Immortal Young Man on Campus

Chapter 924: Black Robe's Mission

The black-robed ancestor listened to the city lord's words and stood there dumbfounded.

In any case, he never imagined such an outcome.

The city lord even made him the new ghost king. He didn't have to think about it, he understood from the eyes of other ghost kings how incredible it was.

The meaning of the city owner is very clear, and he does not give him a chance to refuse at all.

Of course, the black-robed ancestor could also refuse, but his fate would definitely be miserable, worse than death.

Although the black-robed ancestor accepted his fate and waited to be executed, he really had a chance of life. Of course, he couldn't really accept his fate. He still wanted to live.

Besides, the black-robed ghost king is also a good choice.

From then on, he had the opportunity to witness Yu Mo's tragic end with his own eyes. When he thought of this, his blood boiled and he was very excited.


Without any hesitation, the old ancestor of the black robe slammed his head on the ground, expressing his submission, and expressing his loyalty: "Thanks for the grace of the city lord for not killing, from now on, the life of my black robe is yours, and there is no more in the world. The black-robed ancestor, only the black-robed ghost king."

The mayor nodded in satisfaction.

Other ghost kings have mixed feelings, either envy or resentment.

But there is no doubt that the strength of the black-robed ancestors is beyond doubt. Even if they are dissatisfied, there is nothing they can do.

"Black robe, I am full of ghosts in Fengdu, and only you are a living person. This is a precedent that I set for you. You must understand my good intentions." The city master said earnestly.

Everyone's spirits were lifted, and they heard the overtones from the words of the city lord.

Hei Pao is also a smart person, and he understands it, and respectfully said: "What's the city lord's order?"

"You get up first." The city lord said.

Hei Pao stood up, looked at the other ghost kings, sat on an equal footing, and did not lose his momentum.

Seeing his senseless aura, the ghost king was awe-inspiring, knowing that there would be another competitor in Fengdu in the future, but no one was afraid.

They are old ghost kings, so powerful, how could they be afraid of a new ghost king.

The city lord patted Hei Pao's shoulder and said earnestly, "You came from the outside world. You should know that Fengdu and the outside world are two separate worlds. You can come in, but we can't go out."

Heipao asked inexplicably, "Why? Is it because of his identity as a ghost cultivator?"

"Exactly." The city lord was very satisfied with Hei Robe's intelligence and said, "Actually, there is a space restriction between the two worlds, and they are isolated from each other. Ordinary people can't cross the space restriction. But there are exceptions. The space restriction of the two worlds in the world has weakened, so the soul fog of Fengdu can permeate the human world, but it is limited to a small place. But we ghost cultivators have no way to cross this space restriction."

"But we came in? Why is this?" Hei Pao asked curiously.

"Because, you have escaped the attack of the soul fog, which is equivalent to the supplement of the space restriction, but you are safe and sound under the attack of the soul fog, so you can reach Fengdu." The city owner explained patiently.

Hei Pao suddenly realized that he still had lingering fears about Soul Mist. With his cultivation, he had no chance of surviving in the face of Soul Mist alone.

He must rely on Zhou Tianxingdou to fight the soul fog.

Now, all his subordinates are dead, and there are no stars in this Fengdu world, so he has no way to cast the Zhou Tianxingdou Great Array, so he is really trapped in Fengdu.

Once he leaves Fengdu, he will die in the fog of souls.

"We cannot leave Fengdu because of our identity as ghost cultivators, but you are different. You are alive, and you still have a chance to leave Fengdu."

The city owner hit the nail on the head and pointed out the key.

Everyone froze in their hearts and looked at the black robe with envy. It turned out that the city owner took a fancy to his identity.

Hei Pao also suddenly realized, and quickly expressed his loyalty, saying: "City lord, don't worry, as long as you give an order, I will go through fire and water, and my black robe will not refuse."

The city lord nodded with satisfaction: "My order is very simple, you can find ways to completely open the passage between the two worlds."

Hei Pao's face stiffened, and he said, "City Lord, you are invincible, and you can't do it. How can I succeed with my strength?"

Black Robe is really not confident.

"No, I can't, but it's possible for you. You give you the ghost king token, you can travel between the two worlds, the soul fog will not hurt you, but you can't leave the scope of the soul fog. You are in Planning between the two worlds, trying every means to open up the passage between the two worlds." The city owner said.

Hei Pao knew only a little about Soul Mist, and when he heard that the Ghost King Token could avoid the attack of Soul Mist, he was overjoyed. As long as he had the Ghost King Token, wouldn't he be able to return to the world, leave Changheng Mountain, and get rid of Fengdu this time?

The city lord's eyes flickered, as if he saw through Hei Robe's careful thoughts, and said, "Since you received the Ghost King Token, you are a member of my Fengdu. Before the passage between the two realms is completely opened, even if you give up the Ghost King Token, you will not be able to. A way to get out of the range of Soul Mist."


The black robe was calm on the surface, but his heart was already mourning.

He seemed to have fallen from the clouds into the abyss.

The other ghost kings were also ghost spirits. They looked at Hei Robe jokingly, and knew his thoughts very well. They were happy to see his jokes.

Hei Robe took a deep breath, suppressed all the thoughts in his heart, and said, "Since I'm the ghost king in black robe, I should help solve problems for the city lord, and go through fire and water for Fengdu. But what is the soul fog, and why is it so strange?"

Hei Pao has been thinking about this problem, but scratching his head, he can't figure it out.

"Soul fog is something that comes out of the sea of ​​fog of nine ghosts. Soul fog is the fragments of the soul left behind after the souls of the remnants in the nine ghosts are scattered, forming soul fog. Soul fog will not only attack humans, but also our ghost repairers and ghosts. No exception. Unless there is a great supernatural power, there is no way to resist the soul fog."

The ghost kings looked in awe, and obviously had a deep understanding of the power of Soul Mist.

Hei Pao's heart moved, and he mobilized Zhou Tianxing to fight against the Soul Mist with the power of the stars. The power of the stars is very powerful, so it is not difficult to understand.

But how did Yu Mo and his companions fight against Soul Mist?

Hei Pao was puzzled and asked the question in his heart.

The city owner snorted coldly and said, "I also ignored this point at the beginning, but now it seems that there are too many doubts in that kid, and I only hate me for revenge.

Hei Pao smiled bitterly in disappointment, even the city lord didn't know how Yu Mo fought against Soul Mist, so he couldn't guess.

"That kid Yu Mo is really weird. The soul fog that everyone in the world is afraid of can't help him. I must find out how he did it." Hei Pao thought.

"City Lord, where is Jiuyou?" Hei Pao, like a curious baby, asked the truth.

The city owner said: "Jiuyou is the final destination of ghosts. At first, Jiuyou and Fengdu were connected. Later, in the battle of the Protoss, the two worlds were completely separated, and the space channel disappeared, but the soul fog came to Fengdu in the Jiuyou in that battle. , for the disaster of my Fengdu."

Hei Pao had more questions after listening to it. He wanted to ask again, but the city lord didn't give him a chance. He waved his hand and said, "When you make your achievements, I will naturally let you know more."

Hei Pao was knowledgeable and did not dare to ask again.

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