higher than Gui Yi and Gui Er, so where is Yu Mo's opponent.

"What's your name?" Yu Mo asked.

"I am a nameless person."


"In Fengdu, only ghost cultivators have names, and we are all nameless people." The strong man said angrily.

Yu Mo is hard to understand, these ghosts are not stupid, why don't they know their names?

He asked the question in his mind.

The strong man stared blankly at Yu Mo and said, "Can you choose your own name? Isn't the name given to you?"

"Give the name, who gave the name?" Yu Mo was surprised.

"The Lord of Fengdu City," said the strong man as a matter of course.

Yu Mo's chin was about to fall to the ground. In the huge Fengdu, only the city lord of Fengdu could give him a name. No wonder he only gave him a name for ghost cultivators.

After all, there were too many ghosts in Fengdu, and he didn't have much time to give him a name.

This is too absurd, Yu Mo consumes a lot of brain cells, and he doesn't quite understand it.

Gui Yi and Gui Er looked at each other, and a bad idea suddenly came up in their hearts, and a smirk that was not easily noticed appeared on the corners of their mouths.

Gui Yi said maliciously: "Master, why don't you give him a name, such as Gui San, I'm absolutely suitable."

Gui Er hurriedly nodded in agreement: "This is a good idea."

The strong men despised their actions, which deeply stimulated them. In this case, they had a brainstorm and came up with an excellent idea.

If he pulls the strong man into his own camp, and his identity is the same, then he is not qualified to make irresponsible remarks.

In addition, if they pay attention to first come, first come, they will submit to Yu Mo first, and they can also take the opportunity to beat the strong man.

Yu Mo's face was embarrassed, and he glared at Gui Yi and Gui Er, as if to say don't fool around.

However, before he could say anything, the strong man said first: "Do you think giving a name is that easy? If anyone can give a name, wouldn't everyone have a name."

Yu Mo slapped his thigh, which is exactly the reason.

The city lord of Fengdu must have supernatural powers that others do not have, and can name ghosts, but others cannot.

This is a special ability, and only this one has firmly occupied the commanding heights, no wonder it is Fengdu City Lord.

Er Gui didn't take it seriously and said, "Don't say it is so miraculous, don't I have a name with him? My name is Gui Yi, and his name is Gui Er, both of which are given by the master."

Yu Mo has a black line, that is, he said casually, Er Gui readily accepted, everything will be done naturally, and the situation in Fengduzhong is definitely different.

When the strong man heard the words, he froze for a moment, and seemed to be left speechless by the remarks. He didn't know how to refute, and said angrily, "It doesn't seem unreasonable."

As soon as Er Gui saw that there was a door, he struck while the iron was hot, and bewitched: "The name of Gui San is very good. This is a good opportunity from heaven. After passing this village, there will be no such shop."

Yu Mo rolled his eyes, the more and more these two ghosts talk, the more outrageous they are, they are really deceiving ghosts.

The strong man stomped his feet angrily and said, "Well, then I'll give it a try. The name Guisan is really good. I just don't know if it will be successful."

Believe this nonsense?

Yu Mo was dumbfounded. He looked at the strong man on the left and the two ghosts on the right. The two of them were really cheering, and they asked Yu Mo for credit, saying, "Master, we have hired another ghost for you."

Yu Mo's face froze, and he said with a stern face: "Don't be ridiculous, didn't you listen to him? You can only be named by the city lord of Fengdu, but I can't do it."

"That's not right, haven't you given them a name and success? Then maybe you can give me a name and success." On the contrary, the strong man was very optimistic and said with enthusiasm.


Yu Mo rolled his eyes and looked up and down at the strong man. Compared with Er Gui, the ghost and ghost, the strong man was too simple.

"Master, then quickly give your name." Er Gui urged.

The strong man also looked forward to it, looking at Yu Mo with burning eyes.

Yu Mo's eyes darkened and he said, "What should I do?"

The strong man had never experienced giving a name, so he shook his head and said, "I don't know either."

The two ghosts looked at each other and said together, "Master, how did you give us names in the first place, so let's try it out."

Let's give it a try, isn't this child's play?

Yu Mo really wanted to teach Er Gui a lesson, but several pairs of eyes looked at him, even the vicious dog, Yu Mo was helpless and said to the strong man, "Then you will be called Gui San in the future. "

This is what he did when he gave names to Gui Yi and Gui Er, just a simple sentence.

After Yu Mo finished speaking, he felt ridiculous.

How can this be named a success.

The strong man was stunned, and suddenly cheered loudly: "I have a name, my name is Gui San, I am so happy, hehe."

The vicious dog seemed to be infected, circling around the strong man, shaking his head and shaking his tail, his eyes full of envy.

Yu Mo was directly petrified.

Er Gui also seemed to be stunned, but did not expect it to be so easy to succeed.

Yu Mo has been unable to express his feelings in words, because this is so absurd.

I saw that the excitement from the heart of the strong man was beyond words, and it was definitely not a show.

He really has a name - Gui San.

The two ghosts looked at each other and came back to their senses, secretly having fun in their hearts, and hitting straight, the strong man didn't know that he had fallen into their trap.

Gui Yi struck while the iron was hot and said, "It is a great honor to give a name to the master. You also think that Gui San is a good name. Since you have a name, you will naturally have to pay the corresponding price. Recognizing him as the master is what you pay for. the method of the price.”

Yu Mo held a mouthful of old blood in his throat, and gave Er Gui a helpless look, and there was no way to stop it.

The strong man tilted his head, thought about it, and said, "I really like this name. I have never been famous. This is a great honor."

The strong man muttered to himself, as if he was in a dilemma, one was reluctance to part with his name, and the other was hesitant to recognize the Lord.

"After this village, there will be no such shop. Besides, it's not a big deal, don't you think we'll be fine after we recognize our masters?" The two ghosts sang together, quite convincing.

Instead, Yu Mo became a foil, staring at this scene in a stunned manner.

The strong man's eyes fluctuated, and he became firm a little bit. He shouted: "If you recognize the master, you will recognize the master. I have a name, and this is the most important thing."?

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