Immortal Young Man on Campus

Chapter 851: unkind request

Once this idea popped up, it took root and sprouts frantically, and it was irresistible.

"Yu Mo, I have an unkind request." Crazy Blade hesitated.

"What's the matter?" Yu Mo looked at him in surprise.

"Changheng Mountain is close at hand, but I never dared to take risks and enter it. I wonder if you can take me into the misty Changheng Mountain? Let's see the unpredictable Fengdu world."

Crazy Blade's eyes were full of fanaticism, staring at Yu Mo intently.

Yu Mo was stunned for a moment, and said, "I can enter it because of myself. I'm not sure if I can bring other people in, in case..."

The rest of the words were not said, but the meaning was self-evident.

Yu Mo is worried that Crazy Blade will have three strengths and two weaknesses.

Kuangdao gritted his teeth and said, "Chao Wendao, you can die in the evening. If you can see that Fengdu world, it will be worth dying."

Yu Mo smiled wryly, the fog will cause a lot of pressure, even if it is squeezed into pieces, can you know if Crazy Blade can withstand it?

He wasn't sure.

Crazy Saber patted his chest and said, "I'll leave the affairs behind me to my apprentice to take care of, and I'll take care of everything, just in time to visit Changheng Mountain."

Seeing Crazy Blade being so persistent, Yu Mo said, "You can try it, but if it doesn't work, don't force it."

Chang Hengshan is blocked by fog, Yu Mo can travel freely, and he can't be sure how much of a threat it poses to others.

The King of Heaven did not dare to enter it. Crazy Saber wanted to find out, but he could test the power of the fog. When Tianji Pavilion or the Hunting Alliance came, he would be able to prescribe the right medicine, and lead the enemy into the fog.

"Then when are we going?" Mad Dao couldn't wait to see the hunting heart.

"I'm going to Changheng Mountain tonight, why not go?" Yu Mo asked.

"Hahaha, exactly what I want."

After a conflict was resolved, Yu Mo and Kuang Dao sat and talked, as if they were old friends for many years.

Yu Mo learned a lot of Chang Heng's situation from Kuang Dao's mouth. Since the mysterious incident, Chang Heng has been lively for a while, and various forces and masters have come one after another, but they all return.

In the end, Chang Heng became an ominous place. Not only people in the rivers and lakes were unwilling to come, but even ordinary people were unwilling to come. Chang Heng seemed to be abandoned by the world.

Because of this, Chang Heng is also very closed to the outside world, and even the madman knows nothing about Yu Mo's uproar in the arena.

The madman didn't care about the outside world, he was only interested in Chang Hengshan and Feng, and he went to the bottom of it and learned a lot of details.

"You can actually exorcise ghosts. It's really amazing. Isn't the Fengdu world tailor-made for you, and you are bound to stir up the situation in Fengdu." Mad Dao's eyes flashed with enthusiasm and said excitedly.

Yu Mo waved his hand and said, "Fengdu Ghost Cultivator is very powerful. I'm no match for them at all. I just hope to save the three ghosts."

"I believe you can."

"Lend your auspicious words."

Yu Mo thought to himself, if he could find the lower half of the ghost cultivation method, so that the three ghosts could cultivate, then it would be perfect, and this dangerous move would not be worthless.

It was already dark, Yu Mo and Kuang Dao went straight to Chang Heng Mountain, while the others stayed in Chang Heng Courtyard.

The Chang Heng Mountain in the night has been shrouded in fog and can't be seen at all. The fog rolls around, like a giant in the dark night, giving people a lot of pressure.

"Let's go, let's go in." Yu Mo walked straight into the mist.

Crazy Blade asked, "Aren't you going to do some preparatory work?"

Yu Mo smiled and said, "No need."

His robbery is the key to restraining the fog, and any other preparations are futile.

"You follow me, don't leave." Yu Mo warned.

Crazy Saber nodded heavily. Although Yu Mo didn't clearly say how he restrained the fog, Crazy Saber believed that he must have some kind of mysterious means and naturally did not dare to get too far from him.

Yu Mo stepped into the fog first, and Mad Saber walked side by side. Just as half of his body stepped into the fog, overwhelming pressure swept from all directions.


Immediately, he felt that his bones were about to be crushed.

He stepped back subconsciously, but a huge force came from the fog, which swallowed him directly.

It was dark in front of him, he couldn't reach his five fingers, and there was fog all around him. He panicked in his heart and blurted out, "Yu Mo."

"I'm by your side, you should calm down first, and see if you can withstand the pressure of the fog with your own skills." Yu Mo's voice sounded in his ears, making Kuang Dao's heart relieved.

He mobilized his power and pulled out the heavy sword from behind.


The knife light slashed forward, and the mist separated to both sides, and his pressure dropped sharply. However, the good times did not last long, and the pressure came back like a tide.

Bang bang bang!

Like a heavy hammer, it slammed **** Crazy Blade, his internal organs tumbling, and with a puff, a mouthful of blood spurted out.


He squeezed three words out of his teeth and hurriedly swung the heavy knife.

After the fog forced back, he made a comeback again and again, and the power of each counterattack increased, which made him suffer so much that he could no longer support it.

His body seemed to be falling apart.

"I can't take it anymore."

He would never have said this if it was not a last resort, but in order to save his life, he had to.

Yu Mo witnessed all this and understood that Crazy Saber was at the end of his force. He no longer hesitated, and immediately activated Jie Li, which separated from his body, turned into filaments, and wrapped around Crazy Saber.


Crazy Saber's whole body loosened, and he let out a breath of turbid air in relief, his turbid eyes glowed brightly, and said, "Yu Mo, thank you."

He laughed at himself: "It's ridiculous that I'm full of confidence, and now I know it's a frog in the bottom of the well, and I can't resist the fog at all."

Yu Mo asked curiously, "When the fog blocked Changheng City, how did you survive?"

Ordinary people have survived that fog, which is completely different from today. It is a huge mystery.

"There was no pressure in the original fog, and everyone could move freely." Crazy Blade explained.

"It turns out that there must be an unknown mystery in it." Yu Mo nodded heavily, but he couldn't guess.

"Are you protecting me with a burst of energy?" Crazy Blade saw the clue and asked.

Yu Mo nodded: "Yes."

"Magic." Crazy Blade exclaimed.

"I'm not sure how long he can protect you, so you'd better get out first." Yu Mo said that it was the first time he used robbery to help others resist the fog, and he didn't know how effective it was.

"I'm the one holding you back."

Crazy Saber is no longer reluctant. The fog hit him too much. He is a arrogant person. Seeing that he may be holding back Yu Mo, he has to compromise.

Yu Mo retreated with the mad knife. However, there was no direction in the fog, and the two walked for a long time, but they didn't get out of the fog at all.

Yu Mo smiled bitterly and said, "I can't quit now even if I want to."

He had experience, and it was entirely up to luck to get out of the fog. If they couldn't get out, they would arrive at Fengdu World when the day dawned.

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