Immortal Young Man on Campus

Chapter 859: exchange

Everyone didn't understand how the strong men in Fengdu City seemed to have heard the shocking news after hearing this news, such as mourning for a concubine.

As long as Yu Mo understood the cause and effect, he guessed a little clue.

"They must have a close relationship with the Protoss. They belong to the Protoss. When they heard that the Protoss was defeated, they would be so rude."

Yu Mo originally regarded the surnamed Tang as an idol, but the strong man in Fengdu City was on the side of the Protoss, so he stood on the opposite side of him, an enemy rather than a friend.

Yu Mo didn't show these thoughts, but stared at the other party with a burning gaze, and asked suspiciously, "What's the matter with you?"

The city lord of Fengdu gradually calmed down and said in despair, "The Protoss has failed miserably, so you are the winner of Tang Zheng's side, right?"

Tang Zheng?

Yu Mo murmured in his heart, could it be that the man was called Tang Zheng, he was overjoyed and finally knew the idol's name.

However, he had never heard of it, and he had never heard of it from the mouth of the Heavenly Demon Sage, so he couldn't help but muttered, how holy is this Tang Zheng, and he can actually compete with the Protoss.

Everyone heard the strong hostility from the words of the Fengdu City Lord, and all looked at Yu Mo nervously, expecting him to resolve it quickly.

Yu Mo was as careful as a hair, sorted out the ins and outs, and said calmly, "You guessed wrong. Because the situation today is completely different."

"What's the difference?" the city lord asked.

Yu Mo smiled mysteriously and said flatly, "I've already answered a question for you, it's your turn to answer my question."

Fengdu City Lord took a deep breath, hesitated for a moment, and said, "You can ask."

"What kind of world is Fengdu World?" Yu Mo asked.

About Fengdu World, Yu Mo has too many questions. His questions are simple and rude, and they point directly to the source.

"City Lord, you can't tell him." The ghost kings stopped one after another, staring at Yu Mo badly.

The city owner hesitated: "We have reached an agreement, and I can't go back on my word."

"The city owner is really trustworthy, I admire it." Yu Mo praised, looking around with a smile, his eyes confronting those ghost kings, but he was not afraid at all.

"Feng is a world of ghosts. It has a long history. Ordinary ghosts and ghost cultivators live in it. We multiply and live, and we become today's Fengdu." The city owner said.

"It's that simple?" Seeing that the city lord stopped, Yu Mo frowned slightly and asked.

"That's the answer."

Yu Mo rolled his eyes helplessly and said, "It's your turn to ask."

The city lord already had a problem, and immediately threw it out: "After the battle of the Protoss, where did the rest of the Protoss go?"

Kuang Dao froze in his heart and hurriedly looked at Yu Mo, because this problem was beyond their understanding.

Yu Mo calmly and calmly said without hesitation: "Tang Zheng wiped out the Protoss, and no fish slipped through the net."

"Impossible!" The city lord said angrily: "The Protoss will be defeated, but they will not be wiped out, and none of them slip through the net. You don't understand the strength of the Protoss."

Yu Mo was not surprised and said, "That's the result."

The city lord stared at Yu Mo aggressively. For a long time, the city lord suddenly asked, "Are you lying to me?"

Yu Mo's heart beat violently, but his expression didn't change, he asked, "Do I have to lie to you?"

The city owner didn't say a word, and seemed to be thinking about these words.

Everyone looked at Yu Mo with breathless concentration, their hearts hung in their throats, and they admired Yu Mo's boldness even more.

This is a lie without even blinking an eye, and they are ashamed to be able to do this when surrounded by powerful enemies.

Gan Daochang thought: "I give fortune-telling seven points false and three points true, but he has no real points, and he can fool me more. These are all masters, can they really be fooled by him?"

If the city lord believes that Yu Mo is cheating, all efforts will be in vain, and the anger of the city lord is not something they can promise.

On the contrary, Yu Mo was the calmest of all, looking directly at the city lord.

The city lord was shrouded in black air, and he couldn't see his face and expression clearly, but Yu Mo's eyes were still sincere, with a pure heart.

"City Lord, his words are too suspicious, how could the Protoss be wiped out?"

"The Protoss is high above, and he is a mere mortal, how can he know the power of the Protoss."

The ghost kings were scrambling to question Yu Mo, as if they didn't believe his words at all.

Yu Mo looked around and admitted unexpectedly, "I didn't know the power of the Protoss."

The ghost kings' eyes lit up, as if they had grabbed his handle, and called out, "City Lord, you see we are right, he has admitted it himself."

Yu Mo's smile is not a smile: "I'm not admitting anything, but telling the facts. I don't know whether the Protoss is strong or not, because I have never seen them, and now there are no Protoss in this world, who knows how many they are. Powerful. We only know how powerful Tang Zheng is, because he is the victor."

As soon as these words came out, the four were speechless, their eyes staring at Yu Mo, wishing to swallow him alive.


The ghost king's heavy breathing was particularly harsh. They were furious, their cheeks flushed with anger, but they couldn't find anything to refute.

The Protoss is powerful, but his opponent is even stronger.

Both the ghost king and the city lord know Tang Zheng's strength. There is no doubt about this. Does Tang Zheng really have any hope of victory?

No one dares to deny this.

The city owner finally said: "I believe you this time, but if you let me know that you lied to me, you will not only die, but even your soul will suffer from the pain and suffering of life, and you will never be born again."

Everyone's eyelids jumped and they looked at Yu Mo worriedly.

Yu Mo's heart froze for a while, but he insisted not to show any strangeness, and said, "It's my turn to ask questions again."

He thought for a moment and asked, "Where did the ghost of Fengdu come from?"

Humans have souls, and after death, the souls go out of the body and become ghosts, but there are different opinions about where the ghosts go.

Now that he saw Fengdu World, Yu Mo had a question in his heart. Could it be that the solitary soul after death came to Fengdu World?

If so, it would be troublesome.

"Fengdu is a transitional world between the human world and Jiuyou. The ultimate destination of ghosts is Jiuyou. In the past, the ghosts of Fengdu came from the human world, but now..."

The mayor hesitated.

The ghost king looked at the city lord eagerly, and wanted to stop it, but finally held back.

"After that incident happened that year, the ghosts in the world did not pass through Fengdu, but went directly to Jiuyou, so the ghosts in Fengdu were self-sufficient." The city owner said angrily.

He seemed extremely dissatisfied with the situation, but there was nothing he could do about it.

Yu Mo and the others were shocked. Although they had good strength, they didn't understand the problems after death. There were hearsays before, but they were not accurate.

The words of the city lord made them stunned. It turned out that people went to Jiuyou after death, and Jiuyou is the ultimate destination of ghosts.

Feng is a world of excess between the two, but why does Feng lose this excess effect?

Yu Mo couldn't think of an answer, so he blurted out and asked, "What happened back then?"

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