Immortal Young Man on Campus

Chapter 902: A gentleman does not stand under a wall of danger

Grade Three Demon Fire!

It jumped in Gu Ziqing's palm, as if it was part of her palm, exactly the same as the demonic fire that burst out of Yu Mo's body earlier.


Gu Ziqing covered her mouth with the other hand and exclaimed.

At the beginning, Yu Mo promised Gu Haoran to teach Gu Ziqing the cultivation method, but there were too many variables in Chang Heng's trip. He was too busy dealing with various crises and had no time to teach her.

So, she is still an ordinary person.

But how could an ordinary person have a fire in the palm of his hand, and it was still a third-grade demonic fire.

Not to mention Gu Ziqing, other people will definitely be shocked when they see it.

This exclamation awakened Yu Mo, he hit a carp, stood up straight, and saw the third-grade magic fire in Gu Ziqing's hands at a glance.

"Three-Rank Demon Fire!"

He shouted in disbelief, his eyes fixed on Gu Ziqing.

He thought he had met the Demon Race, after all, the Demon Fire is the thing of the Demon Race.

"President Gu, why are you?" Yu Mo exclaimed in disbelief.

Gu Ziqing woke up like a dream and said dumbly, "Why not me?"

Yu Mo pointed to the magic fire in her palm and said, "How do you have a third-grade magic fire?"

Gu Ziqing is also a smart person, and immediately figured out the key. All this must be because of Yu Mo, and he must have infected her with this demonic fire.

So, she got angry and said angrily: "How do I have a third-grade magic fire? You are too embarrassed to ask me, don't you know what's going on?"

Yu Mo scratched his head ignorantly and said, "I really don't know."

"You..." Gu Ziqing pointed at him, her apricot eyes wide and wide, seemingly ignoring his naked body.

Yu Mo didn't know what to do. He lowered his head and pondered, but when he looked down, he immediately saw his naked body with round eyes, and exclaimed, "Why am I naked?"

Gu Ziqing was taken aback by this sound, and finally came to her senses. She was looking at Yu Mo's naked body. It seemed that she had seen too much before, but she didn't realize this serious problem immediately.


She hurriedly covered her eyes with her hands, turned around abruptly, and the third-grade magic fire in her palm was extinguished immediately.

Yu Mo covered his lower body with his hands while screaming, his face was grimacing, his head was muddy, and he said resentfully, "What the **** is going on? President Gu, what have you done to me?"

Gu Ziqing didn't dare to look back, but his anger was burning, and he complained, "How dare you say what I did to you? You... Yu Mo, you bastard!"

Yu Mo wasn't a fool either. Looking at Gu Ziqing's trembling shoulders, he observed the situation in the room again, and then recalled that his calamity exploded last night. When they connected them one by one, he slapped his forehead suddenly, and suddenly realized.

"I understand!"

He also widened his eyes and looked straight at Gu Ziqing's back.

If he still doesn't understand what's going on, he'll have lived in vain for so many years.

"President Gu, you saved me again."

Yu Mo has always believed that Gu Ziqing had already done that kind of thing to save him last time, so he always swore to be responsible for her.

He naturally thought that Gu Ziqing had done the same thing to him this time.

"You have done this kind of thing to me twice, and made such a big sacrifice. I am not an ungrateful person. I have promised to be responsible for you. I will pay the debt of the past life in this life. You can rest assured, I won't let you down." Yu Mo was strong and firm.

Gu Ziqing stomped his feet when he heard it, and was in a state of confusion, roaring in his heart: "Bastard, you are wrong, all wrong. The last time was completely different from this time. Last time, although you and I had skin-to-skin relationship, we didn't break through the last one. Boundaries. But this time is different, we have even... broken through the last boundaries."

In fact, she couldn't explain it to Yu Mo. This kind of thing was getting worse and worse. She had already experienced it behind her back, and this time she learned to behave.

No matter what Yu Mo thinks, let him think that way.

Looking at Gu Ziqing's reaction, Yu Mo subconsciously thought that his guess was right, and he really wanted to slap himself.

He not only bullied her in the past life, but also bullied her in this life.

"President Gu, your demonic fire must be because of me, can you show me what's going on first?" Yu Mo calmed down and said.

"Don't you want to watch the magic fire naked? Are you an exhibitionist?" Gu Ziqing said angrily.

Yu Mo was embarrassed, his face was red, and he said, "You wait a moment."

He quickly took out a set of clothes from the Qiankun bag and put it on. Seeing Gu Ziqing's back to him, motionless, he thought bitterly, didn't he see it earlier?

What is there to be shy about.

Oops, by the way, she looked all over me, but I didn't look at anything.

He stared at Gu Ziqing's tightly wrapped body, his eyes resentful.

"Hey, what are you looking at?" Gu Ziqing turned around suddenly, just in time to see Yu Mo's eyes, and growled angrily.

Yu Mo coughed dryly, hurriedly concealed his own thoughts, and said solemnly, "I didn't see anything."

Gu Ziqing glanced at him angrily, stretched out his hand, and said, "You must be clear about this demonic fire. I don't want a fire to pop out of my hand at any time."

As soon as the voice fell, the magic fire burst out from her palm again, and the fire was raging.

Yu Mo's face froze, he stared at the magic fire seriously, and studied it carefully.

He has practiced Fire Burning the Sky and is very familiar with Demon Fire.

Gu Ziqing's third-grade magic fire is exactly the same as his third-grade magic fire, and it has the same origin. He can be sure of this, which means that he really infected her.

In fact, the magic fire is not small, in addition to attack, tempering poison is also a big function.

It's just that the magic fire is a thing of the demon race, and it doesn't sound good.

"Did you see anything?" Gu Ziqing asked impatiently.

Yu Mo raised his head and stared at Gu Ziqing, Gu Ziqing's eyes were dodging, and he didn't dare to look at him.

"President Gu, don't you want to cultivate?" Yu Mo asked.

Hearing the words of President Gu, Gu Ziqing felt a bit of loss in her heart, but she didn't show it.

Gu Ziqing was attracted by cultivation and asked, "Are you willing to teach me?"

In Jiang Anshi, Yu Mo promised to come to Chang Heng to teach her the method of cultivation, but when he came to Chang Heng, Yu Mo was so busy that his feet didn't touch the ground, and Gu Ziqing was too embarrassed to ask.

Now that he took the initiative to mention it, her eyes lit up instantly.

She saw the power of practitioners, and she couldn't help but yearn for it.

If you are also a cultivator and have various magical powers, when you encounter a strong enemy in the future, you don't have to hide behind all the time, but you can go into battle to kill the enemy.

Before the change, Gu Ziqing did not respect violence. But with the appearance of the practitioner and the several dangers she encountered, her attitude gradually changed.

The intention to harm others is a must, and the heart to prevent others is indispensable. Besides, she must not become a burden. Although she does not respect violence, she must master it and make herself invincible.

The same is true for a gentleman who does not stand under a wall of danger.

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