Immortal Young Man on Campus

Chapter 865: Debt in the past life, repayment in this life

Yu Mo's words made Gu Ziqing petrified and looked at Yu Mo blankly, not knowing why.

"what are you saying?"

Yu Mo took a deep breath and told the truth: "Mr. Gu, this world is far more mysterious than we imagined. The pictures you see are not random thoughts, but what actually happened, but not in this life, but in the past."

"Past life?" Gu Ziqing was even more confused, staring straight at Yu Mo with big eyes.

Yu Mo made a decision. No matter what Gu Ziqing's decision was, he had to tell her the truth. No matter what decision she made, he would not go back on it.

He couldn't bear to hurt her twice, while she was still in the dark and didn't know anything.

He took Gu Ziqing's hand and said softly, "Mr. Gu, what I'm about to tell you is unbelievable, but everything I said is the truth."

Yu Mo's body temperature came from Gu Ziqing's palm, but she didn't pull it back, but nodded and said, "I'm listening."

"People have past lives and present lives, like you and me, you can't escape this. The pictures you see are the past lives of me and you, and those are everything that happened in our past lives."

Gu Ziqing raised her brows, her eyes were flustered, her mood fluctuated violently, and she said, "Our past life, me and you?"

Gu Ziqing opened his mouth in surprise, as if it was difficult to accept this reality.

"Yes, Mr. Gu, you and I were lovers in our previous life." Yu Mo said calmly, but Gu Ziqing's heart had already set off a storm.

Gu Ziqing wanted to deny it, but the fact was in front of her eyes, and it was all so real that she couldn't deny it.

She didn't think of ghosts and gods in her heart, and thought it was nonsense, but she did see ghosts, and it seemed that it was not impossible in the past and present.

So, it didn't take her long to believe it.

"How do you know this?" Gu Ziqing asked anxiously.

"You also know that I am a practitioner, and practitioners have the power of ghosts and gods, which is far more complicated than you think. Therefore, I have insight into my past life, and I have seen pictures of past lives. There is you in the picture, unfortunately Not as many pictures as you see."

Yu Mo shook his head, quite regretful.

Gu Ziqing was speechless, not knowing what words to use to answer.

A voice in her heart was screaming.

"This is my past life. Yu Mo and I were really lovers in our past life. No wonder we are entangled again in this life."

However, a dark cloud floated in her heart again. It was the back of Yu Mo's decision to leave, which made her heart hurt like a knife.

"Why were you so heartless in your past life?" she asked sadly, her voice choked.

Yu Mo said guiltily: "In my past life, I pursued the way of medicine and left you. This is the stupidest decision I have ever made. I am not the me of the past life, and I don't know how to explain it, but I don't agree with the behavior of the past life."

Gu Ziqing's breathing gradually calmed down, that was a previous life, how could she blame him?

Gu Ziqing is a rational person. Once she figured this out, her grief has not disappeared, but her anger has disappeared, and a question flashed in her mind.

"Yu Mo, you said that was my past life and yours, why do we all look the same in our past life and this life?"


Yu Mo was stopped. For a long time, he seemed to ignore this question. Even Ling Yao didn't ask this question after knowing what he said in his previous life.

Gu Ziqing is worthy of being a strong woman. Once the IQ is online, questions will come one after another.

Yu Mo shook his head and smiled bitterly: "I don't know either."

"Is it true that everyone's past and present lives are exactly the same, so isn't this world a mess?" Gu Ziqing asked again.

Yes, indeed, as Gu Ziqing said, could it be his case?

Now at least it can be confirmed that in Ling Yao and Gu Ziqing's previous lives, he looked like this.

"How much do you know about my past life?" Gu Ziqing asked.

Yu Mo shook his head: "I only remember the thing that saved you, and you don't know much about the rest."

Gu Ziqing looked disappointed.

"Mr. Gu, I was responsible for you in my past life, but in this life, I will be responsible to you to the end, never leaving." Yu Mo narrowed the distance between each other, looked at each other, and made a sincere promise.

If she had looked at Yu Mo's sincere eyes so closely before, she would not have been so flustered, because the difference in age between the two was impossible in her opinion.

But at this moment, with the fetters of her previous life, her heart was shaken.

For a while, she didn't know how to answer, so she said, "Yu Mo,"

"President Gu, trust me." Yu Mo said firmly, his eyes made Gu Ziqing calm down for no reason, and the unprecedented sense of security made her fascinated.

"Why am I like this, why am I like a little girl?" the voice in her heart kept shouting.

Hongxia climbed onto her fair cheeks again, her eyes blurred, and she said, "Yu Mo, don't do this, me and you..."

She just thought that nothing happened in the end, but Yu Mo no longer gave her a chance to speak, and actually hugged her tightly.

The sudden warm embrace hit her heart, causing her to swallow the rest of her words.

She is no stranger to Yu Mo's embrace, but she has never had such a strong impact on her, all of which are superimposed by the influence of her previous life.

Yu Mo patted her back gently and said, "You don't need to say anything, I understand, the debts of the past life, I will repay in this life."

Unconsciously, Gu Ziqing's emotions were pulled back to his previous life, and tears filled his eyes, unable to utter a word.


A muffled sound resounded in Yu Mo's meridians, such as landslides and earth cracks, flash floods, and a surging calamity spewed out from the meridians.

"Jie Li has been refined again!"

Yu Mo was greatly surprised and couldn't help but be overjoyed. He turned his head to look at Gu Ziqing's beautiful profile, all of which must be her credit.

Whether it was his words or his actions, he made up for the debt of his previous life, so he naturally refined a part of his calamity.

The power of robbery is rising, and it is increasing rapidly.

The Tribulation God Art operates on its own, just like a windmill driven by a current of water. Whenever the robbery force flows through the body over and over again, not only does the robbery force grow, but the true essence is also rapidly increasing.

Yu Mo was addicted to it, unable to extricate himself.

Gu Ziqing leaned against his warm embrace, and she couldn't help feeling embarrassed and anxious after seeing no response from him for a long time, unable to figure out what Yu Mo was going to do.

Will he kiss me again?

what do I do?

At this moment, Gu Ziqing was in chaos, completely in the mentality of the youngest daughter.

To her, time seemed to stand still. It was both torment and incomparable enjoyment. She expected it to be like this all the time. Perhaps, this was what she had hoped for in her previous life.

"Twenty-six percent... Twenty-seven percent..."

Yu Mo stared at the refining power and shouted in his heart.

His robbery power is really refining too fast, and he has newly refined 2% of his robbery power in an instant. He had already refined 25% of his calamity power, and once fell into a stagnant state.

He also didn't know how to solve this situation. Unexpectedly, during Chang Heng's trip, his relationship with Gu Ziqing had undergone a qualitative change.

In the end, how much calamity will he refine?

He was full of strong expectations.

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